interesting factoids from 2012


Give it some time the truth will set them free. Not all of the IRS officials want to go to jail so now we wait for the canary to sing.

I find it very interesting that the IRS claimed the backups were gone until a judge got involved. Now there may be a backup lying around somewhere... Lulz!!!
it's not theft when you willingly sign the W4 cupcake.

Leaving pieces of the equation out and attempting to solve the problem without considering all of the elements will not yield the correct answer.

If you willingly eat the food they provide you in a jail, it doesn't mean you deserve to be in the jail or have committed an act that constitutes a "real crime".

The W4 arises from a coercive threat levied against people.
are you really comparing scrutiny to 501c4 groups to the holocaust of the jews?

you are fucking retarded. get some perspective.

Are you really apologizing for people that use the excuse, "just doing my job" when the doing of the job involves fucking with people that haven't fucked with them? Why yes you are.....rapist.
I have never signed a W-anyfuckingthing..........willingly. I do it, so as not to be sanctioned by extortionists with laser-sighted sniper rifles.
Uncle W4 is allergic to work, so once again he champions something that has no effect on him. Once again, championing RIGHTS without any RESPONSIBILITY.
I find it very interesting that the IRS claimed the backups were gone until a judge got involved. Now there may be a backup lying around somewhere... Lulz!!!

I find it very interesting also. This is a very big deal, kinda like what Joe said about health care. The cover up could be bigger than watergate. It may have put the wrong guy in the white house thats how big it could be in my opinion.
I find it very interesting also. This is a very big deal, kinda like what Joe said about health care. The cover up could be bigger than watergate. It may have put the wrong guy in the white house thats how big it could be in my opinion.

I saw Glen Beck on Fox News the other day. I have not paid any attention to Beck since before he got kicked off the network for low ratings...

He was talking about Barak Obama. Previously when I had heard him he had charts and graphs of Obama's associations and conspiracy theories, etc.

Now he is just like.. Eh... Obama. Forgiven the guy, have to deal with him but pretty much dont care. And it really surprised me.

Here is the real deal though. Obama is in for the next 2 years. He has been in for the last 6 years. It is what it is now. A coverup might affect future administrations but they have gotten the issues pushed too far down the road for Impeachment or any other punishment to really be an option at this point. I am kinda over Obama, I think he is a lame duck and whatever chaos he might be able to cause in the last 2 years will be able to be overturned by the next president. And the farther left he goes the more likely the next president elected will not be a Democrat although the Republican lineup sucks IMO.
I saw Glen Beck on Fox News the other day. I have not paid any attention to Beck since before he got kicked off the network for low ratings...

He was talking about Barak Obama. Previously when I had heard him he had charts and graphs of Obama's associations and conspiracy theories, etc.

Now he is just like.. Eh... Obama. Forgiven the guy, have to deal with him but pretty much dont care. And it really surprised me.

Here is the real deal though. Obama is in for the next 2 years. He has been in for the last 6 years. It is what it is now. A coverup might affect future administrations but they have gotten the issues pushed too far down the road for Impeachment or any other punishment to really be an option at this point. I am kinda over Obama, I think he is a lame duck and whatever chaos he might be able to cause in the last 2 years will be able to be overturned by the next president. And the farther left he goes the more likely the next president elected will not be a Democrat although the Republican lineup sucks IMO.

I couldn't of said that better my self. It will be a long two years, but thats OK I don't want time to go by any faster than it does.
I saw Glen Beck on Fox News the other day. I have not paid any attention to Beck since before he got kicked off the network for low ratings...

He was talking about Barak Obama. Previously when I had heard him he had charts and graphs of Obama's associations and conspiracy theories, etc.

Now he is just like.. Eh... Obama. Forgiven the guy, have to deal with him but pretty much dont care. And it really surprised me.

Yeah he went from "where's my missiles" to "not one more"... Maybe he's trying to pick up a new demographic because his ratings tanked.
Yeah he went from "where's my missiles" to "not one more"... Maybe he's trying to pick up a new demographic because his ratings tanked.

There comes a time when you just have to move on. I was with the truthers until Obama took the oath of office. Once that was done it really didnt matter whether he was a citizen or not at that point and it was time to move on. At this point in his 2nd term he is a lame duck. It would take too long to impeach him even when the Senate goes to the Republicans.

Nobody on either side is small government so we can expect a variation of the same shit going forward for 4-8 more years anyway.

Give it some time the truth will set them free. Not all of the IRS officials want to go to jail so now we wait for the canary to sing.

oh great.

another meaningless and vague prediction from a retarded righty with a history of horrible predictions.

thanks for nothing.
oh great.

another meaningless and vague prediction from a retarded righty with a history of horrible predictions.

thanks for nothing.


You can thank me later. For now we just wait and see who starts singing.

I predicted that BarryO was a piece of shit and it ended up being true.
i'm still waiting for your romney landslide prediction to come true.


You are mistaken , that was Billy's Dick that did that prediction I just posted it and told you in that post that it was not my opinion so fucking get it right and quit acting like an idiot.

You are mistaken , that was Billy's Dick that did that prediction I just posted it and told you in that post that it was not my opinion so fucking get it right and quit acting like an idiot.

is that why you thought his prediction of flipping oregon had some merit?


Hey Uncle Buck.....

Whats up with Oregon starting to turn a different color blue.....I haven't seen that before....I am from oregon and things seem different now...IMO

only off by a full 12+ points.,_2012

is that why you thought his prediction of flipping oregon had some merit?


only off by a full 12+ points.,_2012



The news networks had oregon a different color blue I didn't have anything to do with what the news people decided to use for a color. I just reported the facts at the time it was being reported. BarryO should just tell people like you that he won again so you wont keep reliving the election over and over again. Savor the moments, the end is near.
keep making predictions and maybe, just maybe, one of them will come true.

so far you are zero for everything.

I predict that the Dems will lose the senate this November. Lets see if that one sticks, good luck.

looks like someone finally got wise to accurate predictions from real polling experts, instead of the hacks and douches like dick morris.

who taught you that lesson?
