The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
different strokes for different folks, i couldnt care less what it was grown in or by who aslong as its of a qaulity to get the best price n sell quick lol

but i do understand what ya saying ghost.


Well-Known Member
there a waste of money for me mate cos they dont cut it under high lux, biobizz with all mix runs defs so i have to make my own soil and tea im not knocking anything except biobizz mate its not got enough cal or sulphur for my grows
And on another note. It's actually easier for me source generic soil and nutes as it is to get biobuzz allmix. Yeah...I could order it from the net but the transit cost pretty much makes it on a par to make my own. There just isnt the density of grow shops over here as there are in the uk.
Plus I am a control freak.There, I said it. I just feel better making it myself. Plus there is allways the chance I will make a mistake someday and accidentally create a cannabis super-soil and I will make millons.....bahahaa


Well-Known Member
with that mix ive got deep green shiny leaves that fade to autumn colours with healthy leaf shapes and fat clean buds, only other expense needed is making tea which costs a hanful of compost and some molasses, the plants don't dry out yellow at the end and the bud has no metallic aftertaste like when finished on ripen, cheaper, better and just a bit of spade work which I enjoy, each to their own but biobizz and all mix is def imo


Well-Known Member
Technically yes. Real world no. When you set gps off on your phone you are telling your phone os to stop gps tracking. Thats not to say a certain app wont re-enable gps for its own reasons. Its far more certain to just take the pics and then just scrub them before upload. If uploading pic's makes you feel uncomfortable, then just dont do it. I just went for a run and had my runing app on, and even though I have zero credit it still mapped it, down to about 2m accuarcy, which should be impossible as I have no data cred.
TOR and other protocols are often promoted as being somehow hack proof. This makes me uneasy. Using tor is like driving down main street in an abrams/challanger tank. Yes, you are secure, but you also stand out like a sore thumb, a sore thumb with a flashing blue light and a sign that says "something to hide". I know what I am saying is gonna rankle a few nerves but its just the way it is. TOR anonomises the traffic, but not the end to end points of contact.
But hey, thats just my opinion. And at the end of the day everyone is entitled to
Yeah was them Russians putting the sniffers on the end points....fucking genius!!!

Only safe way is to buy a laptop take out the handdrive n run tails and never ever connect to random nets or download any app or anything other than using it to go on the darknet or riu n only ever connect with tor.


Well-Known Member
Good tutorial here

and here

I gave links to @ReLaX for software a while ago but cant remember them now! Maybe if he on later he will slap them up.
I honestly only use the exif data remover app on my phone but I remember er finding that exif program online by searching top 10 best applications for removing exif data metadata scrubber


Well-Known Member
its more than just being flagged ordering drugs from the darknet, u got the ripp off risk and also the customs risk unless its a domestic order n there aint many Irish vendors, i like me drugs ghost fuck all to be proud of at my age lol but i like em all the same aslong as ya not going silly i personally think near all drugs are to be enjoyed.

i had over 100 completed orders on silkroad1 and 400coins (coins where much cheaper back then lol) spent, u use to have buyer stats so vendors would no if you where to be trusted to a degree or not, out of all them orders and 60-70% of them where international i only had 1 order seized n it was 400 cheap cigs lol import all the drugs you want to england but try steal sum cig tax from the gov n ya fucked lmao

i got a letter from customs saying they where seized which i scanned n sent to the vendor n we both split the loss.
Dude I had no idea u mentioned this and I brought up cigs on agora today hahaha


Well-Known Member
you on the wiz relax??seven posts in a row never seen it jokin bud !!!!!
I did it all already mate lol was on a bender from fridaynight straight till after 6 yesterday lol that's just me reading back n responding lol this is sadly just me being super awesome


Well-Known Member
go on ya mad thing..haha..haven done ees in bout ten year,me and the wife had some good times on them doves...good memorys..


Well-Known Member
go on ya mad thing..haha..haven done ees in bout ten year,me and the wife had some good times on them doves...good memorys..
Yeah ain't done em in years myself but rambo sold the idea to me a few weeks ago when he was on about raving to music on TV at home by himself n i use to that that alot when I was in my late teens dropping pills at home by myself n have some awesome me zen shit here if you know how to use the buzz!

My justification for doing all the coke at once was that if I spread it out i might get hooked...i was very high when I concluded this lol


Well-Known Member
your a funny fuck sometimes relax

''My justification for doing all the coke at once was that if I spread it out i might get hooked...i was very high when I concluded this lol''


aint ya got no drugs to tick off ya to do one day list then? no opium,oxycontin,meth? the exotics ya dont get in ireland/england lol


Well-Known Member
your a funny fuck sometimes relax

''My justification for doing all the coke at once was that if I spread it out i might get hooked...i was very high when I concluded this lol''


aint ya got no drugs to tick off ya to do one day list then? no opium,oxycontin,meth? the exotics ya dont get in ireland/england lol
Nah man ice says he's gonna try the meth cuz it's not readily available but he's ordering it online n it's gonna be delived to his gaff in a few days this is more than enough for me don't wanna make a habit of it after all.

N I'm always funny you dried out shit!

Would be tempted to try the oxy but I know I'd get a horn for meth
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