Cant You Vacuum Distill SUPER PURE Hash Oil?!

wow... I'm still floored at just how well CBD works. I'm now my 3rd dosing in and this time without kratom and am feeling really great still. I can see myself, perhaps not even needing to fuck around with opiates or anything else but some very fine CBD + THC concentrates in the future. That is pretty incredible to even be able to consider that as a possibility in my life just because nothing else has ever worked up to this point.

The pup is home now and we've given her it's first dosing about a half hour ago now... She seems to be resting now. It's just nice to have her back and hopefully the CBD tincture will work the same magic it's working on me, I'm pretty confident that it will. They're taking the pup to Las Vegas to find out for sure what it is since the vet here in town couldn't figure it out. I told my mom it didn't really matter at this point but I guess it'll be good to know exactly what it is so we can further specify special treatments but the CBD is the real worker here. On THC though, the tincture my dispense had was CBD only so if I want to add a lil THC should I just blow a vape or 2 in her ears? I've gotten this pup high plenty before, she loves it but I haven't tried blowing vape it was always smoke which I know works... Any suggestions on a better way or will a good vape to the pup's ear work fine?
Well fuck it if I didn't have another even worse panic attack today at the end of my lunch break an entire hour AT WORK! lol... ugh, luckily I work tech. and it's not weird for me to hide away for a while and my co-workers are cool and busy doing their work lol.

I'm almost certain that it's a combination of the adrenaline from rushing around during lunch and my THC concentrate that's doing it. It's only after I vape a bunch and then have to rush off back to work. And it's more a trouble breathing or hyperventilating type of a panic attack. I'm actually very clear headed which sucks but gets me through it by doing breathing exercises to relax myself.

I've been reading that kratom does cause panic attacks in some people but also has a calming effect on others. I seem to be both because I can take straight kratom all day or CBD + kratom all day and even usually CBD +kratom + THC but I think the adrenaline from the hustle n' bustle of my lunch break that triggers it for me specifically... I'm going to try having no kratom after my initial morning dose which I cannot go without as my pain is always it's worst upon waking up in the morning...

Or maybe just one big good hit of my THC concentrate and that's that at lunch time. I just love to dab that shit too much lol... Maybe my benedryl is affecting my breathing as well, I know it prolongs opiates via hystamines n' whatnot but as far as I'm aware doesn't intensify anything. Added kratom contains no opiates just alkaloids that affect opiod recepters... but i digress...
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wow... I'm still floored at just how well CBD works. I'm now my 3rd dosing in and this time without kratom and am feeling really great still. I can see myself, perhaps not even needing to fuck around with opiates or anything else but some very fine CBD + THC concentrates in the future. That is pretty incredible to even be able to consider that as a possibility in my life just because nothing else has ever worked up to this point.

The pup is home now and we've given her it's first dosing about a half hour ago now... She seems to be resting now. It's just nice to have her back and hopefully the CBD tincture will work the same magic it's working on me, I'm pretty confident that it will. They're taking the pup to Las Vegas to find out for sure what it is since the vet here in town couldn't figure it out. I told my mom it didn't really matter at this point but I guess it'll be good to know exactly what it is so we can further specify special treatments but the CBD is the real worker here. On THC though, the tincture my dispense had was CBD only so if I want to add a lil THC should I just blow a vape or 2 in her ears? I've gotten this pup high plenty before, she loves it but I haven't tried blowing vape it was always smoke which I know works... Any suggestions on a better way or will a good vape to the pup's ear work fine?
Well, I would imagine just adding it to her food would be a lot more medicinal because it would most likely metabolize into a few different compounds that have separate effects.
All of the studies for cancer treatment on humans I've ever read deal with oral administration so it may just be more effective to mix in some of your qwet to her tincture and feed her that.
Also if tumors are visible, u could use the tincture as a topical.
Latest update on the reason for panic attack: it's definitely because of the kratom... I got the "sampler" from the place I bought the kratom from and even though the bag says "red vein" the specific strain of kratom is UBER stimulating as much as the best cocaine I've ever had. I don't like cocaine, in fact I hate the shit because it gives me the same panic attack, hyperventilating bullshit that this strain of kratom did...

I guess it'll take some real trying and research on which are the most laid back and mellow strains because that's what I want not this silly crackhead feeling.
Well, I would imagine just adding it to her food would be a lot more medicinal because it would most likely metabolize into a few different compounds that have separate effects.
All of the studies for cancer treatment on humans I've ever read deal with oral administration so it may just be more effective to mix in some of your qwet to her tincture and feed her that.
Also if tumors are visible, u could use the tincture as a topical.
thanks, yeah I'm actually going to wait until I get that Canna-Tsu! and make my own extract out of that and then just dilute it for the pup... I'm giving her some of the CBD tincture I use myself just a lot less of coarse. There's actually a company called "Canna-Pet" and they specially formulate CBD for dogs & cats. Trying to get my mom to overnight some of that because I dunno how great it is to be giving a pup vegetable glycerin like I am.
Latest update on the reason for panic attack: it's definitely because of the kratom... I got the "sampler" from the place I bought the kratom from and even though the bag says "red vein" the specific strain of kratom is UBER stimulating as much as the best cocaine I've ever had. I don't like cocaine, in fact I hate the shit because it gives me the same panic attack, hyperventilating bullshit that this strain of kratom did...

I guess it'll take some real trying and research on which are the most laid back and mellow strains because that's what I want not this silly crackhead feeling.
Hmmm interesting, about the kratom causing panic attacks, I'll have to give that red kratom a try, I rather like that "crackhead feeling", so I'll have to see if it affects me in the same way it does you.
Also I've never heard of any established brands of pet medication containing cannabinoids, it's cool to see ALL the health benefits can extended to animals.
Hmmm interesting, about the kratom causing panic attacks, I'll have to give that red kratom a try, I rather like that "crackhead feeling", so I'll have to see if it affects me in the same way it does you.
Also I've never heard of any established brands of pet medication containing cannabinoids, it's cool to see ALL the health benefits can extended to animals.
Yeah, it's weird man. I haven't taken any kratom today and I'm still have those stupid breathing problems/panic attack-ish, it's really more a hyperventilation thing than an actual panic attack but not being able to catch my breath KINDA panics my shit out lol... I have noticed that it does get worse when I take my CBD so I'm going to start halving my dosing of CBD. I think it might be withdrawal from kratom or I dunno but I was doing smashingly well and now it's like I can't fuckin' catch my breath every so often...
So I received both the chemicals I was waiting on as well as my coil reflux condenser! I actually could've refluxed some shit tonight but with all my hyperventilating & bullshit well I'm hoping I'll be fine tomorrow. I'm so excited to finally be able to get this project underway!!!

Here's a pic of my new piece with the 90deg. vacuum inlet:

So I received both the chemicals I was waiting on as well as my coil reflux condenser! I actually could've refluxed some shit tonight but with all my hyperventilating & bullshit well I'm hoping I'll be fine tomorrow. I'm so excited to finally be able to get this project underway!!!

Here's a pic of my new piece with the 90deg. vacuum inlet:
Damn that's one high quality piece of glassware, I'll be getting a job soon so my first paycheck is going to pay for bleaching powder and acetone so I can make some chloroform and perform my experiments.
Whenever your feeling more clear headed ill be waiting to hear your results
Damn that's one high quality piece of glassware, I'll be getting a job soon so my first paycheck is going to pay for bleaching powder and acetone so I can make some chloroform and perform my experiments.
Whenever your feeling more clear headed ill be waiting to hear your results
CTechGlass yo! Prolly end up getting muh cold finger & Squibb style sep. funnel from them as well since I'm quite happy with the quality of the reflux condenser & vacuum inlet...

An update on my breathing problem/panic attack. I think is being triggered by GERD or acid reflux. Reason being I noticed that I got relief upon burping. I was also doing a weird swallowing reflex that I think is caused by GERD. Another reason I think think is it seemed to get worse after or during eating. What did I do? Took 2 drops of d-limonene and within 15-30 minutes I was already doing much better. Almost an hour after the limonene and symptoms were practically totally gone...

Praise the d-limonene!!!

I still think this was all triggered by excessive kratom use but now after the GERD & limonene thing I dunno. Still am gunna lay off the kratom just to be sure
So I picked up some of that CBD dominant strain, Canna-Tsu! today and I'm again amazed at just how well CBD works. I tested it out in its bud form in a 50/50(half canna-Tsu! And half Agent Orange) bowl in muh bong... Within seconds the stress, aches & pains from the 3+ hour round trip to get the CBD buds, was gone. By my second big toke I must comment specifically on the wonderful euphoric feeling that washed over me...

I went ahead and just used my tried & true method for QWET extraction so I won't be out this amazing medicine should I somehow fuck up my reflux distillation & purification tonight.

Oh and my Mom's pup is doing better. She's been able to eat fairly well considering and she looks to be generally excited about life again which is so great to see again... My Mom is a total CBD convert like myself after seeing it's affects on me and her pup... In my opinion anyone honestly and truly using cannabis or wanting to use cannabis purely for medicinal purposes should be directed with great reassurance and great vigor endorsing getting them on CBD and hopefully on a CBD dominant strain cannabis to get the "full spectrum" ... Doing anything else is really just wasting time & money and perhaps lives. I mean people suggest it but not with the emphasis on just how importantly crucial CBD is in a medical scenario. The phrase, night & day comes to mind lol
The Canna-Tsu! + Agent Orange QWET extract came out excellently. Such a lovely euphoric feeling and absolutely no pain. I'm about to start refluxing the old material now... REALLY interested to get to the Canna-Tsu! to reflux but first comes first.
The Canna-Tsu! + Agent Orange QWET extract came out excellently. Such a lovely euphoric feeling and absolutely no pain. I'm about to start refluxing the old material now... REALLY interested to get to the Canna-Tsu! to reflux but first comes first.
Glad to hear it, I'll be growing a few high cbd strains this year outdoor, I'm thinking about making an incredibly strong ethanolic tincture, like 20 grams cbd bud extract to 1 liter ethanol, with a few essential oils added, then give my grandmother a couple 30ml bottles.
Can't wait till the end of the season :)
Glad to hear it, I'll be growing a few high cbd strains this year outdoor, I'm thinking about making an incredibly strong ethanolic tincture, like 20 grams cbd bud extract to 1 liter ethanol, with a few essential oils added, then give my grandmother a couple 30ml bottles.
Can't wait till the end of the season :)
Nice to hear! The combination of high CBD high THC is like nothing else I've ever had and I've done ALMOST every well known drug that's accessible to Americans which is quite a few lol...

The euphoric, generally positive feeling is the bees knees in my opinion. It's funny because I'm not religious what-so-ever but my family once was(father a fucking Baptist preacher at one point lol) but it IS crazy to think about if there were a Jesus and he was performing miracles... I'm going to assume it was the holy annointing oil the entire time or whatever else he used but it was definitely a high CBD straight of cannabis. This stuff DOES work miracles in so far as I've experienced up to this point. I was taking 6-8 norco a day and was STILL having great pains often. Since I've picked up the Canna-Tsu! I haven't even thought of taking one because there's simply no further need for it. Which, again, I NEVER thought I'd be able to say again in the rest of my lifetime... Seriously...

Oh and I've made some fairly huge learning steps do to catastrophes unforeseen. So, the new glassware pieces work extremely well I'm so happy. However, the inlet on the reflux condenser must've been created with just a slightly smaller diameter than the outlet spout. Results being when I turned on my water aspirator/condenser source on, the tube connecting the condenser's water source to the inlet flew off and sprayed water everywhere in the kitchen... This happened at least 3 more times before I was able to find a suitable clip. It was horrible. I thought I'd totally toasted my heating mantle/magnetic stirrer because of the water and so I took everything apart and set it out in the desert sun and waited an hour or so... Power was another issue as the power outlets to the kitchen are janky and frequently turn off so I have to go all the way outside and flip the main switches, come back and hope the power stays on. I don't have a nice long extension cord so I jimmy'd together 2 power strips which btw, never do lol... But that solved the power issue but I really need to go out and get a proper extension cord... At this point I've been refluxing just fine for over an hour now and so am just about halfway done with this step in the process. Next up will be to filter the ethanol, then reclaim most of it with vacuum distill. Then when there's a manageable amount left it'll be time to add the toluene and shake it up for over 30 minutes, filter the resulting liquid and then I'll either vacuum distill that or just let it evap by my garage so the toxic fumes won't be around anyone...

At any rate, here's somr reflux distilling pics to wet yer appetites!


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Okay, so that was interesting... Things learned:

1) I need to chill the water going to my condenser beforehand, in a big bucket I'll put the garden hose and put in ice and/or a block of dry ice and then put a lid on the bucket but leave holes for the hose to come out and air vents for the CO2 leaving if I use dry ice...
Reason being, I seemed to have boiled away the majority of my ethanol before it had a chance to cool and condense once more. I did document a drip rate during the refluxing of about 1 drop per/sec which is usually pretty good as a standard. Still at the end of the 2nd hour I had hardly any ethanol left. I know that it boiled for a long time up to that point though because I was having issues bumping more on that later, so I just took the gear outside and then added the toluene and turned my magnetic stirrer on and then left it in the open garage to mix for 30 minutes...

2) Perhaps I filled my 1L flask with too much material but in any case I need to invest in a nice big football shaped magnetic stir bar like SybianTV suggested a while back. It was creating a vortex but the entire mixture wasn't fully mixing I believe and which is backed up by the fact there was significant bumping at times. Even though I had my stirrer on full bore it made no real difference. Perhaps this lead to additional loses of ethanol but it surely was bumping hard, it got all the way up to the bottom of the coil condenser...

3) Toluene is pretty amazing stuff... I let it fully evap in the desert air and then poured hot/warm ethanol over it and stirred it up a bit with my razor scraper. I then vacuum filtered this mixture and it's now in my freezer for it's 48 hour duration... I think I'm going to invest in a decent respirator since even though I did this out in the open garage on a windy day the smell of nail polish was pungent and so I'll want to minimize such exposures in the future. I held my breath for most of it which I guess can been seen as silly since the nail polish scent is about as hard a "hit" you'll take if you happen to get a big whiff. Which is why nail polish smells that way lol...

Anyways I'm pretty happy with things so far... I used old bud material from previous QWET extracts. I expect I had 4 weeks worth of buds that had been extracted 2 or 3 times. I figured doing this would give me a good idea on just how much I can recover in an initial extraction as well as spare my medicine for the week any unforeseen catastrophes due to newbishness. Judging on how it was looking after the defat, I'm pretty excited as I think things still went okay considering the ethanol loses. The mixture had a gold tint to it which I know is always good as opposed to dark green...
Okay, so that was interesting... Things learned:

1) I need to chill the water going to my condenser beforehand, in a big bucket I'll put the garden hose and put in ice and/or a block of dry ice and then put a lid on the bucket but leave holes for the hose to come out and air vents for the CO2 leaving if I use dry ice...
Reason being, I seemed to have boiled away the majority of my ethanol before it had a chance to cool and condense once more. I did document a drip rate during the refluxing of about 1 drop per/sec which is usually pretty good as a standard. Still at the end of the 2nd hour I had hardly any ethanol left. I know that it boiled for a long time up to that point though because I was having issues bumping more on that later, so I just took the gear outside and then added the toluene and turned my magnetic stirrer on and then left it in the open garage to mix for 30 minutes...

2) Perhaps I filled my 1L flask with too much material but in any case I need to invest in a nice big football shaped magnetic stir bar like SybianTV suggested a while back. It was creating a vortex but the entire mixture wasn't fully mixing I believe and which is backed up by the fact there was significant bumping at times. Even though I had my stirrer on full bore it made no real difference. Perhaps this lead to additional loses of ethanol but it surely was bumping hard, it got all the way up to the bottom of the coil condenser...

3) Toluene is pretty amazing stuff... I let it fully evap in the desert air and then poured hot/warm ethanol over it and stirred it up a bit with my razor scraper. I then vacuum filtered this mixture and it's now in my freezer for it's 48 hour duration... I think I'm going to invest in a decent respirator since even though I did this out in the open garage on a windy day the smell of nail polish was pungent and so I'll want to minimize such exposures in the future. I held my breath for most of it which I guess can been seen as silly since the nail polish scent is about as hard a "hit" you'll take if you happen to get a big whiff. Which is why nail polish smells that way lol...

Anyways I'm pretty happy with things so far... I used old bud material from previous QWET extracts. I expect I had 4 weeks worth of buds that had been extracted 2 or 3 times. I figured doing this would give me a good idea on just how much I can recover in an initial extraction as well as spare my medicine for the week any unforeseen catastrophes due to newbishness. Judging on how it was looking after the defat, I'm pretty excited as I think things still went okay considering the ethanol loses. The mixture had a gold tint to it which I know is always good as opposed to dark green...
What exactly is the toluene doing?
Are you going to wash the extract with saline to remove water solubles or is the chlorophyll insoluble in the toluene or something?
I'm very confused by your process, are you trying to make a full spectrum extract minus the chlorophyll and waxes?
Enlighten me please :)
What exactly is the toluene doing?
Are you going to wash the extract with saline to remove water solubles or is the chlorophyll insoluble in the toluene or something?
I'm very confused by your process, are you trying to make a full spectrum extract minus the chlorophyll and waxes?
Enlighten me please :)
With pleasure...

Toluene is non-polar and as such is often used to clean up extracts. If you refer to Skunk Pharm and their article, "Polishing Extracts" just replace hexane with toluene. That explains the gist anyways... Specifically the parts on filtering and winterizing.

If further polishing is required then I'll most likely run it through activated carbon before doing a saline washing. Since I don't have a proper sep. funnel I went with just toluene instead of toluene and water which I suppose could've helped clean things up and I also am aware I could've just bought a big plastic bag and hung it with one of my ring support stands like Skunk Pharm shows I think.

I just don't have good experience jimmy rig'n shit and with my luck I could see the plastic bag ripping or somehow spilling all my goodness everywhere... I mean shit I have full on semi-pro chemistry gear and because I didn't foresee the need to clamp my condenser tubes I got water literally drenching my nice gear. I could've lost my stirrer/heating mantle... My point being I'd rather have to potentially redo a step, like a saline wash or perform an extra step like the activated carbon than have the entire project be ruined because I didn't have the proper gear. I never want that to be my reason again, ever.

I'm a BIG believer in safety first, taking every precaution first and ultimately having faith in my own abilities and the abilities of my equipment... If I don't feel comfortable with doing it for whatever reason or I'm hesitant then I tend to go with that gut instinct and re-examine why I feel that way and if I should approach things in a different way. I dunno if that's smart or dumb or what but that's a little insight into my internal process anyways...

The specific intention of this initial refluxing of old, already extracted material was basically a test run so I wouldn't ruin my actual medicine for the week. That was a good idea because of the condenser water not being cool enough and my ethanol losses during that initial reflux...

I've just got my Dow Corning high vacuum grease yesterday but I think my regular silicone grease worked fine. I'm certain the actual vacuum grease will perform better. Then I'm going to chill my condenser water with ice, dry or otherwise in a big bucket. Those 2 additions should give me the results I'm looking for.

My eventual goal will be to reflux my CBD and THC buds together and then refine or polish that resulting concentrate... Then I'll move onto other more specific things like fractional distillation and perhaps acetylation or cold finger.
With pleasure...

Toluene is non-polar and as such is often used to clean up extracts. If you refer to Skunk Pharm and their article, "Polishing Extracts" just replace hexane with toluene. That explains the gist anyways... Specifically the parts on filtering and winterizing.

If further polishing is required then I'll most likely run it through activated carbon before doing a saline washing. Since I don't have a proper sep. funnel I went with just toluene instead of toluene and water which I suppose could've helped clean things up and I also am aware I could've just bought a big plastic bag and hung it with one of my ring support stands like Skunk Pharm shows I think.

I just don't have good experience jimmy rig'n shit and with my luck I could see the plastic bag ripping or somehow spilling all my goodness everywhere... I mean shit I have full on semi-pro chemistry gear and because I didn't foresee the need to clamp my condenser tubes I got water literally drenching my nice gear. I could've lost my stirrer/heating mantle... My point being I'd rather have to potentially redo a step, like a saline wash or perform an extra step like the activated carbon than have the entire project be ruined because I didn't have the proper gear. I never want that to be my reason again, ever.

I'm a BIG believer in safety first, taking every precaution first and ultimately having faith in my own abilities and the abilities of my equipment... If I don't feel comfortable with doing it for whatever reason or I'm hesitant then I tend to go with that gut instinct and re-examine why I feel that way and if I should approach things in a different way. I dunno if that's smart or dumb or what but that's a little insight into my internal process anyways...

The specific intention of this initial refluxing of old, already extracted material was basically a test run so I wouldn't ruin my actual medicine for the week. That was a good idea because of the condenser water not being cool enough and my ethanol losses during that initial reflux...

I've just got my Dow Corning high vacuum grease yesterday but I think my regular silicone grease worked fine. I'm certain the actual vacuum grease will perform better. Then I'm going to chill my condenser water with ice, dry or otherwise in a big bucket. Those 2 additions should give me the results I'm looking for.

My eventual goal will be to reflux my CBD and THC buds together and then refine or polish that resulting concentrate... Then I'll move onto other more specific things like fractional distillation and perhaps acetylation or cold finger.
Forgive my ignorance, I didn't realize toluene and alcohol wouldn't mix together :o
it makes sense that the cannabinoids would go to the toluene and the chlorophyll would stay with the alcohol, but it's weird that they aren't soluble in each other.
Anyways, that's a fantastic starting point, being able to turn a very crude extract into something that's about as clean as a Qwiso extract in one step, but you should vacuum distill the terpenes out of your concentrate first, that's my big concern with my process...Terpene preservation... Once you have the all the chemicals that make up the smell separated from the extract your basically free to do anything you like to clean the extract and still be able to purge your concentrate fully before adding back in the terpenes for full effect.

I should add that I already know all that info about polishing extracts, I don't need an explanation of how it works, I just need clarification :3
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Forgive my ignorance, I didn't realize toluene and alcohol wouldn't mix together :o
it makes sense that the cannabinoids would go to the toluene and the chlorophyll would stay with the alcohol, but it's weird that they aren't soluble in each other.
Anyways, that's a fantastic starting point, being able to turn a very crude extract into something that's about as clean as a Qwiso extract in one step, but you should vacuum distill the terpenes out of your concentrate first, that's my big concern with my process...Terpene preservation... Once you have the all the chemicals that make up the smell separated from the extract your basically free to do anything you like to clean the extract and still be able to purge your concentrate fully before adding back in the terpenes for full effect.

I should add that I already know all that info about polishing extracts, I don't need an explanation of how it works, I just need clarification :3
hahaha, it's all good!

I figured since people might be using this thread as reference or whatever, might as well briefly go over that...
an update:

Chilling my condenser water by placing the garden hose in a big bucket and then filling the bucket with water, dry ice and regular ice, works beautifully... It really matters what time of day and weather we have here in the desert it seems...

The Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease does indeed perform much better than just 100% non-toxic silicone grease...

These 2 improvements are now allowing me to reclaim pretty much 100% of my ethanol. I'm going to be attempting my second reflux distillation as soon as I've reclaimed my ethanol from this regular vacuum distill.

I will most likely add the salt water solution to the toluene step and I'll just let it separate in a big jar or something then I'll just pipette out the toluene.