Got Ghosts?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You know, I get those in pics turns out to be my hair in front of the lens.

These are photos of my brother and his daughter. It was OFCOURSE around Christmas. The reason I say that is because around the holidays is when we catch the more active ones. I'm sure alot of others have caught some family member or friend making a holiday visit. :)

These were taken the same time as the cat photos..if you didn't see them you better check them out. This must be the same spirit that was messing with the cat..unless there were more than one at the time.

I blacked their faces out since this is RIU.


Well-Known Member
You know, I get those in pics turns out to be my hair in front of the lens.
My digital camera has a HUGE screen on it so it's never near my face when i'm snap the picture. I hold my camera as far as possible from my face so i know it isn't that. You can see tiny orbs on the carpet next to them. That's ENEGRY in these pictures.

Explain the cat one to me. The cat was kicking and attacking the can see the energy reflecting off the cat's eye. Ever had a hair do that?
Seriously why is it so hard for you to believe?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm not dissing you....I just told you what it was in my photos. I don't disbelieve, I just think it's important when we get these kind of pics to rule every other possibility out.:peace:
My digital camera has a HUGE screen on it so it's never near my face when i'm snap the picture. I hold my camera as far as possible from my face so i know it isn't that. You can see tiny orbs on the carpet next to them. That's ENEGRY in these pictures.

Explain the cat one to me. The cat was kicking and attacking the can see the energy reflecting off the cat's eye. Ever had a hair do that?
Seriously why is it so hard for you to believe?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm not dissing you....I just told you what it was in my photos. I don't disbelieve, I just think it's important when we get these kind of pics to rule every other possibility out.:peace:
Ok ccol. I always rule out everything when looking at these kinds of photos.


Well-Known Member
when im not using Safari on my mac i use firefox. its the best PC browser in my opinion. but it aint no Safari.


Well-Known Member
Firfox is so old hat! And not to mention its vulnerability to PHORM (google it)

Safari browser is the way forward ;) :joint:

p.s ALX420, you do know you can have safari on PC right?


Well-Known Member
Safari on what platform? I like my Hardy Heron just fine, and we're behind a hard firewall, I don't do any "dangerous" surfing, nor do I game online. What's really phunny, though, is that according to my own information when I searched "phorm" is that Firefox is the browser that gives you the best chance of blocking their cookies, and it seems to be a bigger problem in the UK than the US. I suppose it could be ported to Linux, though.... ;)


Well-Known Member us your wallpaper...mine is just some neon mushrroms.
:D Ok, it's a pic I took several years ago, wintertime I think it was, sunset, from the back of my parents' home. I got a whole series of beautiful pictures. This is overlooking southwest, towards Long Beach and San Pedro. If the shot were a little more to the left and it's clear enough, you can see Catalina island, more than 50 miles away. To the right, if the hills weren't there, you would be able to see downtown L.A.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Man, that's awesome. One day I hope I can stand in a spot like that overlooking California.
:D Ok, it's a pic I took several years ago, wintertime I think it was, sunset, from the back of my parents' home. I got a whole series of beautiful pictures. This is overlooking southwest, towards Long Beach and San Pedro. If the shot were a little more to the left and it's clear enough, you can see Catalina island, more than 50 miles away. To the right, if the hills weren't there, you would be able to see downtown L.A.