Random Jibber Jabber Thread

A wise cockey once said:

'Money is like your willy, it only gets bigger if you play with it.'

Based on that, i'm about to pay €800 pitch fee to go and sell hippy shit at The Electric Picnic festival. Keep everything crossed for me, this might be a big expensive mistake...!
good luck. hope you have good weather. have a sun-shade; its a long day out there.
I used to do the arts festivals. a lot of work, although I did meet some fine women :)
We've only been at it a couple of years. This is the first year with the shop. Havn't made any real profit get, so we thought we'd better hit the biggest festy in the country. If we can't make it work there, we don't have a business!
have a female with you. women like to buy from other women, and blather about girl-stuff during sale. ;)
Yeah i expect you're right! My missus will be there, she's got dreads and really looks the part for selling hippy shit. Thing is, she's about as 'cosmic' as a ford f350. She glazes over whenever anyone mentions astrology, chi, negative waves or reiki. She thinks sweat lodges are for weirdos and perverts and free love can go hang too. I take up the baton if the talk turns to universal positivity... she just stands back and let's me blather...!
Yeah i expect you're right! My missus will be there, she's got dreads and really looks the part for selling hippy shit. Thing is, she's about as 'cosmic' as a ford f350. She glazes over whenever anyone mentions astrology, chi, negative waves or reiki. She thinks sweat lodges are for weirdos and perverts and free love can go hang too. I take up the baton if the talk turns to universal positivity... she just stands back and let's me blather...!
tell her to fake it, or you will beat her savagely :)