Well-Known Member
Yeah it has been over a decade since I have had LSD. Back in the 90's a famous LSD chemist bought an old missile silo in kansas and made LSD in it. I was in high school in Austin and one day there was a flood of LSD in town and I mean liquid not blotter. We were buying vile's for $100 and putting it on blotter making a nice return. One sheet having a hundred squares and $7 dollars a pop thats $600 profit but those days are long gone and I am glad I never got in any trouble being a dumb greedy teenager. I have had my fair share of psychedelics from shrooms aka psilocybin, LSD, 2ci, 5-meo, psilocin and DMT. I couldn't handle that stuff these days, cannabis is all I care to consume. this is a link to the main chemist that owned the missile silo.
Just saw this show last week. Is this the silo you refer to MD ?
My first and only time taking it was in '99.
It was the first drug i ever took. Even before cannabis.
I have searched for it for 15 years and cant find it anywhere on this island