Random Jibber Jabber Thread

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I was chillin in my kitchen one night and had a mouse trap set in view. Little mole starts walking around all blind and shit, smells the peanut butter on the trap. Fucker was standing on top of the trap, walking around and it wouldn't go off! Grabbed a pellet gun put one in him and the trap when off when the pellet hit. Talk about a quick kill...

Also I'm 90% sure I can see the entry hole in that rodent gif...

Jibber jabber


Well-Known Member
Some people need to learn how to lay low.

"hey man, you wanna buy some weed?"

"Didn't you guys just get raided?" (I actually watched the SWAT team raid their house like a month ago)

"That don't mean nothin."