mr sunshine
Well-Known Member
Lol u must not read many of my posts!!If there were a category for the nicest guy on rollitup you wouldn't win with comments like that your falling out of your norm mr sunshine
Lol u must not read many of my posts!!If there were a category for the nicest guy on rollitup you wouldn't win with comments like that your falling out of your norm mr sunshine
the party is in your mouth and everyone is cummingfuck this thread.. the party is in pinworms dick sucking thread.. the biggest jerk is you for being stupid and unclebuck is a great grower and not a bad person if you arent a completely useless douche
the party is in your mouth and everyone is cumming
UNCLE BUCK!!! can you please show me how to draw dicks on peoples faces this could be useful to me. Thanks DP
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Holy shit comander strax knows how to play! I am kind of an asshole 3pts for the comander.I think I got this
"Daniel tosh is the voice of the little bear cub."
"The bitch about it is im planting and I have to walk around.still riding the scoot it was a freek accident and i should have known better. i was only going 5mph and on a washboard dirt road my tire bounced bad and amen. got up worked the rest of the day."
"I think your a vampire and want to get high off my blood."
that is three points for me
Is there a member named "thisgamesucks"?
This ones worth 5 points I need one quote and link and its open for the first 3 people that post. find the shittiest username. i will decide who has the worst one.
I wanna say sorry to the whole website I get pissd a lot cause my yield and cock and sex drive is consistently tiny it really brings me down
I think mine is the best username.You will have to follow the rules or it wont be accepted. maybe your trying to divert attention form yourself. I'm not sure if you know what your getting into.OK so I quoted the person with the shittiest name. Double triple points for quoting OP along with it, two birds with one stone.
I believe this puts me in first place, and as the champion I declare everyone is a winner and Dr.Pepper can buy us all a round.
Not too shabby...