Hey Karma, thanks to you and Skunky I'm pretty much set on the RW-150. I read in one of your journals that you felt the red spectrum may lead to a higher m/f ratio, do you still think that is true?
Anyone able to give me a rough idea of how well the RW-150 will perform in a 2.5x2.5 tent by itself? It's hard to find a grow journal where someone used just a single unit. I know it's hard to compare LED to HPS but does anyone have an OPINION of what HPS wattage a single RW-150 in my grow space would be equivalent to? A51 doesn't make the big statements I've seen from other LED companies like "600W = 1000W HPS!" While I do see that as a good thing, it still leaves me wondering what exactly to expect, especially when most grows I find are under multiple panels.
(And now I'm seeing this post about how Jeff from A51 would recommend 2 RW-75 vs 1 RW-150. Lol deciding on an LED is becoming harder than I thought it'd be.)