The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
10 m8 5 of each 4 of each in 18ltr and 1 of each in 10lts I was gona bho but seeing what's on them iv changed my mind haha


Well-Known Member
10 m8 5 of each 4 of each in 18ltr and 1 of each in 10lts I was gona bho but seeing what's on them iv changed my mind haha
nice looking tent what issit? looks big. a mass of greenery and main colas, im doing perpetuaul under a 600 and 400 in flower and 400mh in veg, il run for a few months see if ts betetr doing 1 big one or scatter them, unna be a big one for xmas standard :)

fuk that ionic shit off m8


Well-Known Member
Errrm since forever lol

i had bho once and it dident taste of anything. well had that canna flavour I THINK, but i dont think u get strain dependant flavours? bho is th epure crystal or um shit innit? and its the plant that carries the smell and taste not the crytals thats just he thc??

or what? fukaduk


Well-Known Member
That what I been using ionic, and just a 2.4x1.2 with 2 600s and I have a 90x90cm cupboard for cuts and week or 2 under a cfl before the tent iv a few dog cuts rooting now for next, I mainlined lst'd these and veg for 5 weeks I think


Well-Known Member
i had bho once and it dident taste of anything. well had that canna flavour I THINK, but i dont think u get strain dependant flavours? bho is th epure crystal or um shit innit? and its the plant that carries the smell and taste not the crytals thats just he thc??

or what? fukaduk
nah seriously mate if you get a decently made bit of BHO you can smell all the flavours of the strain in it


Well-Known Member
nah seriously mate if you get a decently made bit of BHO you can smell all the flavours of the strain in it

huh,well ther u go, thats the stuff i whiteyed on with a dab thing? fuking yoots getting me mullered.

i tasted u know that canna taste like wenu make cookies n shit, but cant remeber much else?

too much for me, bubbles my limit, fucking liteweight.


Well-Known Member
Rr I love the dabs like nock the head off u haha just a bit to strong for wake n bake. Best thing I bought for my bong is the nail and my extraction tube

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've been making some canny bho lately not mixing the strains you can really taste the flavour better. All strain mix I generally run through the bubble bags though.

Blasted a Q out of a freezer bag full of dog n whipped it.

Budolski's reet into bho. I reckon he'll need a tolerance break afore long mind.

You blasting .2+ yet man!?


Well-Known Member
No haha I've had a little break the past few days and a recon next will be when that's down but who knows I'd love a nail an .15 is the biggest a don't no how them do grams and that

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I reckon this fireballs will make some canny hash/wax. And the flowers might not be so bad neither haha.

I've had a couple of weed caps tonight. Nicely toasted.


Well-Known Member
You need to get yourself a bufo alvarous toad in one if them tanks mate get pure 5meo DMT off em...I want one but just ain't got the room man
these are rare red dragons breeder aint doing a nother clutch of them so had to snap a male n female off her...looking 4wd to breading my chamelions tho.....funny u sayin that was on about an African bull toad to missis otherday lol