Ever Been Homeless?


Well-Known Member
Post your favorite squats!

Mine was, The Compound, on 16th street, Potrero west of 101 (San Francisco). Was a fabs place. Decent people, really cheap drugs, great drinks just 3 blocks away. Plenty of spots to spange. Didn't even have to take off your boots when you slept. If you slept.

A decent 3 years of my life are in that building.... I'll never forget it...
During the winter of '07 I was homeless in Missouri. I spent some nights couch hopping and other jnights in a burnt down mobile home. One of the closets was still standing with the roof collapsed around it. Made for a cozy little nest, but the cold was a mother fucker.

All in all I wouldn't recommend it.
Coolest homeless person I ever met was bobby hawk.

Found him on st patties day in Daytona on his favourite bench. Partied wirh him, learned his life story, had him cry on my shoulder about his lost brother (car accident). We got him high, drunk, food, clothes the next day, we found him in an alleyway. All we had to do was call his namehe came springing outta the gutter.

A few of my friends actually went back downto Florida a couple years later and found him, amazing considering he had no cellphone,residense.

They got him to get them pot but it went bad and they left him stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Come to think of it, when we first got him to get us pot, some black guy came in a lexus and gave us a little crack rock lol, the other hobo we were with took it and ran.
During the winter of '07 I was homeless in Missouri. I spent some nights couch hopping and other jnights in a burnt down mobile home. One of the closets was still standing with the roof collapsed around it. Made for a cozy little nest, but the cold was a mother fucker.

All in all I wouldn't recommend it.
Gotta insulate, man. Stuff some fucking crumpled newspaper inside your shirt and pants. Fetal position can make all the diff, too. Stuck outside for the night? Stick to somewhere where the wind won't hit you. Ok, I'm done bumming every one out...
Coolest homeless person I ever met was bobby hawk.

Found him on st patties day in Daytona on his favourite bench. Partied wirh him, learned his life story, had him cry on my shoulder about his lost brother (car accident). We got him high, drunk, food, clothes the next day, we found him in an alleyway. All we had to do was call his namehe came springing outta the gutter.

A few of my friends actually went back downto Florida a couple years later and found him, amazing considering he had no cellphone,residense.

They got him to get them pot but it went bad and they left him stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Come to think of it, when we first got him to get us pot, some black guy came in a lexus and gave us a little crack rock lol, the other hobo we were with took it and ran.
Good rock = Good squats. Everyone wants to smoke. Sometimes you get lucky and find some rich asshole tweak, and you can ride that couch for a good month, if you got a decent connect...
Sleeping outside fucking sucks! Fuck being broke! Fuck being stuck outside! Fuck not being able to spange enough to be drunk enough to say fuck today!
me and my brother were homeless at a young age. it's good to have someone with you when homeless. we didn't care about drugs/alcohol, we wanted food and a place to get cleaned up. we hit soup lines quite a bit. can't dip your spoon too far down into the bowl. liable to come out with a bug or two in it...
It sucks alright, looking back it was an experience I'd sooner forget, I always slept with a weapon close and had to use it a few times, my favorite was a Cuban machete, the size kept everyone at a distance, except for those with shooters, being hassled by the cops, then the 'serial killers' pretending to be 'health support' guys fixing my alleged TB, they only wanted our blood to re sell to the hospitals, fuck I did that every 2-3 days got paid the equal as $1.40 a liter ...good money for a meal, it was tough back then ...just got kicked out of the air force(USSR) we were like prisoners of war but in civvy street, fucking... very fucked up and confusing, we were trained to kill, and kill again and again, now we are at peace, fucking sucks,.....still there is Ukraine to look forward too?
It sucks alright, looking back it was an experience I'd sooner forget, I always slept with a weapon close and had to use it a few times, my favorite was a Cuban machete, the size kept everyone at a distance, except for those with shooters, being hassled by the cops, then the 'serial killers' pretending to be 'health support' guys fixing my alleged TB, they only wanted our blood to re sell to the hospitals, fuck I did that every 2-3 days got paid the equal as $1.40 a liter ...good money for a meal, it was tough back then ...just got kicked out of the air force(USSR) we were like prisoners of war but in civvy street, fucking... very fucked up and confusing, we were trained to kill, and kill again and again, now we are at peace, fucking sucks,.....still there is Ukraine to look forward too?

Known the streets. It's in your voice. Food was kinda easy for me. Big city dumpsters have some pretty decent eats. One night I even found a half a combo pizza just chillin' on toppa some old veggies. Fancy fucking eats are few and far between, but, there's always another tray. Having a partner is almost necessary if you're hoping to live and not just survive. Having someone there to spot for pigs, help spare for change, help scare off summerpunks, help cut your hair, and having someone to pit with at the show is best. I don't miss any of it. I like being indoors. I like real people food. I like not having to loose my boots in the pm, I fucking LOVE being able to sleep in on real people beds...
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Ages ago, I used to work for a construction company that built McMansions on Lake Norman, in North Carolina. The woman I was living with at the time decided it was time for me to go. I never saw it coming, and didn't have a car. I ended up staying in the basements of the houses we framed for most of that summer. It could have been worse. The roach coach rolled through once a day, and at least I had access to porta-potty and a lake to clean up in , but sleeping on concrete fucking sucks.

I still laugh nervously at the thought of what all those rich white people would have done if they would have found me.