interesting factoids from 2012

the IRS gave extra scrutiny to all sorts of groups, from progressive groups to pot legalization groups to tea party groups, all at the behest of a "conservative republican" IRS staffer.

i am OK with that, since that is their job.

Hey Drunkle Buck...The Nuremberg excusers* called and said they were just doing their job.when they fried all those jews

* The Nuremberg excuse was the rationale that the Nazi used to try to deflect any personal responsibility during the Nuremberg war crime trials.
the IRS gave extra scrutiny to all sorts of groups, from progressive groups to pot legalization groups to tea party groups, all at the behest of a "conservative republican" IRS staffer.

i am OK with that, since that is their job.


This conservative staffer more than likely can still find his emails? I am talking about the liberal democratic bitch that took the fifth and lost her emails along with the rest of her liberal democratic buddies that lost theirs and helped the democratic party fuck half of america to get that piece of shit reelected. Are you OK with that kind of government power getting into politics?
All things "run better" when the participants individually consent to it. That's not the case in your example.

Without the consent of the individuals involved, your "healthcare" plan must use the same tactic as the military....force.

What you do with the proceeds of the theft, even if it is arguably a "good thing" cannot erase the force used to achieve it.

Freedom....learn about it.

it's not theft when you willingly sign the W4 cupcake.
Hey Drunkle Buck...The Nuremberg excusers* called and said they were just doing their job.when they fried all those jews

* The Nuremberg excuse was the rationale that the Nazi used to try to deflect any personal responsibility during the Nuremberg war crime trials.

are you really comparing scrutiny to 501c4 groups to the holocaust of the jews?

you are fucking retarded. get some perspective.

This conservative staffer more than likely can still find his emails? I am talking about the liberal democratic bitch that took the fifth and lost her emails along with the rest of her liberal democratic buddies that lost theirs and helped the democratic party fuck half of america to get that piece of shit reelected. Are you OK with that kind of government power getting into politics?

so even though this started admittedly by a conservative republican and gave scrutiny to groups all over the spectrum, you are going with the decision to be irrationally angry over zero evidence whatsoever.

good luck with that. i'm sure that makes sense to an unhinged racist republican.
so even though this started admittedly by a conservative republican and gave scrutiny to groups all over the spectrum, you are going with the decision to be irrationally angry over zero evidence whatsoever.

good luck with that. i'm sure that makes sense to an unhinged racist republican.


I don't know about some conservative staffer. All I know is what we are finding out about the bitch that took the fifth. The conservative guy was more than likely doing the right thing. It's the out of control liberal democratic people that are hopefully on there way to jail.
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I don'r know about some conservative staffer. All I know is what we are finding out about the bitch that took the fifth. The conservative guy was more than likely doing the right thing. It's the out of control liberal democratic people that are hopefully on there way to jail.

Louis Lerner will end up dead by suicide before she testifies or goes to jail. There are too many careers riding on the line all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania ave....
Louis Lerner will end up dead by suicide before she testifies or goes to jail. There are too many careers riding on the line all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania ave....

I believe that also. The look on her face is telling. I think there will be more info that will surface and when they connect the dots. Six hard drives are missing and maybe more. That alone is a crime. The Dems are rewriting the play book for getting elected at any cost to the country.
I believe that also. The look on her face is telling. I think there will be more info that will surface and when they connect the dots. Six hard drives are missing and maybe more. That alone is a crime. The Dems are rewriting the play book for getting elected at any cost to the country.

as do the GOP. both criminal organizations operating within the Federal Tax Farm Syndicate.
I believe that also. The look on her face is telling. I think there will be more info that will surface and when they connect the dots. Six hard drives are missing and maybe more. That alone is a crime. The Dems are rewriting the play book for getting elected at any cost to the country.

LOL!!! With the immigration invasion the Dem's are shredding the playbook and simultaneously lighting it on fire and trying to flush it down the toilet while taking a crap on the American people.

Government stopped being for the "American" people quite some time ago.
LOL!!! With the immigration invasion the Dem's are shredding the playbook and simultaneously lighting it on fire and trying to flush it down the toilet while taking a crap on the American people.

Government stopped being for the "American" people quite some time ago.

November 22........1963
BarryO says there is not a smidgen of evidence and Buck says there is zero evidence. I don't think there is a fifth grader on the planet that would agree with either one of them. This next election should be very interesting this November.
BarryO says there is not a smidgen of evidence and Buck says there is zero evidence. I don't think there is a fifth grader on the planet that would agree with either one of them. This next election should be very interesting this November.

Shillary for 8

"Mom" will dry our tears.................

the last one we elected, got a flip-top lid in Dallas. every one one of them since has been.......
lbj kill that man.jpg
with a different pinata costume.

the Republic is fallen. long time
Shillary for 8

"Mom" will dry our tears.................

the last one we elected, got a flip-top lid in Dallas. every one one of them since has been.......
View attachment 3209128
with a different pinata costume.

the Republic is fallen. long time

I dont think Hillary is going to run or at least go the distance. The Democrats pull this on a regular basis. They put up a front runner to take all the attacks and then when the time comes they put someone else up as a contender. That way a lot of political money is wasted on someone not running.
I dont think Hillary is going to run or at least go the distance. The Democrats pull this on a regular basis. They put up a front runner to take all the attacks and then when the time comes they put someone else up as a contender. That way a lot of political money is wasted on someone not running.

I agree about Hillary maybe not running. She looks worn out and used up. This November could be historical, all we can do is vote.
hence the image.

here's another. birds of a feather and all that.


Still stalking me? Faggot !!
so even though this started admittedly by a conservative republican and gave scrutiny to groups all over the spectrum, you are going with the decision to be irrationally angry over zero evidence whatsoever.

good luck with that. i'm sure that makes sense to an unhinged racist republican.


NEWS OUT .. Read it and weep.

I wouldn't hold your breath about zero evidence there Buck. There will not be a good ending for this out of control democratic IRS official.
your smoking gun is someone saying "i don't know"?

wow, you guys are even more desperate and retarded than i gave you credit for.


Give it some time the truth will set them free. Not all of the IRS officials want to go to jail so now we wait for the canary to sing.