The trollitup game


Well-Known Member
These are the rules I will make a request and your job is to find it, provide a quote and a link to the page.All tasks and quotes must be from this website only. This game is based on a point system. Each request will have a cap on how many people can post. The first person to reach 10 points is king of the trolls and does the next round of requests.Lets keep this good clean fun try not to curse please.
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First task find the biggest jerk on rollitup. You must provide 3 quotes from this person and provide links to the page. This request is worth 3 points and will be capped at the first person that posts.
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lmao, that's what i was thinking as well, plus, idk, but i don't really understand how saying who the biggest asshole on the site is and then giving three quotes showing why said person is an asshole would make one a troll, but maybe i'm missing something, this game seems a bit too involved for a bunch of stoners imvho.
Your missing the bus bro the people playing are the trolls.
OK, I say Ty (tytheguy)....he is a jerk, but he's a kid with good potential; although a jerk. he's ok by me. Not gonna hunt quotes cuz I'm too loaded. And I'm a jerk as well