I have a $500 pH unit that says under fox farm's schedule that with MY water...
MY municipal water source is HARD WATER and reads at 9.0pH+...A little high, but this is good...
2 tsp of grow big and 2 tbl of Big Bloom = 6.2pH
2tsp Grow big, 2tsp Tiger Bloom and 1 tbl Big Bloom = 5.4pH ---so i add 1/4 tsp of hydrated lime that brings it to 6.5..IDEAL
With soil....take your time...be cool..if it doesn't get better you'll know. Be slow with the ferts...be cautious at first, an learn the nutrient needs of your plant.
whether your growing a tomato or a medicinal herb, the plant will tell you whats best..so take it breezy easy my brotha...
Used correctly and to schedule...Fox Farm Organic based nutes will grow you some fatty's
as a matter of fact...theres 1000 different brands that will give you some baseball bat sized buds...
Just give your plant what it wants....