Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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No, you just have success envy.

No ttystikk actually brings up a very valid point. The Israel lobby is but a drop in the ocean compared to the influence wielded by the christian zionist lobby. It comes down to the shared belief of the end times and rapture as described in revelations. This ideology is pervasive among republican senators and Bush II was a big supporter during his tenure in the oval office.

Assessment of the Israel lobby in America has been a recurrent topic in academic literature
from a broad variety of political viewpoints. However the focus has been upon the Jewish
lobby and organisations such as AIPAC. Little attention has been paid to the larger Christian
Zionist lobby, which often provides stronger and much more determined support for Israel.
This paper seeks to provide an understanding of American Christian Zionism through an
analysis of the beliefs and political effect of two key organisations, Christians United for
Israel and Christian Friends of Israeli Communities.
You said Muslims, you idiot. You said all Muslims are not Jehadist.

I say they most certainly are. And I ask all Muslims when I get a chance, including here on RIU. I will ask you.

Do you reject Jihad?

Do you reject total world Islam and no other Religions allowed?

No Muslim can reject that for it is Blaspheme to do so.
Do you know the true meaning of Jihad ? or do you think it means to just kill ?
If you have no money you think the rest of us didn't earn it.

Success envy, Freud. boo hoo hoo whaaaaaaaaa
1. Spend our treasury at will on this any any other war

2. Disseminate propaganda through the bought and paid for 'national news media'

3. Sucker Americans from lesser economic strata to go be their cannon fodder

see this entire thing of Blood is on their hands is a Badge of Honor for Jihad.

They don't think like the puked out, Metro-sexual, World Yout Zombies.

They want Blood on their Hands. So, don't say that, like it is the Moral High ground.

I have asked and asked.

You have not.

You cannot get a Muslim to reject violence in the name of Islam.

Try it, how about, before you talk with your ass?
see this entire thing of Blood is on their hands is a Badge of Honor for Jihad.

They don't think like the puked out, Metro-sexual, World Yout Zombies.

They want Blood on their Hands. So, don't say that, like it is the Moral High ground.
How long have you lived/visited a Muslim nation and which was it.
you are as dumb as dirt on this subject

We have been fighting this Jihad since Tomas Jefferson decided to buy a Navy instead of paying ransom for men and taken trading ships in the Med.
"You are as dumb as dirt" isn't a counterpoint to the argument i'm making.

I also find dubious your claim of asking muslim you meet if they support jihad. How could you live to tell the tale if every muslim was a terrorist? Do you see where i'm going with this...

Through your own experience you can see that not all Muslims are jihadists or even sympathise with the jihadist cause. How can they? Jihadists have killed more Muslims than "Jews and crusaders" combined...
are you calling BS on me ???

Yes, brother, since you have never asked a Muslim about this and I have asked many.

I ask them all, when I get a chance. You tell me you are a Muslim? I ask you if your religion allows other religions or it is the aim of Islam to have Allah's will, only.

You can do that, you see for yourself.
Muslims are everywhere.

How slippery you guys are about your close held propaganda that this is simply a religion like all others.

Muslims do not see it that way.
Through your own experience you can see that not all Muslims are jihadists or even sympathise with the jihadist cause. How can they? Jihadists have killed more Muslims than "Jews and crusaders" combined...

All Sunni sympathize with wiping out all other religions.

And the Moderate Sunni are wiped out by the Rabid, as if they were dogs.

Jihad is not just a killing machine. That is simply the outcome.

Jihad is conquest. Inner Jihad is conquest from within that is happening to France for example.
I report on what I do. You can choke on it.
The only thing you've reported is your underlying ignorance on the subject.

You've got mass shootings in the US on a weekly basis, mostly perpetrated by US citizens who are not Muslim, but rather deranged individuals in need of psychiatric treatment. You've got a growing number of anarchist groups who should be of equal if not more concern to citizens and authorities than jihadists.
Yes, brother, since you have never asked a Muslim about this and I have asked many.

I ask them all, when I get a chance. You tell me you are a Muslim? I ask you if your religion allows other religions or it is the aim of Islam to have Allah's will, only.

You can do that, you see for yourself.
Let me start out this way first. You are clueless to who I ask what..or what have I been taught.
My point is on Jihad and not all Muslim believe that Jihad is about violence. again it will depend on who you ask.
You never answered the question about which Muslim nation you visited or lived in. I mean where did you do all this asking ? I hope it was not with the Nation of Islam.

You are just making that up. I have asked and you have not.

You have a comfortable belief. Good job.
And why do you think my experiences in Jakarta or Koala Lumpur are any different than the Afgan community in Fremont, CA.

What the fuck does this "Muslim country" side show have to do with me interviewing Muslims, gently about this where ever in the world I travel?

They act peaceful and say the world will be more peaceful when there is only Islam.

Even my Pastun friend at FBI will say that.
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