Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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I'm cool gee life is ment to be lived on all continents that's life
try arizona...

you're obviously a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. Navigating a web page must not be your strong suite
sorry dude, check the post times, i bet they're like close, too close. either that, or you have a special browser, that identifies it's user as a certain type of person, and points you very quickly to pictures, that support your bigoted views lol.. cracker!
try arizona...

I have I lived in Prescott n sent a skin head to the hospital broke his wind pipe two against one Lolz I also roomed in a half way house with skin heads I beat the shit out of one the other became a good friend of mine he past away Codie was his name big fucken white boy corn fed like a mother fucker twice my size, a black man shot him dead I can swing all ways but let life live!!! And concor no one but your own Demond's.. I'm gona tell you his story he came up to my room n there were plenty of skin heads it was me and another fool from l.a down stairs he wasn't shure about me I wasn't shure about him? I gave him sheets a jacket as if he was my cellie in prison his boys wear just catching cases we became good friend a few holidays passed I spent them with him playing spades n eating cooking having fun but he paroled for burning a cross on a black dudes lawn.. Little did I ever know or he know that he would run into this man years later again they ran into each other the man shot him dead I later heard he past away I was we'll and had rehabilitated I was asked to go to his funeral but I rather remember him putting his cock on new guys shoulderS while playing spades and winter Christmas was on us ill miss him ill find the link of his death FUCKEN CODIE HE LOVED TO PULL HIS COCK OUT FOR NO DAM GOOD REASON ILL MISS THAT FUCKEN SKIN HEAD!!!!! i'd like to tell him i miss that fucker he told me that he had never in his life think he would be kicking it with this mexican lolz good people he was changing to bad to bad man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hear is the link this is only a .001 percent of what i have encounterd ill write a book one day it will fucken blow your wig off..
Google News

The Daily Courier VALLEY The Chino Valley man authorities arrested in connection with the shooting death of Daniel Cody Burnett pleaded not guilty to the ... between Barnett's death and his admit ted participation in a cross burning last year
In developed countries, the level of functional literacy of an individual is proportional to income level and risk of committing crime. For example, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics in the United States:

  • Over 60% of adults in the US prison system read at or below the fourth grade level
  • 85% of US juvenile inmates are functionally illiterate
  • 43% of adults at the lowest level of literacy lived below the poverty line, as opposed to 4% of those with the highest levels of literacy.

There's no pigeonholing you...
hahah you got that right fucker about illeteratecy but thats not holding me back from your old lady getting piped or getting deap thoated.. i bet my boy codie love to do that too i wish he was around to put his cock on your shoulder
i should get myself tested after sleeping with your mom shit i might just be infested with every fucken dezese known to man kind and animal kinda aswell lolz she also wears a dog suit too in bed does that run in the family???
On your level? You got locked up. In other words mommy and daddy (society) sent you to your room (prison)
this is sex with your mom for me!!!
the only thing your moms realy ment to say forget aBOUT THE GROWING GAME!!!, AND GET A REAL JOB!!!!
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