The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i've done my back in fucking hoovering yesterday so i'm going to mix the crystal catcher and scissor snot into the leftover coconut fat from my last batch of caps and make them proper medicinal!
i liked them caps, just thought they needed to be a touch stronger than the batch i tried but the just taking a couple of tabs n being stoned 20mins later is cool as fuck, that medicinal batch sounds sweet, i was reading a post of yours bout how to make em sounds fairly simple although id prob still fuck it up lol


Well-Known Member
which one? the lemon drizzle?


all the BP i seen has beenbeastly yano in general terms,

a lot of the BB stuff does look awfully similar, not genetic like most,

the dog i have is less than 2 weeks in and is frosty as fuk already.

sae, cheers man, looking forward to runing that, gunna lokf ro sumert that i can stik with for a bit. if yours is a 7 week finisher then that may be it, if she yeils and tastes, but ive never smoken it
I will say honestly its ROUGHLY 7 weeks, completely for got to mark down the day i switched to flower so only know to the closest week not day but 8 weeks would have roughly been last day of this month so just between 7 n 8 weeks


Well-Known Member
I will say honestly its ROUGHLY 7 weeks, completely for got to mark down the day i switched to flower so only know to the closest week not day but 8 weeks would have roughly been last day of this month so just between 7 n 8 weeks
cool man well lemmi know

is this just visual and feel yeh its ready or are you going by trichs under the loop?

i've done my back in fucking hoovering yesterday so i'm going to mix the crystal catcher and scissor snot into the leftover coconut fat from my last batch of caps and make them proper medicinal!
i done mine in sweeping big pop at the bottom of my back,,, uurgh feel like 90

yeah ice it will be a lemon cake, although it seems the dr ocktor lemon citron cake mix ive always used the CUNTS seem to have stopped making it, its butter made with plant matter so it taste nasty the lemon cake or anything but chocolate seems to hide the flavour better.

yeh lemon hides that horrible flavour sumwhat :) u go mr ramsey


Well-Known Member
edibles don't work on me no more, i have more thc than blood so would have to eat an eighth of quality hash to feel anything i reckon.

i eat 2g of full melt before i got on the plane to thailand, what a waste, i felt nothing, would have been better taking it with and smoking the shit.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah ya didnt miss em,, same ones that i threw up in the dog growoff thread
aye it's a banger that Saer

tasted it yet?

i liked them caps, just thought they needed to be a touch stronger than the batch i tried but the just taking a couple of tabs n being stoned 20mins later is cool as fuck, that medicinal batch sounds sweet, i was reading a post of yours bout how to make em sounds fairly simple although id prob still fuck it up lol
They were made with hash from my pal who doesn't separate the fans from sugar leaves. I keep fucking telling him but he's too busy with a bairn and work to fanny on come chop time with a room full. Doesn't even get me round to help trim cos i trim properly haha and make good extracts etc.

the method's simple as rambo, if i can do it without fucking it up it must be dolly dimple :wink: i make em for a gadgie who's had cancer and can't smoke but loves getting high. not going to put grade hash into them. you wouldn't pop half a dozen of them other ones though would ya. that's the point need to be strong enough but easy to dose. it's tricky.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
edibles don't work on me no more, i have more thc than blood so would have to eat an eighth of quality hash to feel anything i reckon.

i eat 2g of full melt before i got on the plane to thailand, what a waste, i felt nothing, would have been better taking it with and smoking the shit.
you need to decarb the stuff and put it in a delivery system like fat or alcohol. 2 g of full melt should have ripped your head off.

i done mine in sweeping big pop at the bottom of my back,,, uurgh feel like 90
aye i stupidly thought id lift one end of the couch with one hand and hoover under it and it just went. been spasming / pinging since.


Well-Known Member
true don, dosage is a fucker with edibles im just being a greedy cunt cause 2 of them tabs i had before would get me nice n stoned but not that drooling,dribbling mess i was looking for lmao


Well-Known Member
must be right then don, whenever i had cakes in the dam they had 0.2 in them and they knocked you out, that was when i was a bit more green on th green though.

it must have passed straight through me, like i said, i was disappointed!.


Well-Known Member
edibles don't work on me no more, i have more thc than blood so would have to eat an eighth of quality hash to feel anything i reckon.

i eat 2g of full melt before i got on the plane to thailand, what a waste, i felt nothing, would have been better taking it with and smoking the shit.
u should have decarbed it first...


Well-Known Member
too late now isnt it!!, i know for next time though, i'll get my hash on the atkins diet before i munch the stuff


Well-Known Member
cool man well lemmi know

is this just visual and feel yeh its ready or are you going by trichs under the loop?

i done mine in sweeping big pop at the bottom of my back,,, uurgh feel like 90

yeh lemon hides that horrible flavour sumwhat :) u go mr ramsey
did you see the pics i chucked up a few pages back?


Well-Known Member
aye it's a banger that Saer

tasted it yet?
Not yet mate, gonna leave it under the light til the end of the week when my Exo will be ready to go in there n chop it then, had a taster of the diesel pheno and the big lanky shaggy dog story pheno that are 2 weeks behind this plant an they are eye wateringly strong, more like anaesthetic than weed, one min your fully compus mentus n the next you are a dribbling mess on the sofa, gets ya right behind the eyes n the forehead


Well-Known Member
still working sae? god knows 3 joints of decent weed would leave me pretty immobile :P
i need to be up n doing stuff but struggling to make it happen lol, gotta go over to the LED veg cupboatd today n flip the exo scrog to flower and check on all the numerous cuts ive taken lol


Well-Known Member
i meant did you still have the job on the docks or was that just a temporary thing?

think i'm gonna roll my first of the day, my neck is stiff as fuck, i can't look up, feel like a little pussy.

1g haze rip, looks like a tampon :D


Well-Known Member
looks nice sae, seems the BB strains have taken off atm, cushty be interested to run sum,noy buying seeds tho fuk that, havent the time or pateince,

that ducting land yet? i just ordered meself 10m of the stuff for my flower tent, should bring loft temps down a degree or 2 hopefully....

raing now thank fuk,, bak to cooler weather.

im about to skin up sum livers, just put a all day brekki i teh oven and its ON!


Well-Known Member
afternoon lads :) gonna run bank in a minute and put some coino in for an order on tude. 20% of tomorrow at 12 wednesday happy hour. gonna order myself aload of bodhi stuff gotta get the sunshine day dream. trouble is ill probably be in an interview tomorrow for a job lol gonna try rush that and get the phone out.