The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
I answered at least one question.

What did the butterfly do to became what it is?
"Butterfly evolution is the origin and diversification of butterflies through geologic time and over a large portion of the Earth's surface. The earliest known butterfly fossils are from the mid Eocene epoch, between 40-50 million years ago.[1] Their development is closely linked to the evolution of flowering plants, since both adult butterflies and caterpillars feed on flowering plants. Of the 220,000 species of Lepidoptera, about 45,000 species are butterflies, which probably evolved from moths. Butterflies are found throughout the world, except in Antarctica, and are especially numerous in the tropics; they fall into eight different families."

That's where butterflies came from. BTW, I'm not your fucking elementary school teacher, if you want a basic understanding of science; read about it.


Well-Known Member
Are you blind and dumb?

It says the pelvic region contains 3 parts;

Pelvic bones

You also see they're called pelvic 'REMNANTS'... right? Remanent of what?

Jesus fucking Christ you're dense.


Well-Known Member
"When someone asks me how they can become a butterfly-person, I'm gonna tell them to go kill themselves. "
- Well since you claimed butterflies and people came from the same creature just wondering ho and why your religion claims they become butterflies and we became people. Maybe some darwin follower wants to change the human body so we can fly? LOL
"Butterfly evolution is the origin and diversification of butterflies through geologic time and over a large portion of the Earth's surface. The earliest known butterfly fossils are from the mid Eocene epoch, between 40-50 million years ago.[1] Their development is closely linked to the evolution of flowering plants, since both adult butterflies and caterpillars feed on flowering plants. Of the 220,000 species of Lepidoptera, about 45,000 species are butterflies, which probably evolved from moths. Butterflies are found throughout the world, except in Antarctica, and are especially numerous in the tropics; they fall into eight different families."

"Their development is closely linked to plants because they feed on them" So it was easy to find fossils of butterflies because they eat and live on plants for a certain time, cool.

So anyways could you answer my question?


Well-Known Member
"When someone asks me how they can become a butterfly-person, I'm gonna tell them to go kill themselves. "
- Well since you claimed butterflies and people came from the same creature just wondering ho and why your religion claims they become butterflies and we became people. Maybe some darwin follower wants to change the human body so we can fly? LOL
"Butterfly evolution is the origin and diversification of butterflies through geologic time and over a large portion of the Earth's surface. The earliest known butterfly fossils are from the mid Eocene epoch, between 40-50 million years ago.[1] Their development is closely linked to the evolution of flowering plants, since both adult butterflies and caterpillars feed on flowering plants. Of the 220,000 species of Lepidoptera, about 45,000 species are butterflies, which probably evolved from moths. Butterflies are found throughout the world, except in Antarctica, and are especially numerous in the tropics; they fall into eight different families."

"Their development is closely linked to plants because they feed on them" So it was easy to find fossils of butterflies because they eat and live on plants for a certain time, cool.

So anyways could you answer my question?
I'm not going to entertain any of your questions until you learn about evolution. I don't care enough about you to teach you, and your questions are so far fetched and ridiculous they're not worth taking the time to answer.

When you post stupid demonstrably false bullshit, I will post after you with the correct information. What you do with it is up to you.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to entertain any of your questions until you learn about evolution. I don't care enough about you to teach you, and your questions are so far fetched and ridiculous they're not worth commenting on.

When you post stupid demonstrably false bullshit, I will post after you with the correct information. What you do with it is up to you.
HAHA oh you have the answers but just don't want to prove me wrong? I seriously doubt that, you post every hour asking millions of questions and get frustrated when I answer. I think you want nothing more then to prove me wrong right about now although I have no idea why I bring you tidings of comfort and joy about the Son of GOD dying for sins of mankind.


Well-Known Member
HAHA oh you have the answers but just don't want to prove me wrong? I seriously doubt that, you post every hour asking millions of questions and get frustrated when I answer. I think you want nothing more then to prove me wrong right about now although I have no idea why I bring you tidings of comfort and joy about the Son of GOD dying for sins of mankind.



Well-Known Member
No every whale has Those bones serve as anchor points. But the parts your talking about are different your talking about
Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.


Well-Known Member
Anytime you want to answer those questions without statements like
What the fuck does this even mean? Are you trying to make a cogent point? Because you're failing miserably. You're just some lonely dude on the internet, rambling about his imaginary friends and how virtually every scientist is wrong. lol
"Put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger. There's no hope for you. "


Well-Known Member
Semi detailed? LOL How about you just answer my questions you did suggest you have the answers and just don't want to educate me LOL
Lying to your own self... Wow man.. Insanity.
Love you man hope you get out of the darkness.


Well-Known Member
Semi detailed? LOL How about you just answer my questions you did suggest you have the answers and just don't want to educate me LOL
Lying to your own self... Wow man.. Insanity.
Love you man hope you get out of the darkness.
Just watch the video.


Well-Known Member
LOL This video answers those questions that you can't explain, yet you have watched this trash. Your post are painful to read I feel like i'm watching a car crash or something. Not trying to offend you being honest.
I'm just glad i'm wayyy over here in a place not located to you while having this discussion, because if you had a gun in your house I would not be trusting you right now. You thinking your killing a bacteria organism being the same being as a plant, and turkey..


Well-Known Member
Or a watermelon... I say this again because i'm thinking of eating another watermelon. When I smoke marijuana you think i'm smoking my relatives that decided to not become things with organs?
I know you don't have any answers but I did ask you one thing you could of answered.
I said " I don't think you smoke marijuana, do you?"
and you never replied.


Well-Known Member
Evolution is a fact, pally boy.

No scripture or lame story about blue lights is going to change that. ;)