The Smiling Nationalist


Well-Known Member
By Don Terry
Ramzpaul is the funniest white nationalist in the room. Admittedly, there’s not a lot of competition for the title. That is precisely why he should be taken seriously. He’s blazing a trail. With a small camera and a big grin, the lanky, bespectacled, 50-year-old father of two from suburban Tulsa, Okla., has emerged as the hottest right-wing video blogger this side of former Klansman David Duke.
His real name is Paul Ray Ramsey and his hundreds of snarky YouTube videos — “mostly mocking the establishment’s religion of Cultural Marxism” — have racked up nearly 5 million views in the last four years. He has his own YouTube channel, boasting advertising and almost 13,000 subscribers. He has become a hero to many on the radical right. His liberal-loathing, feminist-bashing, racial separatist-supporting videos, typically three to five minutes long, have become a weekly staple on major white supremacist websites, including Vanguard News Network and Stormfront.
“Ramzpaul is smarter than most of the other white pride types on YouTube,” Canadian marketing consultant Sarah Welstead, who blogs about marketing and pop culture, wrote last year after discovering him when she “fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes.”
“He positions himself as a ‘satirist,’ doesn’t spew hate speech indiscriminately, and has closed down the comments on most of his 481 videos,” Welstead continued, “so it takes a few minutes to figure out that he is in fact a racist who is quite popular on Stormfront discussion boards where they like the fact that his pro-white message is subtle enough to reach his fellow nationalists without us non-racists getting upset.”
Ramsey is now up to more than 600 videos or vlogs — the name for a video blog. “I wrote the blog post because I was kind of shocked that YouTube was actually running ads on his stuff,” Welstead said in an interview with the Intelligence Report.
Ramsey declined to talk to the Report. In a recent video, he said the Southern Poverty Law Center, its publisher, was “basically a domestic left-wing terrorist organization.” He guards information about his personal and professional life closely. “I get some mean letters,” he told a right-wing radio host. He said he doesn’t want his family to be collateral damage. When another far-right interviewer introduced him by his real name, Ramsey quickly corrected him, saying he prefers to simply go by Ramzpaul. “It’s kind of like a one-word name thing,” he explained, “like Cher, Madonna, Elvis — Satan.”
The Coming-Out Party
Although he advocates seceding from the Union and establishing a new, 90% white nation — a 21st century Fantasy Island he describes as representing traditional American demographics — Ramsey insists he is not a white nationalist or a supremacist. “I don’t call myself a white nationalist,” he told a radio interviewer not long ago. “I call myself a nationalist who is white...”

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Hmm. Who does he remind me of?

By Don Terry
Ramzpaul is the funniest white nationalist in the room. Admittedly, there’s not a lot of competition for the title. That is precisely why he should be taken seriously. He’s blazing a trail. With a small camera and a big grin, the lanky, bespectacled, 50-year-old father of two from suburban Tulsa, Okla., has emerged as the hottest right-wing video blogger this side of former Klansman David Duke.
His real name is Paul Ray Ramsey and his hundreds of snarky YouTube videos — “mostly mocking the establishment’s religion of Cultural Marxism” — have racked up nearly 5 million views in the last four years. He has his own YouTube channel, boasting advertising and almost 13,000 subscribers. He has become a hero to many on the radical right. His liberal-loathing, feminist-bashing, racial separatist-supporting videos, typically three to five minutes long, have become a weekly staple on major white supremacist websites, including Vanguard News Network and Stormfront.
“Ramzpaul is smarter than most of the other white pride types on YouTube,” Canadian marketing consultant Sarah Welstead, who blogs about marketing and pop culture, wrote last year after discovering him when she “fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes.”
“He positions himself as a ‘satirist,’ doesn’t spew hate speech indiscriminately, and has closed down the comments on most of his 481 videos,” Welstead continued, “so it takes a few minutes to figure out that he is in fact a racist who is quite popular on Stormfront discussion boards where they like the fact that his pro-white message is subtle enough to reach his fellow nationalists without us non-racists getting upset.”
Ramsey is now up to more than 600 videos or vlogs — the name for a video blog. “I wrote the blog post because I was kind of shocked that YouTube was actually running ads on his stuff,” Welstead said in an interview with the Intelligence Report.
Ramsey declined to talk to the Report. In a recent video, he said the Southern Poverty Law Center, its publisher, was “basically a domestic left-wing terrorist organization.” He guards information about his personal and professional life closely. “I get some mean letters,” he told a right-wing radio host. He said he doesn’t want his family to be collateral damage. When another far-right interviewer introduced him by his real name, Ramsey quickly corrected him, saying he prefers to simply go by Ramzpaul. “It’s kind of like a one-word name thing,” he explained, “like Cher, Madonna, Elvis — Satan.”
The Coming-Out Party
Although he advocates seceding from the Union and establishing a new, 90% white nation — a 21st century Fantasy Island he describes as representing traditional American demographics — Ramsey insists he is not a white nationalist or a supremacist. “I don’t call myself a white nationalist,” he told a radio interviewer not long ago. “I call myself a nationalist who is white...”

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Hmm. Who does he remind me of?

goofy, but kinda funny
MWG, you need to stop reading that SPLC crap. It's rotting your brain.

should we tune into your white supremacy groups instead?

the SPLC does an invaluable service by monitoring hate groups all around this nation and suing them to the poorhouse or putting them in jail where they belong.

the fact that this bothers you so much is very telling.
By Don Terry
Ramzpaul is the funniest white nationalist in the room. Admittedly, there’s not a lot of competition for the title. That is precisely why he should be taken seriously. He’s blazing a trail. With a small camera and a big grin, the lanky, bespectacled, 50-year-old father of two from suburban Tulsa, Okla., has emerged as the hottest right-wing video blogger this side of former Klansman David Duke.
His real name is Paul Ray Ramsey and his hundreds of snarky YouTube videos — “mostly mocking the establishment’s religion of Cultural Marxism” — have racked up nearly 5 million views in the last four years. He has his own YouTube channel, boasting advertising and almost 13,000 subscribers. He has become a hero to many on the radical right. His liberal-loathing, feminist-bashing, racial separatist-supporting videos, typically three to five minutes long, have become a weekly staple on major white supremacist websites, including Vanguard News Network and Stormfront.
“Ramzpaul is smarter than most of the other white pride types on YouTube,” Canadian marketing consultant Sarah Welstead, who blogs about marketing and pop culture, wrote last year after discovering him when she “fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes.”
“He positions himself as a ‘satirist,’ doesn’t spew hate speech indiscriminately, and has closed down the comments on most of his 481 videos,” Welstead continued, “so it takes a few minutes to figure out that he is in fact a racist who is quite popular on Stormfront discussion boards where they like the fact that his pro-white message is subtle enough to reach his fellow nationalists without us non-racists getting upset.”
Ramsey is now up to more than 600 videos or vlogs — the name for a video blog. “I wrote the blog post because I was kind of shocked that YouTube was actually running ads on his stuff,” Welstead said in an interview with the Intelligence Report.
Ramsey declined to talk to the Report. In a recent video, he said the Southern Poverty Law Center, its publisher, was “basically a domestic left-wing terrorist organization.” He guards information about his personal and professional life closely. “I get some mean letters,” he told a right-wing radio host. He said he doesn’t want his family to be collateral damage. When another far-right interviewer introduced him by his real name, Ramsey quickly corrected him, saying he prefers to simply go by Ramzpaul. “It’s kind of like a one-word name thing,” he explained, “like Cher, Madonna, Elvis — Satan.”
The Coming-Out Party
Although he advocates seceding from the Union and establishing a new, 90% white nation — a 21st century Fantasy Island he describes as representing traditional American demographics — Ramsey insists he is not a white nationalist or a supremacist. “I don’t call myself a white nationalist,” he told a radio interviewer not long ago. “I call myself a nationalist who is white...”

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Hmm. Who does he remind me of?



every thread you start and every post you make is blaming others for daring to disagree.


every thread you start and every post you make is blaming others for daring to disagree.

so you're siding with the subtly pro white nationalist who complains of "cultural marxism" obsessively?


stupid question, one only need read some of your posts for an answer to that one.
so you're siding with the subtly pro white nationalist who complains of "cultural marxism" obsessively?


stupid question, one only need read some of your posts for an answer to that one.

yep. i would rather side with Ron Paul than you and Barry Seotoro, no matter how much calumny you throw at him.

after all i too am a VICIOUS oppenent of the federal reserve, federalism in general, marxism, and asshats who scream "That's Racist" as their first last and only method of disagreement. (that asshat would be you...)
yep. i would rather side with Ron Paul than you and Barry Seotoro, no matter how much calumny you throw at him.

after all i too am a VICIOUS oppenent of the federal reserve, federalism in general, marxism, and asshats who scream "That's Racist" as their first last and only method of disagreement. (that asshat would be you...)
I can relate with Ron POO POO on the federal reserve, but his views on civil rights makes me cancel that old fuck out
By Don Terry
Ramzpaul is the funniest white nationalist in the room. Admittedly, there’s not a lot of competition for the title. That is precisely why he should be taken seriously. He’s blazing a trail. With a small camera and a big grin, the lanky, bespectacled, 50-year-old father of two from suburban Tulsa, Okla., has emerged as the hottest right-wing video blogger this side of former Klansman David Duke.
His real name is Paul Ray Ramsey and his hundreds of snarky YouTube videos — “mostly mocking the establishment’s religion of Cultural Marxism” — have racked up nearly 5 million views in the last four years. He has his own YouTube channel, boasting advertising and almost 13,000 subscribers. He has become a hero to many on the radical right. His liberal-loathing, feminist-bashing, racial separatist-supporting videos, typically three to five minutes long, have become a weekly staple on major white supremacist websites, including Vanguard News Network and Stormfront.
“Ramzpaul is smarter than most of the other white pride types on YouTube,” Canadian marketing consultant Sarah Welstead, who blogs about marketing and pop culture, wrote last year after discovering him when she “fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes.”
“He positions himself as a ‘satirist,’ doesn’t spew hate speech indiscriminately, and has closed down the comments on most of his 481 videos,” Welstead continued, “so it takes a few minutes to figure out that he is in fact a racist who is quite popular on Stormfront discussion boards where they like the fact that his pro-white message is subtle enough to reach his fellow nationalists without us non-racists getting upset.”
Ramsey is now up to more than 600 videos or vlogs — the name for a video blog. “I wrote the blog post because I was kind of shocked that YouTube was actually running ads on his stuff,” Welstead said in an interview with the Intelligence Report.
Ramsey declined to talk to the Report. In a recent video, he said the Southern Poverty Law Center, its publisher, was “basically a domestic left-wing terrorist organization.” He guards information about his personal and professional life closely. “I get some mean letters,” he told a right-wing radio host. He said he doesn’t want his family to be collateral damage. When another far-right interviewer introduced him by his real name, Ramsey quickly corrected him, saying he prefers to simply go by Ramzpaul. “It’s kind of like a one-word name thing,” he explained, “like Cher, Madonna, Elvis — Satan.”
The Coming-Out Party
Although he advocates seceding from the Union and establishing a new, 90% white nation — a 21st century Fantasy Island he describes as representing traditional American demographics — Ramsey insists he is not a white nationalist or a supremacist. “I don’t call myself a white nationalist,” he told a radio interviewer not long ago. “I call myself a nationalist who is white...”

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Hmm. Who does he remind me of?

ZOMFG! this guy is so fucking BORING..

I can relate with Ron POO POO on the federal reserve, but his views on civil rights makes me cancel that old fuck out
that is your prerogative.

you can hate ron paul as much as you like, but dont expect everyone else to be as myopic and race-centered as you.
UncleBuck says"

I wasn't working or making any contributions to the partnership. I was sitting on a forum 12-16 hrs a day amassing 10's of thousands of hateful posts where 9 of 10 involved me calling someone names. She worked and went to school trying to better her life and would come home every day to find me spewing hateful stuff on my forum. I say it's my forum because that was the attitude I had. I had no skills, no life experience but thought I was an expert in every subject, vehemently defending my stance by attacking personal those that disagreed. My obsession got so bad that I even stalked men across the internet trying to find personal info about them I could use to "win" an argument. I wasn't so much trying to convince anyone of my ridiculous uneducated position, i was just trying to cause harm. Her parents were supporting us because they loved their daughter, they even tried to get me to earn some money for my allowance by paying me to empty the kitty litter, but I didn't time for that, there were names to be called.
Finally, the wife decided she would try to help me be productive so she left her family and paid for us to move to another state. I continued with the same behavior of manic forum posting instead of helping to support our family. I convinced her that it wasn't me, it was where we moved to so we went back home. In a last ditch effort to save our marriage, she agreed to move yet again. Her parents were fed up at this point and declined to pay for yet another move so I was forced to go into my own money that I squirreled away by not helping with bills. When I tried to strong arm the wife for half the costs I knew she didn't have it and would have to go to her parents. Her parents had finally had enough and refused saying a man in his 30's should be grown up enough to take care of his own.
They finally convinced her to leave me and in hindsight I understand and don't blame her. Although at first I did. In fact, I have always blamed others for my shortcomings which is how I got there in the first place.

how many threads do you have to post this lame shit in?
that is your prerogative.

you can hate ron paul as much as you like, but dont expect everyone else to be as myopic and race-centered as you.
Thank you. I have no worries Ron Paul or his views on civil rights will come to past. Fell free to eat wherever you wish.
By Don Terry
Ramzpaul is the funniest white nationalist in the room. Admittedly, there’s not a lot of competition for the title. That is precisely why he should be taken seriously. He’s blazing a trail. With a small camera and a big grin, the lanky, bespectacled, 50-year-old father of two from suburban Tulsa, Okla., has emerged as the hottest right-wing video blogger this side of former Klansman David Duke.
His real name is Paul Ray Ramsey and his hundreds of snarky YouTube videos — “mostly mocking the establishment’s religion of Cultural Marxism” — have racked up nearly 5 million views in the last four years. He has his own YouTube channel, boasting advertising and almost 13,000 subscribers. He has become a hero to many on the radical right. His liberal-loathing, feminist-bashing, racial separatist-supporting videos, typically three to five minutes long, have become a weekly staple on major white supremacist websites, including Vanguard News Network and Stormfront.
“Ramzpaul is smarter than most of the other white pride types on YouTube,” Canadian marketing consultant Sarah Welstead, who blogs about marketing and pop culture, wrote last year after discovering him when she “fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes.”
“He positions himself as a ‘satirist,’ doesn’t spew hate speech indiscriminately, and has closed down the comments on most of his 481 videos,” Welstead continued, “so it takes a few minutes to figure out that he is in fact a racist who is quite popular on Stormfront discussion boards where they like the fact that his pro-white message is subtle enough to reach his fellow nationalists without us non-racists getting upset.”
Ramsey is now up to more than 600 videos or vlogs — the name for a video blog. “I wrote the blog post because I was kind of shocked that YouTube was actually running ads on his stuff,” Welstead said in an interview with the Intelligence Report.
Ramsey declined to talk to the Report. In a recent video, he said the Southern Poverty Law Center, its publisher, was “basically a domestic left-wing terrorist organization.” He guards information about his personal and professional life closely. “I get some mean letters,” he told a right-wing radio host. He said he doesn’t want his family to be collateral damage. When another far-right interviewer introduced him by his real name, Ramsey quickly corrected him, saying he prefers to simply go by Ramzpaul. “It’s kind of like a one-word name thing,” he explained, “like Cher, Madonna, Elvis — Satan.”
The Coming-Out Party
Although he advocates seceding from the Union and establishing a new, 90% white nation — a 21st century Fantasy Island he describes as representing traditional American demographics — Ramsey insists he is not a white nationalist or a supremacist. “I don’t call myself a white nationalist,” he told a radio interviewer not long ago. “I call myself a nationalist who is white...”

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Hmm. Who does he remind me of?

Most of the world mocks Marxism, wait religious Culture Marxism? WTF is that? Marx was blunt about his dislike of religion, this doesn't make sense