World War 3?


Well-Known Member
it seems obvious that "TPTB" are constantly engaging in manipulations and counter manipulations, vying for control of various resources, not least of which is the majority of humanity itself. Humans are an important resource for the elite.
But that has never changed since the beginning of societies. There is nothing new here.

What was once beautiful about the constitution was that it was a document who's original intent was to limit the power of the government and giving most of the freedom to the people. Even the founders knew it would be corrupted because they were students of history and realized that power simply corrupts. It grows and grows until it causes the society to collapse. Sometime in the future a collapse will happen. The government is becoming too cumbersome and unwieldy. In 4 years we won world war II. In 6 years the government could not complete an internet website for healthcare.


Well-Known Member
I think it's not impossible that the definition of "world war" can, and perhaps has, already changed... just as with the reasonable observation that "cold war" can evolve to mean something different than how we once defined it.
I am not really comfortable with that. To change the meaning of world war is to re-define what has come previously. If what we are fighting is different than a world war we should call it something different.

The last world war was fought over resources at least in the pacific theater.

Both China & Russia have plenty of resources that are yet undeveloped.


Well-Known Member
I heard someone say something on the news today or yesterday. I am not sure who said it but it was.

Putin is afraid of America. It is Obama that he is not afraid of.

Which I found particularly interesting.


Well-Known Member
I am not really comfortable with that. To change the meaning of world war is to re-define what has come previously. If what we are fighting is different than a world war we should call it something different.

The last world war was fought over resources at least in the pacific theater.

Both China & Russia have plenty of resources that are yet undeveloped.
Well, are "they" not notorious for being history revisionists?

And isn't that changing of definitions exactly one of the important things Orwell warned us about?

And if you look around at "the language," can you not already see that it has shifted drastically in a relatively short time?

If they want to reap the benefits of sowing a "world war," but without creating a panic with the term "world war," then they would just call it something different... or disguise it as something entirely different, and not "call it" anything at all.


Well-Known Member
I just want you all to know I can just feel all the love in the room :]

And by love I mean about 90 mg of chocolate !!

Who wants to sing kumbaya??


Well-Known Member
I heard someone say something on the news today or yesterday. I am not sure who said it but it was.

Putin is afraid of America. It is Obama that he is not afraid of.

Which I found particularly interesting.
Why the fuck would any nation be "afraid" of the U.S.?

At most, we'll drop some bombs, but when it comes down to it, this nation is a bunch of pussies that lacks the guts to bend anybody to our will by force, and this has been PROVEN, time, and time again in:

Viet Nam

NOBODY is afraid of this clusterfuck of a limp-wristed nation.

The only thing we're good at is wasting resources and sending half trained poorly motivated young men off to get killed by third world savages at the behest of corrupt politicians and apathetic citizens.


Well-Known Member
Why the fuck would any nation be "afraid" of the U.S.?

At most, we'll drop some bombs, but when it comes down to it, this nation is a bunch of pussies that lacks the guts to bend anybody to our will by force, and this has been PROVEN, time, and time again in:

Viet Nam

NOBODY is afraid of this clusterfuck of a limp-wristed nation.

The only thing we're good at is wasting resources and sending half trained poorly motivated young men off to get killed by third world savages at the behest of corrupt politicians and apathetic citizens.
Maybe it's the Banksters and the propaganda machine? Those two forces combined, could convince most of the world to hate Russia...

Perhaps it's the business implications inherent in the ability of the Banksters and the propaganda machine, to exaggerate and inflate the risk of "doing business with Russia," to the point where "you'd have to be crazy to do business with Russia." That could be devastating, even without bombs and soldiers.

I wonder if Russians think of us, in any similar way to how i think of them... "those guys are extreme! don't mess with Russians..."

I certainly do have respect for their stereotypical extremeness, even if it's "merely a stereotype."

And i've definitely seen some Americans who seem to embody a similar brand of focused extremeness.

edit: plus, their vocal traits and accents sound cool when they speak English.


Well-Known Member
In 4 years we won world war II. In 6 years the government could not complete an internet website for healthcare.

Like those are equal...

In 4 years we almost lost WW2, and in 4 months we almost put together a sign up website.

To lie and say they were working on the website for 6 years is typical.


Well-Known Member
The United States is 17 trillion in debt... Not profitable to the state nor the individual citizen.
No. 2/3 is money we loan ourselves.

And even then the debt is not that big compared to GDP.

You are a lost partisan, like the rest. You may as well be Buck.