I saw Glen Beck on Fox News the other day. I have not paid any attention to Beck since before he got kicked off the network for low ratings...
He was talking about Barak Obama. Previously when I had heard him he had charts and graphs of Obama's associations and conspiracy theories, etc.
Now he is just like.. Eh... Obama. Forgiven the guy, have to deal with him but pretty much dont care. And it really surprised me.
Here is the real deal though. Obama is in for the next 2 years. He has been in for the last 6 years. It is what it is now. A coverup might affect future administrations but they have gotten the issues pushed too far down the road for Impeachment or any other punishment to really be an option at this point. I am kinda over Obama, I think he is a lame duck and whatever chaos he might be able to cause in the last 2 years will be able to be overturned by the next president. And the farther left he goes the more likely the next president elected will not be a Democrat although the Republican lineup sucks IMO.