Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.


Well-Known Member
funny how your "Scientific Poll" isnt found on PPP's own website, but is instead posted on Scribd, an anonymous pastebin where any asshole can post anything he likes.

so it's more fraud from the left wing echo chamber.
your false accusation of "fraud" is really just an indictment on what a blithering fucking idiot you are.

that took me two seconds to find, if that.


Well-Known Member
now if only the fake poll you posted actually came from PPP, then your argument might be worth a squirt of piss, but it didnt.

it came from some asshole on scribd, and neither you nor dana millbank, the original reprinter of this bullshit, bothered to check if it was real .

that would make it a LIE with a FAKE CITATION to a FAKE poll.
and that would make you clumsy, foolish and irresponsible.
your stupidity does not constitute fraud on the part of PPP or anyone else.

just give up you fucking stooge.


Well-Known Member
that's the thing with red.

no matter what reality actually is, he will find a way to delude himself into believing otherwise and run with it.

it is well known that conservatives change reality in their mind to fit their preconceived notions rather than adjust their preconceived notions to fit reality. there have been studies on this.
I see...This is absolutely crazzzinesss


Well-Known Member
UNLESS THE POLL IS FAKE as this one is.

PPP's website has NO mention of this fail asss bullshit poll.

some dickhead made it up, tried to make it look real, posted it on SCRIBD for fucks sake, then bucky and dana millbank ran with it, waving it as proof that Conservatism = Stupid & Racist (the usual meme)

the rest of the lefty echochamber is sure to follow.
expect to see this shit on MSNBC, RT, CNN< ABC, CBS and eventually (in a desperate attempt to look "fair and balanced") on FOX.

and not a one will check to see if its real before re-publicizing this horse shit. .
that, and 10 to the second power is 1000.

you are retarded. stop trying. you only serve to make a fool of yourself, over and over again.


Well-Known Member
A "put" options allows you to sell your current STOCK at a set price. Cheney did just this.
A "put" option is NOTHING like you say it is, a "PUT" option is playing a future, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH CORPORATE STOCK OPTIONS!!!! You would buy a PUT option if you thought a stock was going to decrease in price, if it does decrease in price, you make money. to Exercise a Put you will have to borrow stocks, not purchase them, then you sell the borrowed stocks right away and then when the price goes down you purchase them back and make the difference.

Call options and put options have nothing to do with corporate stock options as a form of payment, NOTHING AT ALL!!!! Calls and Puts are used to trade with.

Now, in a way a corporate stock option is like a call option because in essence they are both options that gives someone the right to buy stocks but is not obligated to buy them. But when you get the option its just a contract, not actual stock.

you just confirmed you have never traded a single day of your life when you talked about put options being the same thing as a corporate stock option as payment.


Well-Known Member
A "put" option is NOTHING like you say it is, a "PUT" option is playing a future, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH CORPORATE STOCK OPTIONS!!!! You would buy a PUT option if you thought a stock was going to decrease in price, if it does decrease in price, you make money. to Exercise a Put you will have to borrow stocks, not purchase them, then you sell the borrowed stocks right away and then when the price goes down you purchase them back and make the difference.

Call options and put options have nothing to do with corporate stock options as a form of payment, NOTHING AT ALL!!!! Calls and Puts are used to trade with.

Now, in a way a corporate stock option is like a call option because in essence they are both options that gives someone the right to buy stocks but is not obligated to buy them. But when you get the option its just a contract, not actual stock.

you just confirmed you have never traded a single day of your life when you talked about put options being the same thing as a corporate stock option as payment.
Guy a put option allows you to sell at a predetermined price before a set expiration date...Stop making this hard. Whist his was ESO same factors

My thing is with Red who states Cheney did not have any stock after he took office. We have a bet that I said he did. he says he did not...You want in.


Well-Known Member
Guy a put option allows you to sell at a predetermined price before a set expiration date...Stop making this hard. Whist his was ESO same factors

My thing is with Red who states Cheney did not have any stock after he took office. We have a bet that I said he did he says he did not...You want in.
Stock options ARE NOT STOCKS!!

Fella, If I have the right to purchase a brand new Ferrari, but never exercise that option, do i have a Ferrari?

Fella, If you have a piece of paper from your Nanna that says she might give you her home after she dies, does that make you the owner of the home right now?

Yes a put option allows you to BORROW a stock, sell it and then buy it back on expiration, hopefully at a lower price than when you borrowed it so you make the difference. But that isn't what people do with corporate stock option contracts now is it?


Well-Known Member
Guy a put option allows you to sell at a predetermined price before a set expiration date...Stop making this hard. Whist his was ESO same factors

My thing is with Red who states Cheney did not have any stock after he took office. We have a bet that I said he did. he says he did not...You want in.
You said you would leave. You haven't. Dishonorable, lying piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
Stock options ARE NOT STOCKS!!

Fella, If I have the right to purchase a brand new Ferrari, but never exercise that option, do i have a Ferrari?

Fella, If you have a piece of paper from your Nanna that says she might give you her home after she dies, does that make you the owner of the home right now?

Yes a put option allows you to BORROW a stock, sell it and then buy it back on expiration, hopefully at a lower price than when you borrowed it so you make the difference. But that isn't what people do with corporate stock option contracts now is it?
Guy he exercised his option in 2005 which means at one point he did have....come one you finish the sentence.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to go...He exercised his stock option in 2005 it was to expire in 2007...Bye see you in the grow section
hopefully we won't see him in the grow section, he contributes NOTHING there either.

i just had to look up a put option just to see HOW deluded red and nodrama are. wow, they are fucking deluded.

this is straightforward. red needs to go now.


Well-Known Member
i just had to look up a put option just to see HOW deluded red and nodrama are.
tell me Buck, what is a "put" option? Is it used to pay employees of a company like London says? Or is it a strategy used to make money on a losing stock?

Do you have any clue at all? No, none at all.


Well-Known Member
tell me Buck, what is a "put" option?
In finance, a put or put option is a stock market device which gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell an asset (the underlying), at a specified price (the strike), by a predetermined date (the expiry or maturity) to a given party (the buyer of the put).


Well-Known Member
hopefully we won't see him in the grow section, he contributes NOTHING there either.

i just had to look up a put option just to see HOW deluded red and nodrama are. wow, they are fucking deluded.

this is straightforward. red needs to go now.
To be fair to NOdrama...Cheney was ESO which does mean it was more of a call option...But you still are BUYING a stock in which he did and turned around and sold it. Meaning he did have stock in which he sold. Our bet was if he had stock. he did Red should be gone