cxa3070s@350mA orientation

Thanks goes to Cali Worthington for finding those Prolimatechs, a great choice. You found some that are illuminated?

As far as the size of the fans 140mm fits perfectly on the 5.88" Heatsink USA profile, so that the air blows down the the channel between every fin. That is the most efficient way to make use your heatsink and your fan power. You could add a shroud to cover the channels but the air blows all the way down CWs 24" heatsink channels (9" travel distance) with no problem. (Fans at 13V)

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If you have the design flexibility for remote drivers, I highly recommend it. If you install the drivers on the heatsink you would be pumping some of that heat back into the heatsink and COBs, sabotaging your Tj to some extent. Also it is more heat in the grow space, increasing canopy temps. For a 230 dissipation W build with 2 fans, input power is about 270W. So the drivers are dissipating about 35W of heat.

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Using remote drivers increases the wiring running through your grow space, so to keep it neat we have been using 18/6 stranded alarm cable.

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apologies for the naive question but the blue box that all your drivers are going into is called what..

You can find them at Walmart in the light bulb aisle, Lowes or Home Depot. Electrical junction box, electrical outlet box or gang box. I think they stopped calling them gang box because of sexual harassment lawsuits (kidding...maybe)
You can find them at Walmart in the light bulb aisle, Lowes or Home Depot. Electrical junction box, electrical outlet box or gang box. I think they stopped calling them gang box because of sexual harassment lawsuits (kidding)
sweet man... next time you build one of those beasts can you take a pic of the wiring inside by any chance...
Im no electrician so any help would be appreciated...

the one cob to one driver thing is fine... its getting mutliple cob driver power cords into one for the plug.

really nice clean work man
Yea theres a identical model of the prolim's that has the little led in the center that makes them light up- I think im just gonna get the blue ones, it'll match the potentiometer knob ill have for the drivers.

Btw- ready for some more dumb questions :D (1.) can I have ONE knob for both drivers? assuming yes but don't wanna jack something up trying. (it has four terminals on it)

(2.) what length would I need for the 7.28 profile heatsink supe? 24-26"? I ordered 28" and now thinking it may screw my "casing" idea with the pro grows (no driver space vertically, but like we are talking- may be better to have them outside anywho)

(3.) Supe you said the fan dimmer on the DC side- is that the Hot/Live wire, or where in the setup- between the power/terminal and the Fans psu, or between the psu and the fans?
Also, here's wha I've come up with as the wiring. No, I am NOT an electrician, and as I am cleaning up my progrow panels I noticed the switches an wiring. They have the white going to the plug, and black going to the power switches- do I have my hot and neutral lines backwards when it comes to the dimmers/switches? For some reason I thought it wa to go on the neutral side to interrupt the circuit

I think ideally one would switch the hot wire with a relay. It's for safety reasons, so that the circuit does not still have voltage applied to it when you switch it off. If you become the path to ground, you'll still get shocked when the light is off and the switch is off, when you switch the ground.
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Depending on the load, you might not need the relay, but you still want the switch on the hot wire. For the fan dimmer, I think they were saying (Supraspl) that if it is just a simple pot, you'll want it on the hot wire on the DC side of the fan PS, not the AC inputs.
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Yes you have it mostly correct, except the dimmer for the fans would go on the other side of the fan PSU and I agree with MC the hot wire should be switched on the AC side.

You can control both drivers with one knob, although I am no expert on dimming pots, I just use the drivers with pots built in. Maybe SDS or someone can walk us through understanding driver dimming pots. They are available in different resistances 10K 100K etc.
Thank you for all the help guys, getting further along. Absolutely everything has been ordered, found out my drivers will probably be the last things here (<the 18th) but that'll give me time to get everything else ready.

I ds get my heatsink in the mail today, along with a note for another package. Only found TWO uneven spots with a razorblade which I thought was pretty damn good. Already blasted em with 100grit and need to pick up some smoother shit to finish it.

Did get the wiring schematic redone correctly, thank you all again. And did decide how I wanted to wire the LEDs and schemed that out on paper for myself. Now to wait on everything else and work on the casing a bit more. Looks like I'll only have enough room for the heatsink and fans inside the case(s), even the fans' PSU, I was planning to have the drivers mounted outside the case anyways but now I need to think of where to place the Psu. Thought I'd keep you all posted- some of you have helped so much you are partially vested yourselves- even the pioneers who helped passively. Ya'll rock.

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Nice heatsink Scotch! So it is 7.28X28? That works out 9600cm². If you can figure out a way to blow air into every fin channel, that should be good for 320W. Since you are dissipating about 230W, that is plenty of extra capacity to handle the heat of your drivers and fan PSU :joint:
^^^^holy shit that is a large heatsink Scotch with active cooling...........trying to light up the neighborhood???ha

building yourself a true 1000w "hid killer"

Haha yea that things a monster, I called it a progrow 360DR (done right) God knows they could use the cooling. 1k killer in a 15x33" ehhhhh i dono, but If I hit 400g like flux just had I'll be pumped. All about efficiency buddy. I need this puppy to stay cool come these humid/warm ass temps given its location with no air intake. the fin height is closer to the AT I have vs. the cheaper 'sinks I've seen in my other panels. And was STILL a quarter of the price of my 3070s haha.

Thank you supe, I knew it'd be a little over capacity since the 5.~~" profile at 28" was enough but wanted it a fuzz deeper for 1.) the lol inside the cases is 7.5", just enough to set the sink down inside. 2.) to help get as much as I can coverage wise out of the watts I'm puttin in. Even if they are wide lenses. Good to know if I don't end up using the casings I can rest assured they would be enough capacity for the electronics. Centering up the fans though- 140mm would leave two fins on each end open, which concerned me, I thought about staggering the fans so that each outer edge would get something from two fans spaced apart.
Haha yea that things a monster, I called it a progrow 360DR (done right) God knows they could use the cooling. 1k killer in a 15x33" ehhhhh i dono, but If I hit 400g like flux just had I'll be pumped. All about efficiency buddy. I need this puppy to stay cool come these humid/warm ass temps given its location with no air intake. the fin height is closer to the AT I have vs. the cheaper 'sinks I've seen in my other panels. And was STILL a quarter of the price of my 3070s

You got to shoot for the stars friend!!!!, my enthusiasm got to me

So who's left using pre built fixtures in here?? just puff,dawg and I ?...........Damn, we're a dying breed:P
You got to shoot for the stars friend!!!!, my enthusiasm got to me

So who's left using pre built fixtures in here?? just puff,dawg and I ?...........Damn, we're a dying breed:P

Last of a dying breed for sure. I'm tempted by diy but just never found the time to learn about it. But it sounds like it's becoming easier and easier. Still waiting someone to do a diy for dummies tutorial/video...that's probably when I'll give diy a whirl. Wouldn't mind having a couple cobs supplementing the apaches
Last of a dying breed for sure. I'm tempted by diy but just never found the time to learn about it. But it sounds like it's becoming easier and easier. Still waiting someone to do a diy for dummies tutorial/video...that's probably when I'll give diy a whirl. Wouldn't mind having a couple cobs supplementing the apaches

Yeah no doubt, it is the way to go if you got some skillzzzzzzzz=== I have no patience/time for it. We could wait for cree's horti offerings, but who knows if/when that comes out.

I think GG is doing some sort of DIY video of his cob build, so that might help you out:)
Don't get me wrong Psu, I'll still be rocking my SGS in the veg area, even if it is 120w's I veg with and 110-230 to flower with the DIY lol AND I'm still a proud owner of an AT that can get dimmed down. I'm sure someday I'll design something for my veg space and 3x3' but that's some cash for double the footprint. I love my AT and should wear them down a bit ;) the big decision maker for my DIY was the temps in that area- that was my final push. In the 3x3 it's just humidity...meh.

Hope you are doig well brother! You too puff, and g, and supe, and....... Take care guys
Last of a dying breed for sure. I'm tempted by diy but just never found the time to learn about it. But it sounds like it's becoming easier and easier. Still waiting someone to do a diy for dummies tutorial/video...that's probably when I'll give diy a whirl. Wouldn't mind having a couple cobs supplementing the apaches
Hi Scotch! Found this thread just now, and realize that we are thinking alike. Only that you seem more ahead of things and went for the deluxe option. I couldn't find any good binnings of 3070 and finally went with recently high-binned 4000k 2530's instead. Just couldn't justify the higher price for the 3070, since my electricity actually is for free. BUT Always liked optimizing, so had to find a middle way..

My space measures 45x96 cm about 1,5x3 f.( 0,43 m2) So will place my cobs in 2 rows of 4, on 8 smaller heatsinks. Heat sinks will be built in to 100mm vent tubes connected to the outlet. Stole this idea from sammyz2646 at this other forum, where i also have a pretty confused thread. Inspiration to drive cobs on low current, came from RIU, and some of its highly educated members, i think you know who you are. Thank you!

Will follow your thread closely, and i'm extra curious about what drivers you finally choose. I have only ordered cobs, and heat sinks, So I'm still in the process of choosing drivers and supplemental leds, to tweak the spectrum a bit.

Hope you don't mind me sharing this in your thread.