interesting factoids from 2012

looks like someone finally got wise to accurate predictions from real polling experts, instead of the hacks and douches like dick morris.

who taught you that lesson?



The only lesson I learned is from the new Democratic play book. And that is you use the power of the government to get reelected. I wouldn't of thought of that so lesson learned.

The only lesson I learned is from the new Democratic play book. And that is you use the power of the government to get reelected. I wouldn't of thought of that so lesson learned.

and the best evidence you have of this latest retarded theory is someone saying "i don't know".

how's the mudshark doing?
speaking of "fucking a sure thing", how is life on the boat with the group of insecure heterosexual men going?


There doing a lot better than you are. And I just sent my new boat captain out to sea for his first trip with the boat. He sent me a text a little bit ago and he has the boat half full on day one. Thats about 15k for his first day. Its like an american dream come true.
lol, you're cute.

totally not racist.
sounds like he got more work done without you there to pester, harass, and hit on him.


I made 15 trips sense april training him until I thought he was ready. So I am sure he was tired of me being there and looking over his every move. But it takes time to share 35 years worth of knowledge. And now it's time to have some fun. I shut down my grow OP a few months back so we can go places and do stuff.

As far as BarryO can move back to Kenya. Thats not racist that would be the right thing for him to do out of embarrassment.

I made 15 trips sense april training him until I thought he was ready. So I am sure he was tired of me being there and looking over his every move. But it takes time to share 35 years worth of knowledge. And now it's time to have some fun. I shut down my grow OP a few months back so we can go places and do stuff.

sounds like you spent a lot of time drilling into him all of your moves.

As far as BarryO can move back to Kenya. Thats not racist that would be the right thing for him to do out of embarrassment.

that's a very racist statement actually.