Telltale signs?


Well-Known Member
I have a Blimburn northern auto(fem seed freebie) that's now on day 23. I got it with a liberty haze fem seed from attitude. They both sprouted on the same day. Both plants have been vigorously growing next to each other under same conditions (20/4) and seem really healthy. The northern is a couple inches taller but both plants have the same amount of nodes and branching. While thumbing through one of my books I came across a picture that looks very similar to what I see happening to the northern. As I have little experience with pre-sexing, does this look like precursor male appendages? It's only on a couple of the upper nodes.



Well-Known Member
ya they both show in the same place and kinda look the same at first and on some its hard to tell the male flowers until it actually grows up and starts to look like a lolipop


Well-Known Member
if its a " fem " odds are its female
i mean mistakes happen but the odds are in your favor
Well that's more reassuring to know...yes it was labeled fem but was a UFO and not in breeder pack...was more worried about it being a hermi. At least if it was all male I could cross with my purple cheese auto and have a few more auto seeds. Mahalo!:weed: