Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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"response by Israel to the murder of 3 Israeli teenagers"


The response of the Brotherhood over 1 teenager in the rage killing the Brotherhood wanted to cause by the kidnapping. For all we know all 4 were killed by Hamas.
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It is really the fact, you guys are anti-Zionists, just like Hamas. Justify yourselves.

We don't support christian nations, we support the 3rd world which is largely islamic and against the USA by vote count in the UN.

  1. Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time
  2. Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time
  3. Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time
  4. United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70% of the time.
  5. Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
  6. Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
  7. Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
  8. Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
  9. Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
  10. Oman votes against the United States 74%of the time.
  11. Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
  12. Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
  13. Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
  14. Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
  15. Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
  16. India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
  17. Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
  18. Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.
United States Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

  1. Egypt, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  2. Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  3. Pakistan votes 75% against the United States and receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  4. India votes 81% against the United States and receives $143,699,000 annually in Foreign Aid.

That is just the top 4. We send aid to almost all counties including Russia and China.

christian zionism is a massive business in the US. People dig that apocalyptic rapture stuff and will pay big bucks to take part and secure their seat for the epic battle. :lol: while egypt, jordan, india, pakistan, saudis receive aid much of that it on the basis they use that money to make purchases from US defence contractors. In reality, a % of those funds never really leaves the US and probably fuels a decent chunk of defence sector jobs.
The AP reported today that it cost $1,000,000 to shoot down a drone that was flying over Israel yesterday with a Patriot missile supplied by the US. I think it should have stated that it cost the American taxpayer that sum. So far, in the confrontation between Israel and Hamas, there have been over 180 fatalities on the Palestinian side, plus thousands of wounded, and zero on the Israeli side, beside one wounded This is sure to increase, as it seems that a ground assault will be next. This major conflict is due to the response by Israel to the murder of 3 Israeli teenagers, supposedly by someone affiliated with Hamas. Rockets fired by Hamas in response, using the excuse of the arrest of over 500+ people, plus 5 deaths during the search for the missing teens, has only intensified the situation. I personally feel that the US should stop financing the death and destruction that seems to be a perpetual cycle in Israel and the occupied territories in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It seems to me that our unequivocal support for Israel is a major cause of the ongoing carnage in that area, and if it was halted, or at least given under conditions, it might just make Israel think twice when confronted by the economic consequences of their actions. What do you think? Keep forking over the cash, no questions asked, or make Israel pay it's own way in their war against the mighty Palestinians.

According to news outlets, Israel is "budget strapped" atm and counting on US aid for new defence procurements.,7340,L-4517892,00.html

Budget-strapped Israel is pressing the United States to conclude a deal extending defense aid beyond 2017, when Washington's current $3 billion annual payouts to its Middle East ally expire, officials said on Friday.
The previous Republican administration signed a 10-year deal with Israel in 2007 granting it $30 billion, most of it going on American defense products.
A US official briefed on the talks and who spoke on condition of anonymity said Israel was seeking an overall increase to between $3.2 billion and $3.5 billion a year, while the Obama administration had spoken of $2.8 billion.

Israels overall defence strategy is to maintain a "qualitative military edge" over its neighbours and US has help them achieve a technological sophistication in terms of military/defence that they probably would not have achieved on their own. That being said, the US has built their military capability up to a point where Israel can stand on its own - maybe it's time to slowly back away and ease support knowing the taxpayer has done his/her part.
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Israels overall defence strategy is to maintain a "qualitative military edge" over its neighbours

No, no, no brother. You have it backwards. Qualitative military edge is Israel's offensive strategy. The defense is to fool the rest of the world into thinking the offense is defense. So far it's working great! It still cracks me up the way the goys have fallen for that "We're no longer occupying Gaza" bit. Real shame about Ariel Sharon, we've lost a true Genius.
No, no, no brother. You have it backwards. Qualitative military edge is Israel's offensive strategy. The defense is to fool the rest of the world into thinking the offense is defense. So far it's working great! It still cracks me up the way the goys have fallen for that "We're no longer occupying Gaza" bit. Real shame about Ariel Sharon, we've lost a true Genius.
youre an idiot.

if isareal could give gaza and the west bank back to egypt and jordan, they would, they tried, but neither country wants to take their tarbaby back

israel is stuck with the occupied territories and the militant whackadoos and nutcases that infest it.

that means they have to go in and stomp out some rocket factories kill a few hamas bombers and every now and then, put a boot in the asses of the pally "authority" for not keeping their shit in check

but idiots like you gobble up the pallywood lies and repeat the same old tired bullshit stories about the "evil zionist regime"
youre an idiot.

if isareal could give gaza and the west bank back to egypt and jordan, they would, they tried, but neither country wants to take their tarbaby back

israel is stuck with the occupied territories and the militant whackadoos and nutcases that infest it.

that means they have to go in and stomp out some rocket factories kill a few hamas bombers and every now and then, put a boot in the asses of the pally "authority" for not keeping their shit in check

but idiots like you gobble up the pallywood lies and repeat the same old tired bullshit stories about the "evil zionist regime"

give JEW-dea to the Mameluks?

open the Rafah crossing and stampede them across.
youre an idiot.

if isareal could give gaza and the west bank back to egypt and jordan, they would, they tried, but neither country wants to take their tarbaby back

israel is stuck with the occupied territories and the militant whackadoos and nutcases that infest it.

that means they have to go in and stomp out some rocket factories kill a few hamas bombers and every now and then, put a boot in the asses of the pally "authority" for not keeping their shit in check

but idiots like you gobble up the pallywood lies and repeat the same old tired bullshit stories about the "evil zionist regime"

It's a stated fact Israel will not relinquish control of the West Bank. As for the Jordan Valley, Israel will not move the already established settlements there. Netanyahu has been very clear on these points. it's not about their neighbours wanting it back but rather Jordan and Egypt are supportive of a two state solution, their concern is obviously security and also humanitarian. Any military actions by Israel results in a flood of refugees that neighbouring countries like jordan and egypt are unable to handle.
It's a stated fact Israel will not relinquish control of the West Bank. As for the Jordan Valley, Israel will not move the already established settlements there. Netanyahu has been very clear on these points. it's not about their neighbours wanting it back but rather Jordan and Egypt are supportive of a two state solution, their concern is obviously security and also humanitarian. Any military actions by Israel results in a flood of refugees that neighbouring countries like jordan and egypt are unable to handle.
the West Bank? mean JEW-dea, and Samaria.
It's a stated fact Israel will not relinquish control of the West Bank. As for the Jordan Valley, Israel will not move the already established settlements there. Netanyahu has been very clear on these points. it's not about their neighbours wanting it back but rather Jordan and Egypt are supportive of a two state solution, their concern is obviously security and also humanitarian. Any military actions by Israel results in a flood of refugees that neighbouring countries like jordan and egypt are unable to handle.
youre cracked.

israel tried to give gaza back to egypt, and the west bank back to jordan MANY TIMES and the respective nations declined.

they are stuck with these territories, and thus must maintain an eternal occupation force or find a way to pacify them and subsume them into israel.

creating a new pally nation that splits israel in half is UNACCEPTABLE, since the stated aim of every pally organization, militant brigade and "humanitarian human rights group" is to destroy israel as a state and transform the entire levant into "palestine", which will then become part of jordan.

of course "it's not about their neighbours wanting it back", egypt and joprdan DONT want it back as long as israel exists.

the occupied territories are a flaming bag of dogshit on israel's porch. and unless the JDF stomps out the fire and hoses the shit off the steps, they will never have peace.

i used to think maybe the pallies could have a nation, but i have learned, through reading a ton of shit in response to dolts like "observe and report" that in fact the pallies only want a nation, if it involves the destruction of israel.

they dont even make a secret of it. they say it in public, proudly.

and there is no "flood of refugees that egypt and jordan cant handle"

thats idiocy. egypt and jordan dont accept people from the west bank or gaza, they keep them out, using the types of border controls that would make you scream like a bitch if we used them in the us.

egypt and jordan created the gaza/west bank pressure cooker, and will NOT allow the pressure to escape.

more despair, violence and more hate in the occupied territories is part of their plan.

the arab states use the pallies as their tool to force israel into action, and then decry those actions as "human rights abuses" and "violations of the geneva convention" which they are NOT.
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We should stop all aid to israel right away it is a war crime , israel is a criminal state
I am antizionist for sure and i am against making a jewish homeland on land that belongs to someone else. I don't care where it is argentina texas or where ever its wong to force people off their land that they have been living on for many years. That is why they need to control all western media

Have you guys ever watched the banned Saturday Night Live on Chuck Hagel conformation hearing what more proof do you need, They own the US congress very sad very bad people very corrupt
youre cracked.

israel tried to give gaza back to egypt, and the west bank back to jordan MANY TIMES and the respective nations declined.

they are stuck with these territories, and thus must maintain an eternal occupation force or find a way to pacify them and subsume them into israel.

That's just not true. Netanyahu said “I do not intend to evacuate any settlements or uproot a single Israeli" in regards to the jordan valley and further reinforced that stance by insisting IDF troops maintain control of that particular corridor should a Palestinian state form. Israel tabled this demand at recent negotiations along with a limit of 50,000 Palestinians who would be allowed to stay in that particular area.

of course "it's not about their neighbours wanting it back", egypt and joprdan DONT want it back as long as israel exists.

Demonstrably false. Egypt..., well Jordan in particular supports a two state solution as does the rest of the modern world.

and there is no "flood of refugees that egypt and jordan cant handle" thats idiocy.

Again, Demonstrably false. please google "Palestinian refugee crisis"

egypt and jordan created the gaza/west bank pressure cooker, and will NOT allow the pressure to escape.

more despair, violence and more hate in the occupied territories is part of their plan.

the arab states use the pallies as their tool to force israel into action, and then decry those actions as "human rights abuses" and "violations of the geneva convention" which they are NOT.

WOW you really have some issues. Do the sources you pick this drivel up from frequently include phrases like "Islamist Hegemony" and "islamorealism" ?

Don't answer - let me guess!
youre an idiot.

if isareal could give gaza and the west bank back to egypt and jordan, they would, they tried, but neither country wants to take their tarbaby back

israel is stuck with the occupied territories and the militant whackadoos and nutcases that infest it.

that means they have to go in and stomp out some rocket factories kill a few hamas bombers and every now and then, put a boot in the asses of the pally "authority" for not keeping their shit in check

but idiots like you gobble up the pallywood lies and repeat the same old tired bullshit stories about the "evil zionist regime"

they should make gaza into a nightclub:wink:

and here's what at stake:

It is really the fact, you guys are anti-Zionists, just like Hamas. Justify yourselves.

We don't support christian nations, we support the 3rd world which is largely islamic and against the USA by vote count in the UN.

  1. Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time
  2. Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time
  3. Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time
  4. United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70% of the time.
  5. Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
  6. Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
  7. Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
  8. Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
  9. Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
  10. Oman votes against the United States 74%of the time.
  11. Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
  12. Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
  13. Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
  14. Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
  15. Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
  16. India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
  17. Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
  18. Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.
United States Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

  1. Egypt, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  2. Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  3. Pakistan votes 75% against the United States and receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  4. India votes 81% against the United States and receives $143,699,000 annually in Foreign Aid.

That is just the top 4. We send aid to almost all counties including Russia and China.

Yet an American Veteran, who chose to possibly put his/her life on the line for this country can't get a fuckin' appointment at the VA. What a fuckin' farce and fiasco.
That's just not true. Netanyahu said “I do not intend to evacuate any settlements or uproot a single Israeli" in regards to the jordan valley and further reinforced that stance by insisting IDF troops maintain control of that particular corridor should a Palestinian state form. Israel tabled this demand at recent negotiations along with a limit of 50,000 Palestinians who would be allowed to stay in that particular area.

Demonstrably false. Egypt..., well Jordan in particular supports a two state solution as does the rest of the modern world.

Again, Demonstrably false. please google "Palestinian refugee crisis"

WOW you really have some issues. Do the sources you pick this drivel up from frequently include phrases like "Islamist Hegemony" and "islamorealism" ?

Don't answer - let me guess!

i dont know if you just cant comprehend english, or if you are simply a retard.

history did not start the day you were born.

West Bank: in 1948 israel GAVE the west bank to jordan in exchange for peace, jordan borke the deal and joined the arab legue in their ill fated war. israel took that shit by force in a defensive war, then israel made the offer again, west bank for a peace treaty and recognition of israel, jordan refused. then there was another war, the deal was offered again, jordan refused, another fucking war, and israel said "Just Take It We Dont Want It!", jordan refused again. israel is now the defacto owners of the west bank, but they cant use it, live in it, or eject the squatters, cuz fools like you think israel is the bad guy in this scenario.

jordan will not take the west bank, they want to use it as a tool to destabilize israel

gaza: in '48, egypt lost gaza to israel in a defensive war. l;ater when egypt started another war, israel too the sinai desert all the way to the suez canal. israel and egypt negotiated, and egypt got back the OIL RICH sinia desert, but refused to take back gaza.

gaza is, like the west bank, a 5th column of militant moslem theocrats lurking in israel's back yard. they cant give these areas back to the arabs, cuz the arabs wont take it. they cant just pull out cuz then it would be a lawless no-man's-land right on their borders with total deniability for the arabs, and soon israel will be taking silkworm missiles instead of shitty russian rockets.

the arab world rejects "palestinians" and refuses to let them come to their original homelands. they must stay in the pressure cooker to continue their role as a fistula on israels ass.

israel has been bending over backwards to get peaceful relations with the arab league, and the arabs are jerking them around.
The AP reported today that it cost $1,000,000 to shoot down a drone that was flying over Israel yesterday with a Patriot missile supplied by the US. I think it should have stated that it cost the American taxpayer that sum. So far, in the confrontation between Israel and Hamas, there have been over 180 fatalities on the Palestinian side, plus thousands of wounded, and zero on the Israeli side, beside one wounded This is sure to increase, as it seems that a ground assault will be next. This major conflict is due to the response by Israel to the murder of 3 Israeli teenagers, supposedly by someone affiliated with Hamas. Rockets fired by Hamas in response, using the excuse of the arrest of over 500+ people, plus 5 deaths during the search for the missing teens, has only intensified the situation. I personally feel that the US should stop financing the death and destruction that seems to be a perpetual cycle in Israel and the occupied territories in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It seems to me that our unequivocal support for Israel is a major cause of the ongoing carnage in that area, and if it was halted, or at least given under conditions, it might just make Israel think twice when confronted by the economic consequences of their actions. What do you think? Keep forking over the cash, no questions asked, or make Israel pay it's own way in their war against the mighty Palestinians.

3 Israeli kids were kidnapped and murdered for being Israeli. Hundreds of rockets are raining down on Israel.

What do you suggest they do?
3 Israeli kids were kidnapped and murdered for being Israeli. Hundreds of rockets are raining down on Israel.

What do you suggest they do?
clearly they should make posters about peace love and understanding, weave flowers into their hair and embrace the militants.

that always works so well.
clearly they should make posters about peace love and understanding, weave flowers into their hair and embrace the militants.

that always works so well.

Most of these idiots will not be happy until Israel lowers it's defenses and allows itself to be overrun and destroyed by the religion of peace...