On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


What are his over-riding principles? How does he relate to the freedom of American citizens? What policies does he support that will continue to ensure the liberty of every one of us? What has he done to reduce the national debt? Since his party has been in power ... two years now ... the price of oil has doubled. Is Kucinich and other members of his party nothing but lackies of "Big Oil?"

Perhaps Kucinich and his fellow party members in the Senate and Congress should be impeached. :blsmoke:

Uhhh, the Bush regime are the oil guys. I thought you knew that, Geeze, pay attention.
Uhhh, the Bush regime are the oil guys. I thought you knew that, Geeze, pay attention.

Until the Democrats took over the House and the Senate, gas prices were reasonable, Med. They have doubled since the Democrat Party took power. Can't be "Bush's Fault," right? :blsmoke:

Hell man, Bush has even removed the executive ban on off-shore drilling now ... and what did Harry Reid have to say about that? Are you listening to your own party, Med? With this recent move by Bush, the gas prices are clearly in the hands of the Democrats now for all to see. ~lol~ I love it! :mrgreen:

Until the Democrats took over the House and the Senate, gas prices were reasonable, Med. They have doubled since the Democrat Party took power. Can't be "Bush's Fault," right? :blsmoke:

Hell man, Bush has even removed the executive ban on off-shore drilling now ... and what did Harry Reid have to say about that? Are you listening to your own party, Med? With this recent move by Bush, the gas prices are clearly in the hands of the Democrats now for all to see. ~lol~ I love it! :mrgreen:

The gas prices are in the hands of the oil companies (Speculators mostly) and neither side seems concerned, Bankrupting Airlines seems to be the latest game being played by the PTB. I guess they feel we are too mobile., I'll bet there will always be jet fuel for AF1 and the fleet of private jets owned by the elites. I guess the airlines didn't have enough clout to stop the rising oil prices. In case you didn't know, I think the dems are as responsible for most of the current catastrophies going on as the pres. and the repukes. It's just been a past tenet that the dems were more for the workers than the corps. I think those days are gone. think the American people have literally been sold out. I also don't see anyone with the clout to change it. One can only hope that Obama puts some humanity back into the equation. Your beloved libertarian party would be crushed in a minute by the PTBs. They aren't about liberty for you, just for them.
The gas prices are in the hands of the oil companies (Speculators mostly) and neither side seems concerned, Bankrupting Airlines seems to be the latest game being played by the PTB. I guess they feel we are too mobile., I'll bet there will always be jet fuel for AF1 and the fleet of private jets owned by the elites. I guess the airlines didn't have enough clout to stop the rising oil prices. In case you didn't know, I think the dems are as responsible for most of the current catastrophies going on as the pres. and the repukes. It's just been a past tenet that the dems were more for the workers than the corps. I think those days are gone. think the American people have literally been sold out. I also don't see anyone with the clout to change it. One can only hope that Obama puts some humanity back into the equation. Your beloved libertarian party would be crushed in a minute by the PTBs. They aren't about liberty for you, just for them.

Obama is backed by Chicago Mob money. He is just another Illinois thug on the government payroll. Just like govenor Ryan who just went up the river to his new "mansion". The only difference between Governor Ryan and Senator Obama, is that senator is half black and muslim. But largely, the Illinois political crime tradition continues.
Obama, like all fascists, is anti-humanity, not pro-humanity. If elected he will tax the bejeezus out of everyone, reducing our economic liberty even further. His campaign promise is to raise taxes on "The Rich." Well, the top 10% of wage earners pay 80% of the bill now. What's Obama's answer? To tax them even further. The upper 1% will be taxed 66%. What would the incentive be to continue to produce under that weight?

Obama, like all fascists, is anti-humanity, not pro-humanity. If elected he will tax the bejeezus out of everyone, reducing our economic liberty even further. His campaign promise is to raise taxes on "The Rich." Well, the top 10% of wage earners pay 80% of the bill now. What's Obama's answer? To tax them even further. The upper 1% will be taxed 66%. What would the incentive be to continue to produce under that weight?


Not to mention he swears he will greatly reduce the U.S.'s military. This guy is the anti-christ.
Not to mention he swears he will greatly reduce the U.S.'s military. This guy is the anti-christ.

your wrong Obama plans to increase the army by 65,000 troops, and the marines by 27,000.................................Zen when are you going to enlist and help those poor Iraqi's you care so much about?
Obama is backed by Chicago Mob money. He is just another Illinois thug on the government payroll. Just like govenor Ryan who just went up the river to his new "mansion". The only difference between Governor Ryan and Senator Obama, is that senator is half black and muslim. But largely, the Illinois political crime tradition continues.
You sound like an alarmist and a rascist all bundeled into one. Prove he is Islamic you wanker,(I like that word), I'll agree he's half black, but so is my wifes best friends daughter and is she a cutie. I wish all you biggots would become color blind, but hatred dies hard, especially among rascist pigs.
....The upper 1% will be taxed 66%. What would the incentive be to continue to produce under that weight?

Well whats 44% of a million? the answer is 440,000. IF that aint enough then fuck you! BTW the upper 1% is above 1,000,000 now. Check it out, so if you are making 20 million, wouldn't that be about 8.8 Million? That's a lot of walking around money, and the prize only goes up from there.
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....The upper 1% will be taxed 66%. What would the incentive be to continue to produce under that weight?

Well whats 44% of a million? the answer is 440,000. IF that aint enough then fuck you! BTW the upper 1% is above 1,000,000 now. Check it out, so if you are making 20 million, wouldn't that be about 8.8 Million? That's a lot of walking around money, and the prize only goes up from there.

Those onerous taxes that you so easily sluff off equate to a lot of jobs that won't be created, Med. You know those downtrodden poor guys you keep harping about? What about them, Med? Would they be better off with a job or food stamps?

The last place our productivity should be going is to the federal government. To date, the federal government has produced nothing that the private sector couldn't/wouldn't produce better and more efficiently ... with the exception of military and police power, which squares with the Constitution, by the way.

A great example of recent government inefficiency is our sinking dollar and the mortgage "crisis." Oh, they will blame "capitalism" for the carnage just like they did in 1929, when in actuality, it, then, like now, was caused by the misdirected monetary policies of the Federal Reserve.

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Not to mention he swears he will greatly reduce the U.S.'s military. This guy is the anti-christ.
Becasue god forbid that we stop taking care of europe and the far east. If you want to really know why our defense budget is so ridiculously high, and the rest of the worlds isnt,(besides china and north korea), is because we are the ones that will come to their aid and they know it. It shouldnt be a problem to cut the military considering how much of a gargantuan it has become.
You sound like an alarmist and a rascist all bundeled into one. Prove he is Islamic you wanker,(I like that word), I'll agree he's half black, but so is my wifes best friends daughter and is she a cutie. I wish all you biggots would become color blind, but hatred dies hard, especially among rascist pigs.

Me a racist? You're the wanker and a nutjob. I have black next door neighbors. Seventy percent of my coworkers are black. So I'm not exactly trying to escape from black people. I merely pointed out the main difference between mobbed up Illinois political machine Governor Ryan and mobbed up Senator Obama was race and you call me a racist. That sounds more like your agenda, not mine. Oh, and prove he is islamic? The name his father gave him already provides the proof you seek.
Those onerous taxes that you so easily sluff off equate to a lot of jobs that won't be created, Med. You know those downtrodden poor guys you keep harping about? What about them, Med? Would they be better off with a job or food stamps?

The last place our productivity should be going is to the federal government. To date, the federal government has produced nothing that the private sector couldn't/wouldn't produce better and more efficiently ... with the exception of military and police power, which squares with the Constitution, by the way.

A great example of recent government inefficiency is our sinking dollar and the mortgage "crisis." Oh, they will blame "capitalism" for the carnage just like they did in 1929, when in actuality, it, then, like now, was caused by the misdirected monetary policies of the Federal Reserve.


Let me jump in here Vi. I know two super-rich sisters. They will tell you that if the tax structure is much higher, they will take their money offshore. So then a third world country benefits from their investment capital. They will also tell you many others like them share that concept.

So should we raise taxes and completely kill business in this country?

Personally, I don't give a damn what marxisman and his Islamic idol say. Raising taxes is stupid. We should hold the tax line and cut spending, incrementally over the next four years.
Let me jump in here Vi. I know two super-rich sisters. They will tell you that if the tax structure is much higher, they will take their money offshore. So then a third world country benefits from their investment capital. They will also tell you many others like them share that concept.

So should we raise taxes and completely kill business in this country?

Personally, I don't give a damn what marxisman and his Islamic idol say. Raising taxes is stupid. We should hold the tax line and cut spending, incrementally over the next four years.

Beautifully said, mockingbird. And those two sisters aren't alone ... corporations have been moving offshore for years seeking tax relief. The U.S. has the second highest corporate taxes on the planet. Of course, the statists blame capitalist greed for this exodus, but money is like water, always following the path of least resistance. Nope, its not corporate greed causing that "sucking sound" of America's jobs moving off shore. Quite the contrary, it is the unmitigated greed of the collectivists who want to capture every last dollar of production in order to build their socialist/fascist over regulated and over taxed Utopia.

Oh please, just because they can change to law at will doesn't mean shit. Just google Kucinich's articles of impeachments, there is 35 cases. The SAD part is that they are all in it together for the most part. Politics is a joke. It's a show for the feckless masses.

We are going into DEPRESSION. Most of the politicos know this and most likely Obama will be president.

Obama is just another company man like McCain.

In four (4) months, this country will be firmly on the path to Depression. Oil will, conservatively, be $170/barrel and $6/gallon, and the financial markets will be on the verge of collapse or have collapsed.

Under those circumstances, it is hard to imagine that Obama CAN"T win.

As I see it, Obama's biggest problem now will be millions of angry Americans who will wake up to the fact, sometime in mid-2009, that he can't possibly or humanly deliver the "change" he falsely promised to so many, and that he is merely a new puppet properly-positioned by the global elite to "control" American masses with uplifting speeches and soothing words to avert a civil uprising as their standard of living plummets and crime abounds.

I will be curious to see how Americans react to the betrayal. It is inevitable that Obama will be a one-term president. He didn't create the problem, but he has unfortunately promised that he can "fix" it. Which should lead the way for Hitler's second coming with the campaign slogan of "Blame the black guy"

We have a long way to go down this rabbit hole.
Let me jump in here Vi. I know two super-rich sisters. They will tell you that if the tax structure is much higher, they will take their money offshore. So then a third world country benefits from their investment capital. They will also tell you many others like them share that concept.

So should we raise taxes and completely kill business in this country?

Personally, I don't give a damn what marxisman and his Islamic idol say. Raising taxes is stupid. We should hold the tax line and cut spending, incrementally over the next four years.
In case you haven't noticed that Businesses have been leaving this country in drove with the Tax Breaks.