Should we be doing more with Rick Simpson Oil?


Well-Known Member
I already know how I feel about RSO and I think I'm jumping in head first taking half my next harvest and making some RSO so that I can determine for myself if that is the most effective way to get the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant into my body. I already have an understanding as to how potent oil extracts can be from my rather unpleasant experience with ingesting too much medicated butter and my few excursions into BHO.

All in all, I just want to find the best method of ingestion and I'm honestly getting tired of coughing phlegm up from inhaling burned plant matter. If RSO can produce a fantastic medicinal effect that doesn't require me to inhale the smoke and it lasts longer, then I'm on board my friends. I would love to hear from anybody that has made it or had any experience with ingesting RSO. It seems like a pretty darn handy way to ingest our favorite compounds :)
It is truly medicine. Get a very good scale and start with very small doses. A small non smoker I recc .02 per cap.
Myself ? Not small and high tolerance? .14 twice a normal day. Bad days more.
Of course this is all speculation as the COA ruled it illegal.
It is truly medicine. Get a very good scale and start with very small doses. A small non smoker I recc .02 per cap.
Myself ? Not small and high tolerance? .14 twice a normal day. Bad days more.
Of course this is all speculation as the COA ruled it illegal.

Nurse Nancy, I'm fortunately all too aware of the COA's misguided ruling on the definition of "usable marijuana", but we can work towards changing the public's perception of what medical marijuana is and how it positively contributes to the well being of the community as a whole. People are simply afraid of what they don't understand and it's our job as a community to break down this misunderstanding and begin to heal our communities. Through understanding we can produce reason, and with reason, all things are possible. We all know the argument against marijuana is tired as a 90 year old man after a long country crap on a hot summer day, so why why are people still buying the prohibitionist's snake oil?

Rather than seeing an issue from another person's point of view, so that we can gain perspective from another angle and potentially grow as a person, it's simply easier for us to deflect and downgrade all things that we feel are not to our liking; letting the truth be dammed in the process, further perpetuating the problem.

Moving on though, I would like to continue forward with my research on RSO in hopes that one day, RSO will be so widely available and known for it's health benefits that misinformation will one day be dead and truth will reign free. That is my mission; that is my purpose.

“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”

- Friedrich nietzsche
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There is nothing "reasonable" about the CoA's "opinion" here brother. If you extract the clock from your cars dashboard and put it on your wall, it's still a car part period. Empirical facts of the matter cannot be simply ignored to keep up this criminal prohibition game and protect their use of force which in turn keeps the clients rolling in. Reasonable people call this a conflict of interest, if not criminal. Furthermore, let's not forget that this "ruling" was extracted from a clear case of entrapment (LEO criminal actions: Fraud and Forgery) only to be simply publicly acknowledged years later as the Carruthers Appeal that they were "overseeing" was dropped. Yet this ruling still stands and has any legitimacy?!? You just cannot make this shit up ...

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There is nothing "reasonable" about the CoA's "opinion" here brother. If you extract the clock from your cars dashboard and put it on your wall, it's still a car part period. Empirical facts of the matter cannot be simply ignored to keep up this criminal prohibition game and protect their use of force which in turn keeps the clients rolling in. Reasonable people call this a conflict of interest, if not criminal. Furthermore, let's not forget that this "ruling" came from a clear case of entrapment only to be publicly acknowledged years later (Carruthers) that they were "overseeing". You just cannot make this shit up ...


Modern day tyranny and the embodiment of evil. Jesus Christ was right two thousand fourteen years ago; stand up to the tyranny and evil and you just might change the world and save your people, but in the process, the evil that wants to maintain control will take you down at all costs; truth and logic be dammed. (EDIT: BTW, this statement comes from a person who does not identify with christianity as a whole but identifies with the teachings of J.C. because he was a hip cat)
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Not really even sure what this thread is about.
My feelings about rso aside.
It sounds like you want to ingest it straight up? That's very inefficient.
Just saying. You need a carrier, coconut oil is best
Not really even sure what this thread is about.
My feelings about rso aside.
It sounds like you want to ingest it straight up? That's very inefficient.
Just saying. You need a carrier, coconut oil is best

This thread is about RSO and the most effective way to utilize it for the most efficient medicinal effect. Perhaps I should have just titled it that way...

If you would, please explain your experience with RSO and how you think the delivery system could be better? I'm aware that coconut oil is the best bonding agent for the cannabinoids, but I keep seeing these videos of folks just eating the raw oil. So you're telling me that you have first hand experience that the raw ingestion method is ineffective? That would contradict the experiences I have read about so far regarding the potency of RSO which is supposed to be extremely potent. I'm told that any more consumption of the oil larger than the size of a grain of rice would nearly incapacitate you. Are you saying that further processing the RSO by bonding it to an oil such as coconut oil would achieve a greater result? If the RSO were as strong as I've heard elsewhere, then your idea of cutting the raw oil with coconut oil to make it more bio available for absorption in the stomach would also produce a larger yield, but would that yield maintain the level of potency that the raw oil had without the additional process of bonding.

I would love to hear more from you about your first hand experience with RSO since I have never been able to directly ask questions about RSO to somebody that has processed and used it (I'm kind of a shut-in, I know).
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I've run the Rick Simpson Oil program, that's 70-90 days at a gram per day. It's a tough feat one way or another and increased efficiency (coconut oil) would be unwelcome by most. Here is where utilizing CBD strains as source material may become critical, as it's the only means of which most could consume/tolerate such doses for months at a time. The costs of either are yet just another hurtle to consider ...
I've run the Rick Simpson Oil program, that's 70-90 days at a gram per day. It's a tough feat one way or another and increased efficiency (coconut oil) would be unwelcome by most. Here is where utilizing CBD strains as source material may become critical, as it's the only means of which most could consume/tolerate such doses for months at a time. The costs of either are yet just another hurtle to consider ...

That's some great stuff there TM. From what I gathered, you're saying that was some potent shit, right? Which is exactly what I've been told by others with "first hand experience", which leads me to believe what I've been hearing is the truth (won't know for myself until I do it though eh?). If it was that potent, then coconut oil would thereby reduce the concentration of the oil thereby producing a larger yield and a more pleasant (i.e. not so intense) high, right? So if you wanted to calm down the effect a little bit and produce a slightly more mild effect, RSO could use a little coconut oil as a reducer, right? After all, if it's too strong for the end user to use then it's no use at all.

I plan to contact Rick Simpson directly tomorrow to get some insight on his experience and progress in his research. Why not go straight to the horse's mouth eh? I plan to report back exactly what Mr. Simpson and I discuss permitting he is chill with that.
It is truly medicine. Get a very good scale and start with very small doses. A small non smoker I recc .02 per cap.
Myself ? Not small and high tolerance? .14 twice a normal day. Bad days more.
Of course this is all speculation as the COA ruled it illegal.

I love "speculation" :). Thanks N/N!
That's some great stuff there TM. From what I gathered, you're saying that was some potent shit, right? Which is exactly what I've been told by others with "first hand experience", which leads me to believe what I've been hearing is the truth (won't know for myself until I do it though eh?). If it was that potent, then coconut oil would thereby reduce the concentration of the oil thereby producing a larger yield and a more pleasant (i.e. not so intense) high, right? So if you wanted to calm down the effect a little bit and produce a slightly more mild effect, RSO could use a little coconut oil as a reducer, right? After all, if it's too strong for the end user to use then it's no use at all.

I plan to contact Rick Simpson directly tomorrow to get some insight on his experience and progress in his research. Why not go straight to the horse's mouth eh? I plan to report back exactly what Mr. Simpson and I discuss permitting he is chill with that.

Yes, what I used was extremely potent as the source we used was Gorilla Glue #4. I had taken (3) .33 gram capsules per day: Morning, Afternoon and Bed time. As for coconut oil, that would be in addition to the gram of RSO at whatever ratio you may choose. Now using coconut oil with a CBD base RSO, I honestly don't know ...
Yes, what I used was extremely potent as the source we used was Gorilla Glue #4. I had taken (3) .33 gram capsules per day: Morning, Afternoon and Bed time. As for coconut oil, that would be in addition to the gram of RSO at whatever ratio you may choose. Now using coconut oil with a CBD base RSO, I honestly don't know ...

What ratio did you choose, if any?
So would you just mix the coconut oil with RSO and ingest it like that or is the coconut oil incorporated somehow into the process of making RSO?
So would you just mix the coconut oil with RSO and ingest it like that or is the coconut oil incorporated somehow into the process of making RSO?
It is added after the fact. I've seen folks use RSO as a painkiller alternative at the levels Nurse Nancy suggested earlier (.02 - .14 doses). Here you would inject say .10 into a capsule from an RSO syringe and then fill the other two thirds up with coconut oil. It is a volume of coconut oil to weight of RSO ratio in the end.
You mix the two together CC oil (Coconut Oil) and RSO and put it in a capsule which will allow it to reach your stomach and be fully released when it will then be digested and distributed through out the body.