Ever Been Homeless?

Gotta insulate, man. Stuff some fucking crumpled newspaper inside your shirt and pants. Fetal position can make all the diff, too. Stuck outside for the night? Stick to somewhere where the wind won't hit you. Ok, I'm done bumming every one out...

haha didn't have any newspaper or anything like that, but I had a duffle bag full of my stuff and there was a couple of blankets in there. My little burnt down trailer kept me out of the wind so i was good. Still cold but not frozen.

Did ended up catching pneumonia (i think it was pneumonia anyway) after hiking it across town one night. By the time I got to my location I had ice in my hair and my drink was a slushie. Good times lol. In the end I made it out a live and now have a roof over my head.

Life is full of ups on a downs. Somehow it never gets better or worse though.
haha didn't have any newspaper or anything like that, but I had a duffle bag full of my stuff and there was a couple of blankets in there. My little burnt down trailer kept me out of the wind so i was good. Still cold but not frozen.

Did ended up catching pneumonia (i think it was pneumonia anyway) after hiking it across town one night. By the time I got to my location I had ice in my hair and my drink was a slushie. Good times lol. In the end I made it out a live and now have a roof over my head.

Life is full of ups on a downs. Somehow it never gets better or worse though.
Always. Fuck. Only thing I miss about being a scumfuck, was being able to score in a split second, and being belligerent, and sleeping where I fell. Where'ever I hung my head, that was home...
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I miss the number 10 bus. I miss begging for rich assholes money down at the piers. I miss not showering for months at a time. I miss pissing in the open street. I miss fighting over 3 dollars worth of Jack in the Box. I miss lacing my boots up every morning. I miss shit stained underwaer. I miss sneaking into thee parkside for shitty shows. I miss getting kicked out 10 mins later. I miss mowhawks. I miss Timmy, Gorbo, Scab, Snakepit... I miss punk rock nicknames. I miss neighborhood watch. I miss spray painting on cop cars. I miss you all of you out there that are still stuck outside tonight. I am never coming back.
I miss the number 10 bus. I miss begging for rich assholes money down at the piers. I miss not showering for months at a time. I miss pissing in the open street. I miss fighting over 3 dollars worth of Jack in the Box. I miss lacing my boots up every morning. I miss shit stained underwaer. I miss sneaking into thee parkside for shitty shows. I miss getting kicked out 10 mins later. I miss mowhawks. I miss Timmy, Gorbo, Scab, Snakepit... I miss punk rock nicknames. I miss neighborhood watch. I miss spray painting on cop cars. I miss you all of you out there that are still stuck outside tonight. I am never coming back.
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I miss the number 10 bus. I miss begging for rich assholes money down at the piers. I miss not showering for months at a time. I miss pissing in the open street. I miss fighting over 3 dollars worth of Jack in the Box. I miss lacing my boots up every morning. I miss shit stained underwaer. I miss sneaking into thee parkside for shitty shows. I miss getting kicked out 10 mins later. I miss mowhawks. I miss Timmy, Gorbo, Scab, Snakepit... I miss punk rock nicknames. I miss neighborhood watch. I miss spray painting on cop cars. I miss you all of you out there that are still stuck outside tonight. I am never coming back.
I bet you shower everyday huh! Psss u can tell you have a home!! The way your typing right now says I live inside all over it!
If you work for the welfare office..then yea I'm still homeless!!!

On a side note is anyone interested in buying some food stamps or bus tokens?
I was homeless in Corpus Christie Texas for about a year back in 00, they dont really have crash spots there. I would check for cars with open doors and crash for like an hour at a time and move on under docks wasnt bad but it was a long way back to town. A guy coaught me sleeping in his truck and told me he was taking me to the police station...He took me to the Marine recruiting office instead I hadnt been able to score any drugs for over a month so I was in.
If you work for the welfare office..then yea I'm still homeless!!!

On a side note is anyone interested in buying some food stamps or bus tokens?

Uncle Buttphuck would be interested I'm sure. When you have no job and rely on your wife for everything, he'd probably barter with you for catshit&piss weed.
bitter old racists who can't confine their anal anguish to politics.
