Javadog's Next Adventure

Photo dump:

The BST:

The new Clones, coming along nicely:
2 Clones.JPG

The Veg area. You can see the healthy Blackwater, on the left, before
it went into the tent:
3 Veg Area.JPG

Here is Skunk #47, a clone and a free slot away from being flowered:
5 Skunk #47.JPG

Just a moment....just a moment...

The Psycho Killer yield was not huge, but it will be a fair amount
and it smells great. Not the Lemon Pledge pheno and I am likely
to pop a new PK too.

It was resin towers, that's for sure!

14 Psycho Killer.JPG
15 Psycho Killer.JPG
16 Psycho Killer.JPG
18 Psycho Killer.JPG
19 Psycho Killer.JPG
20 Psycho Killer.JPG
13 Psycho Killer.JPG

I cant wait to smoke it, but I will.

Not so the took a taster. It is exotic. :0)

beautiful flowers man and done to perfection. structure & colour look great. how does the psycho smell?

Edit: I re read, not the pledge pheno. is it lemon like at all? that looks almost carbon copy psychosis. not a bad thing!
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Hey Scroga,

No, I have been mainly HSO, BB, RP/DNA, and TGA so far.

Thanks for stopping in.

Thanks for the good word TC.

Mate, I gotta let ya know, I've been watching a while and I gotta say,of all that I watch this is one of my fav threads to check in on:) just a gold thread from a gold dude ...
Well, thank you both. I am chuffed. :0)

TC will tell you, I am terrible at describing scents/tastes, but I will try.

The neat thing is that neither PK nor ED have a smell like anything
else I have tasted before. I have a cable-box dried taster of ED;
not a real top or anything, but it still has a nice stink. It is sweet at
first, berry-ish, but then plasticy in a way that makes the combo say

LMAO, whatever that means. This is what happens when I try.

I refuse to stand by this. :0)

it sounds good except the plastic, then got me back with the licorice.

i had a plant that had really nice nugs but tasted like burning rubber. it was terrible to say the least.
There is a "Flavor Wheel" online that tries to capture the range
of known flavors.

The only section that was altogether "Ugh", for me, was "Biological".

Its only flavors were "Mousy" and "Horsey". Yuck.


LOL..."Microbiological" -> "OTHER" (of course)

I had to look a bit to find the one I saw before. (altho one other has
them under "Mycological" for some odd reason)

LOL, I understand Mr. H. I also keep giving the address focus,
hitting return to return the page to where it is supposed to be, but
it jumps away to posts full of images that it is having to load.
It seems that caching is less effective with this site.....

I will try to post some shroom shots soon. I have blocks of Nameko
coming due soon.

One of my prettiest blocks ever was a Nameko:
