doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......


Well-Known Member
50 plants makes me jealous. And my hubby says I'm pot greedy with 12. Hahaha. I couldnt even fit 50 plants in my backyard. Does anyone in your neighborhood ever ask why you have a giant carport in your backyard? Do you ever feel conspicuous to whirlybirds?


Well-Known Member
50 plants makes me jealous. And my hubby says I'm pot greedy with 12. Hahaha. I couldnt even fit 50 plants in my backyard. Does anyone in your neighborhood ever ask why you have a giant carport in your backyard? Do you ever feel conspicuous to whirlybirds?
These carports are a common sight around my neighborhood, there are 3 on my block. People use them to cover cars/boats/rv's.. take a look around your neighborhood I'll bet you can spot several. They look benign. They are a cover for whirlybirds, they can't see inside. I only grow 6 in the carport, the 50 plants are long gone.


Well-Known Member
Oooh you have lots of property! I'm jealpus and not at the same time lol I wouldn't want to mow that but I envy you all that room to grow a ton of shit. I like your hoopty houses too.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
I'm really liking the SFVOG and the J1........but the SD seems to have the most flavor to me. The Abusive OG is an ass kicker.....not to be smoked before dinner! packs hella punch...8)
My buddy's SFVOG was a big hit... pun intended :lol:
Out of the hundreds of pounds he helped grow, that was his go to smoke. Abusive OG, awesome name... are these allowed to come to the bbq? I would like to try some more DJJ cuts. My Cherry Pie's are doing very well. I'm planning on doing an entire batch of CP for my greenhouse this winter (always planning ahead right). Keep up the good work:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I actually don't have any cuts from anything right now. Kind of taking a break indoors & just growing my 6 out back. I've got plenty to keep me busy just visiting the farm. Your the keeper of the Cherry Pie now GB.....I have a month or so to decide if I want to take any cuts for indoor this winter. If the farm does well, I was hoping not to do indoors again until next year. I don't know what we will be growing next year, haven't even begin to think about that. Hell I may hit you up for some Cherry Pies!lolo_O
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Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
I actually don't have any cuts from anything right now. Kind of taking a break indoors & just growing my 6 out back. I've got plenty to keep me busy, just visiting the farm regularly. Your the keeper of the Cherry Pie now.....I have a month or so to decide if I want to take any cuts for indoor this winter. If the farm does well, I was hoping not to do indoors again until next year. I don't know what we will be growing next year, haven't even begin to think about that. Hell I may hit you up for some Cherry Pies!lolo_O
Right on, I will do me best to keep her around. I have a few friends and relatives that are anxious to smoke it, and it won't be ready until Oct (lol)


Well-Known Member
Many of the smart pot plants are showing slight heat stress, I think the roots are getting too hot & slowing their growth. So they are adding a layer of straw as mulch/ground cover today, to keep the soil cooler. That should do the trick.....
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