What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?


Well-Known Member
It's a free-for-all at the border.. I , as an American, am appalled. This will forever change the political landscape of the USA. I haven't heard a peep from the "president" about this, but border agents that aren't afraid to speak out, even though they've been told not to, report it's utter mayhem.

How is it a good idea for a country to take in an additional, estimated, 250,000 poor and uneducated people? There are already millions here. When is enough enough? It's one thing to help a friend in need by putting him up for a few weeks on your couch, but would you let him move in his entire extended family? I guess "no"..

The bought-and-paid-for media will also have most unwitting Americans believe that this is mostly unescorted children fleeing drug violence. BS.. It's not like the cartels were just formed yesterday. Latinos are coached to say this crap. I also have read border patrol reports that they are only capturing 50% of the border crossers. I'll bet anything that the other 50% that get away are likely hardened criminals. Send the kids to the detention centers while the criminals skirt away into the darkness..

I used to date a girl whose father was killed by an illegal alien. The Mexican immigrant was driving drunk on a Saturday night and cut my girlfriend's father in half while he was changing his tire by the side of the road. So he was prosecuted, right? Wrong.. he posted bail and slipped back across the border. Never to be heard of again.

This is just one example of the dangers of having these invaders in our country. Many Americans will die because of this foreign invasion, your social services will be tapped out, you will be told you need to pay higher taxes, you will be surrounded by lawless people that are only here to take advantage.

Why do I say they are here to take advantage? First, they sneak into the country. Second they refuse to assimilate. Many of them don't know a lick of English and don't care to learn. I know people that have been here for five long years and can't even say "hello"... They are coached by left wing radicals and community organizers to skew the vote and max out their social benefits. There are unemployed illegal aliens in my own neighborhood that lead better lives than I do.

In my opinion this is Ofuckers idea of social justice and a plan to remove any remnants of remaining American culture. With this final push of uneducated democratic voters future presidents will have no problem turning the USA into a communist country.

On a personal level I feel for many of these people, but this is a terrible policy or lack of policy. What nation opens it's borders in this manner? These people will need to be supported with public services for much of their lives. Who pays for that? You pay for it, but not by choice, but by force. Go ahead and try not paying what the feds say you owe.. Sooner or later a man with a gun will show up.

My biggest regret is that nobody seems to be able to step up and stop this president. The military, the police, congress? Nobody..

My other regret is that I am labeled a terrorist for having these types of thoughts. I'm not a terrorist. I'm a person that has national pride and wants to preserve our nation, not squander it..That's the difference between me and Obama. He hates this country and has a mission to destroy it..
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It's a free-for-all at the border.. I , as an American, am appalled. This will forever change the political landscape of the USA. I haven't heard a peep from the "president" about this, but border agents that aren't afraid to speak out, even though they've been told not to, report it's utter mayhem.

How is it a good idea for a country to take in an additional, estimated, 250,000 poor and uneducated people? There are already millions here. When is enough enough? It's one thing to help a friend in need by putting him up for a few weeks on your couch, but would you let him move in his entire extended family? I guess "no"..

if we were a well, healthy nation, I would say yes, let them in if they want to be Americans, but I fear for the safety, and well-being of their children, in our vicious American society. these folks ran the wrong way. into the teeth of the dragon.
Better learn Spanish.. Wonder if they are going to lock up all the white people when we are the minority. Wouldn't that be a little justice. I'll be moving..
Better learn Spanish.. Wonder if they are going to lock up all the white people when we are the minority. Wouldn't that be a little justice. I'll be moving..

i learned Spanish.. took me six weeks. Makes me wonder why people that have been here so long can't say "Hi, how are you"..
i'm thinkin hard bout movin to mexico.

Yea, the crazy thing about all of this is that I know places in Mexico where I am much more content. I have nothing against Latinos. I think there are parts of their culture that are fantastic. I have a blast traveling south. I just think it's a terrible policy to let so many people skip across the border, undocumented.
I have nothing against Latinos.

that's hard to reconcile with your labeling of them as "uneducated" "hardened criminals" "invaders" who rely on "social services" who are "unemployed" and coached by "radicals" bent on "destroying" america and turning it into a "communist" nation.

clearly you have nothing against these latinos.
Personally I have nothing against them.. Call a spade a spade.. There are many highly educated, productive Mexicans. I know many of them. They're not the ones flooding the border. My anger is more towards the people allowing this to happen.
Personally I have nothing against them..

except that they're uneducated hardened criminal invaders sucking up all your social services being coached by left wing radicals to destroy america and turn it into a communist nation.

beyond that, totally cool.

Go to the border and see how many are being deported.. I bet it's almost none.. Obama just released 35,000 criminals back into society..

So Buck, let's get clear, I know you like to argue and you're pretty good at it and receive a lot of joy, it would seem.. Do you think that this border situation is good for the country, bad for the country, or neutral?
Go to the border and see how many are being deported.. I bet it's almost none..

409,000+ > 0

Obama just released 35,000 criminals back into society..

you realize many of them were released but still face deportation hearings, most of them did not have a single crime on their record, or a misdemeanor at most, and many are fitted with ankle bracelets to assure they return for their deportation hearing, right?

or are you simply dumb?

i have my money on the latter.

So Buck, let's get clear, I know you like to argue and you're pretty good at it and receive a lot of joy, it would seem.. Do you think that this border situation is good for the country, bad for the country, or neutral?

they are a net boon to the economy.

did they take your job? did these people who, in your estimation can not even say "hello", do better at your job than you did?

HAHA. loser.