Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Well-Known Member
Just because it didn't make the 9/11 commission cover up doesn't mean it didn't happen
Is this the one where America causes a billion dollars in property damage and kills 3000+ people in a wag the dog scenario so we could attack Iraq and Afganistan?? I love fairy tales!!


Well-Known Member
You've never heard of the State Dept. and you're American... and you claim i failed?

You didn't mention the State Dept, just something called So, yeah, you failed. And add one more FAIL for trying to change your statement after the fact. Like I said, you like to argue, but you're not very good at it.


Well-Known Member
So now we are down to the crux of the issue. You are unhappy that the Palestinians cannot and/or do not kill more Israelis on paper...

What a guy you are!!
Is that what I said? Nope.The point was obviously lost on a dumbass like yourself.

I can't expect you to understand, the US is better at bombing kids than Israel ever was


Well-Known Member
Is that what I said? Nope.The point was obviously lost on a dumbass like yourself.

I can't expect you to understand, the US is better at bombing kids than Israel ever was
If those kids are firing rockets in an attempt to kill people you are right we are damn good at bombing them...


Well-Known Member
Is this the one where America causes a billion dollars in property damage and kills 3000+ people in a wag the dog scenario so we could attack Iraq and Afganistan?? I love fairy tales!!
No it's where the saudis play you like bitches then you cover up their attack on your country for them


Well-Known Member
You didn't mention the State Dept, just something called So, yeah, you failed. And add one more FAIL for trying to change your statement after the fact. Like I said, you like to argue, but you're not very good at it. is a website. You know accessed from the computer you're on...

Please show me where i changed my argument.


Well-Known Member
You claimed I never heard of the STATE DEPT, not
That's what i said. Do you suffer from dementia or something?

You didn't mention the State Dept, just something called So, yeah, you failed. And add one more FAIL for trying to change your statement after the fact. Like I said, you like to argue, but you're not very good at it.
Changing your story again old man? Make sure you add the fail for changing your statement.


Well-Known Member
That's what i said. Do you suffer from dementia or something?

Changing your story again old man? Make sure you add the fail for changing your statement.
Your logic makes it obvious how you can side with Palestine shelling Israeli children...


Well-Known Member
Your logic makes it obvious how you can side with Palestine shelling Israeli children...
You mean Hamas and its aligned organisations shelling Israel? Just had to clarify as the American people don't drone innocent children, your government does.


Well-Known Member
Hamas and the civilian Palestinian population are two different entities.
The civilian Palestinian population voted Hamas as it's government. They are complicit by their vote.

That means most of them are in favor of the complete annihilation of Israel.


Well-Known Member
The civilian Palestinian population voted Hamas as it's government. They are complicit by their vote.
America voted in Bush and Obama twice, does that make you an accessory to the kill count they've amassed?

By your logic then, you're also responsible for the abuses at abu ghraib, the cover up that led us into Iraq v2 and and every innocent child killed by American Drones.

How about all the suffering administrations before you have caused by fucking around with the politics of countries that don't concern them?

And lets not forget the lovely gift you left the people of japan.


Well-Known Member
America voted in Bush and Obama twice, does that make you an accessory to the kill count they've amassed?

By your logic then, you're also responsible for the abuses at abu ghraib, the cover up that led us into Iraq v2 and and every innocent child killed by American Drones.

How about all the suffering administrations before you have caused by fucking around with the politics of countries that don't concern them?

And lets not forget the lovely gift you left the people of japan.
How far do you want to drag this discussion off topic to serve your agenda?

None of it matters.

Israel has the right to survive and defend itself. For some reason you seem to think that the development of land gives the Palestinians the right and duty to attack Israel.

My position is that until Hamas/Palestine stops attacking Israel then there can be no discussion. I am to the point that if Israel chose to forcibly relocate every Arab out of the region I would not be against it.