Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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the Arabs were granted 75% of the Mandate. Jordan constitutes 80% of the original Mandate already. the Pali's land was given to the Hashemites, as a runner-up prize in their competition with the House of Saud.
duplicitous? double standard?

i have no such thing.

the pallies and their arab league backers have an agenda, and it's not a secret.

pallies dont want a "right of return" to the occupied territories, they dont want a state in the west bank or gaza, they want ISRAEL, ALL OF IT.

theres no use explaining this shit to fools like you, since youre so blinded by your stupidity that you think rocket attacks from hospitals schools and neighborhoods are the actions of "freedom fighters" and heroic martyrs.

You claiming Palestinians "don't want" a right of return is nearly as moronic as claiming Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian people in general don't exist. Yet you claim anti-semitism when your same line of thinking is applied to someone who is Jewish or from Israel? That would be a double standard at worst...

I don't condone terrorism of any type - trying to accuse me of the contrary is just intellectually lame. Do you see every Arab or Persian as a terrorist as that kind of thinking is dangerous.

israel's military occupation is well within the bounds of the geneva protocols for a MILITARY OCCUPATION against irregular forces and un-uniformed militants, spies and saboteurs.

Again, a outright lie if i've ever seen one. Israel doesn't abide by the 4th Geneva convention even though it is a signatory. it's most obvious violation is transferring parts of its civilian populace to the occupied areas - the ICC constitutes this as a war crime.

Quit while your ahead you can't seem to distinguish fact from fiction john...

You claiming Palestinians "don't want" a right of return is nearly as moronic as claiming Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian people in general don't exist. Yet you claim anti-semitism when your same line of thinking is applied to someone who is Jewish or from Israel? That would be a double standard at worst...

I don't condone terrorism of any type - trying to accuse me of the contrary is just intellectually lame. Do you see every Arab or Persian as a terrorist as that kind of thinking is dangerous.

Again, a outright lie if i've ever seen one. Israel doesn't abide by the 4th Geneva convention even though it is a signatory. it's most obvious violation is transferring parts of its civilian populace to the occupied areas - the ICC constitutes this as a war crime.

Quit while your ahead you can't seem to distinguish fact from fiction john...

1.2 million Sephardim......robbed and expelled from their Arab "hosts," upon the establishment of Israel.

there has been a population exchange. it has happened numerous times in modern history.
The AP reported today that it cost $1,000,000 to shoot down a drone that was flying over Israel yesterday with a Patriot missile supplied by the US. I think it should have stated that it cost the American taxpayer that sum. So far, in the confrontation between Israel and Hamas, there have been over 180 fatalities on the Palestinian side, plus thousands of wounded, and zero on the Israeli side, beside one wounded This is sure to increase, as it seems that a ground assault will be next. This major conflict is due to the response by Israel to the murder of 3 Israeli teenagers, supposedly by someone affiliated with Hamas. Rockets fired by Hamas in response, using the excuse of the arrest of over 500+ people, plus 5 deaths during the search for the missing teens, has only intensified the situation. I personally feel that the US should stop financing the death and destruction that seems to be a perpetual cycle in Israel and the occupied territories in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It seems to me that our unequivocal support for Israel is a major cause of the ongoing carnage in that area, and if it was halted, or at least given under conditions, it might just make Israel think twice when confronted by the economic consequences of their actions. What do you think? Keep forking over the cash, no questions asked, or make Israel pay it's own way in their war against the mighty Palestinians.

Mighty Palestinians? Are you serious?
What about the Three Dead Jewish Students 1 USA VISA 2 Israeli, that got murdered by Palestinians? Which is what happened first before these events. Seen in this link below
Or how they had a peace agreement until Hamas violated it with missile strike. Seen below Few have died in Israel not because of lack of attempts from Palistine, but because GOD loves them and has provided them with technology to shoot down incoming missiles.;_ylt=AwrBJR_ShMZTAmAAcgPQtDMD
Hamas not only uses civilians as Human shields by setting up firing bases in schools, churchs, and hospitals but they also order people to stay in their house when told incoming rocket attack is imminent to increase the civilian death toll to rally for their cause as seen below.

98 to 99 percent of Palestinians are Muslim there is a much bigger reason why they are killing Israel I will go into more detail later but this should clear most of it up.
This is what muslims/ Palestinians believe which explains their evil actions. Below is quotes from there book called the quran which is still active in this day, unlike some extreme laws some ANTI Christ people will mention in The Old Testament however those Laws briefly applied for Israel onlys when GOD HIMSELF was actually with him to keep them from sinning so GOD's plan could be completed, even today we use extreme punishment to deter us from crime the same basic principle applies.
Here is the quotes from the NOT holy quran.
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".
Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"
Quran (4:104) - "And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain..."
Quran (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..."

I could go on but I prefer to read as little as possible from a pagan evil occult religion which commands people to murder other people.

These false religions are the problem with the world catholic church, muslims, witnesses, Mormons, Jews, satanist. Goes on and on and on Bet you didn't know the catholic church took books out THE HOLY BIBLE.
Emperor Constantine did that. Such a evil ect..
Good thing Son of GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST is coming soon.

I left these occult religions uncapitalized to articulate the way I the writer feel towards them.
I thought this guy was having a laugh and then i read his sig...
Mighty Palestinians? Are you serious?
What about the Three Dead Jewish Students 1 USA VISA 2 Israeli, that got murdered by Palestinians? Which is what happened first before these events. Seen in this link below
Or how they had a peace agreement until Hamas violated it with missile strike. Seen below Few have died in Israel not because of lack of attempts from Palistine, but because GOD loves them and has provided them with technology to shoot down incoming missiles.;_ylt=AwrBJR_ShMZTAmAAcgPQtDMD
Hamas not only uses civilians as Human shields by setting up firing bases in schools, churchs, and hospitals but they also order people to stay in their house when told incoming rocket attack is imminent to increase the civilian death toll to rally for their cause as seen below.

98 to 99 percent of Palestinians are Muslim there is a much bigger reason why they are killing Israel I will go into more detail later but this should clear most of it up.
This is what muslims/ Palestinians believe which explains their evil actions. Below is quotes from there book called the quran which is still active in this day, unlike some extreme laws some ANTI Christ people will mention in The Old Testament however those Laws briefly applied for Israel onlys when GOD HIMSELF was actually with him to keep them from sinning so GOD's plan could be completed, even today we use extreme punishment to deter us from crime the same basic principle applies.
Here is the quotes from the NOT holy quran.
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".
Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"
Quran (4:104) - "And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain..."
Quran (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..."

I could go on but I prefer to read as little as possible from a pagan evil occult religion which commands people to murder other people.

These false religions are the problem with the world catholic church, muslims, witnesses, Mormons, Jews, satanist. Goes on and on and on Bet you didn't know the catholic church took books out THE HOLY BIBLE.
Emperor Constantine did that. Such a evil ect..
Good thing Son of GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST is coming soon.

I left these occult religions uncapitalized to articulate the way I the writer feel towards them.

Are you going going over to Israel to be there for the rapture? I can't wait to see Jesus fly in from the heavens riding a F-35 screaming "fuck yeah".


I know Jesus traditionally rode a velociraptor as depicted in the scriptures - (we all know jets weren't invented back when Jesus was alive so he had to make do with dinosaurs)
You claiming Palestinians "don't want" a right of return is nearly as moronic as claiming Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian people in general don't exist. Yet you claim anti-semitism when your same line of thinking is applied to someone who is Jewish or from Israel? That would be a double standard at worst...

I don't condone terrorism of any type - trying to accuse me of the contrary is just intellectually lame. Do you see every Arab or Persian as a terrorist as that kind of thinking is dangerous.

Again, a outright lie if i've ever seen one. Israel doesn't abide by the 4th Geneva convention even though it is a signatory. it's most obvious violation is transferring parts of its civilian populace to the occupied areas - the ICC constitutes this as a war crime.

Quit while your ahead you can't seem to distinguish fact from fiction john...


you cant understand a compound sentence.

the pallies do not want a "right of return" to the occupied territories, they want the right to flood into ISRAEL so they can "democratically" transform israel into "palestine" and install a moslem government which will then join up with jordan.

it's not a secret, they say it openly.

further, UN resolutions mean nothing.

their non-binding resolutions are as pointless as your argments.

the UN pasing resolutions is almost as retarded as libya being the head of the human rights commission.
An occupied people have the right to fight the occuping force that is crushing them. If mexico was occuping california we would be firing rockets and fighting back too it is our legal right under international law it is actually our duty as americans to fight the oppressor. This is the actual situation in gaza firing rockets it is their only way to fight the OCCUPATION so keep firing those rockets and resist the IDF
An occupied people have the right to fight the occuping force that is crushing them. If mexico was occuping california we would be firing rockets and fighting back too it is our legal right under international law it is actually our duty as americans to fight the oppressor. This is the actual situation in gaza firing rockets it is their only way to fight the OCCUPATION so keep firing those rockets and resist the IDF
We are actually, from their perspective, occupying part of their country. Texas to California up to Colorado and Nevada used to be part of Mexico.

Suppose Mexico started firing rockets into the US.

Israel's reaction would look mild.
Yeah, you're so not racist.
His wife is a Shylock... Kinda gives him permission imo.

Just like I can insult white people, and it wouldn't be racism unless Jewish is a distinct race (which is kinda what Josef Mengele said too)...

You're looking for "bigot".
We are actually, from their perspective, occupying part of their country. Texas to California up to Colorado and Nevada used to be part of Mexico.

Suppose Mexico started firing rockets into the US.

Israel's reaction would look mild.
America attacked Mexico as recently as 69 and occupied loads of land?

Did the settlers leave Mexicans in blockaded concentration camps and slowly but surely annex the occupied lands?

Did Americans not attack the Redcoats in the War of Independence?
His wife is a Shylock... Kinda gives him permission imo.

Just like I can insult white people, and it wouldn't be racism unless Jewish is a distinct race (which is kinda what Josef Mengele said too)...

You're looking for "bigot".

America is full of bigots, it is true racists that are hard to find.
His wife is a Shylock... Kinda gives him permission imo.

Just like I can insult white people, and it wouldn't be racism unless Jewish is a distinct race (which is kinda what Josef Mengele said too)...

You're looking for "bigot".
The my wife is Jewish line is no better than the I have black friends line.
their fellow Arabs told them to refuse partition. they told them to change their name. how's
An occupied people have the right to fight the occuping force that is crushing them. If mexico was occuping california we would be firing rockets and fighting back too it is our legal right under international law it is actually our duty as americans to fight the oppressor. This is the actual situation in gaza firing rockets it is their only way to fight the OCCUPATION so keep firing those rockets and resist the IDF

LOL.......we are occupying Mexico!!!
its called Cali, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico.............

you don't see Mexicans firing rockets over the Rio Grande.
our duty as Americans is to fight world-wide oppression. rich.
An occupied people have the right to fight the occuping force that is crushing them. If mexico was occuping california we would be firing rockets and fighting back too it is our legal right under international law it is actually our duty as americans to fight the oppressor. This is the actual situation in gaza firing rockets it is their only way to fight the OCCUPATION so keep firing those rockets and resist the IDF
not under the geneva convention you claim israel is violating.

the pallies are violating the geneva convention with every rocket aimed at a neighborhood, every cache of arms hidden under a schoolhouse, every bomb factrory in an apartment building, and every missile battery on the roof of a hospital.

the pallies violate the geneva convention every time they attack israeli civilians, every time they take up arms without a uniform, and every time they kidnap kids and hack them, to bits on youtube for being jewish.

you are being used by the most degenerate violent and despicable barbarians the world has ever known, but youre so beef-headed, you think they are the good guys.