• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
I will never understand why people believe it's either science and evolution vs God.

It's pretty funny actually.

Science is just our understanding of what has been created. At least, the creation we know of.

To say that evolution was unhindered by God is the truth. It would presume God to be fallible if he has to guide evolution, or that in the moment he created the universe, everything wasn't set up perfectly to turn out just as it has.

The universe is most definately finite. Everything finite has a beginning and and end. God on the other hand is infinite, or without beginning or end. The infinite most assuredly can produce the finite.

Evolution was never suppose to be an arguement vs something that has yet to be proven to exist<god is an assumption made to explain why everything exists by religious people, the creationist theory is a mere jump to a conclusion actualy.
Evolution is a scientific explanation of the naturaly adjusting life forms on the planet as to how species have adapted and survive the environment they inhabit and it so happened to be in contrast of the creationists theory,thus it has turned into a vs god arguement due to the lack of understanding of those who havent studied or know what evolution is.

If god has no beginning then how is it even merited infinite status?Something or someone had to create the creator if it is to exist at all.
melchisedec king of salem without father and mother, without descent having neither beginning of days nor end of life...thats hebrews 7:1_3
Rev 1:8 - "I am the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end," says The Lord God. "I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come - the Almighty One."

Sounds legit to me.


Well-Known Member
I will never understand why people believe it's either science and evolution vs God.

It's pretty funny actually.
Exactly what I've been saying, evolution and the god concept are not incompatible as many christians accept both. And those christians actually UNDERSTAND evolution, unlike our whacky OP friend here...

Science is just our understanding of what has been created. At least, the creation we know of.
The term created can be misleading as begging the question of a creator existing. All science to date works without the need for a creator, not to say that one definitely does not exist...
To say that evolution was unhindered by God is the truth. It would presume God to be fallible if he has to guide evolution, or that in the moment he created the universe, everything wasn't set up perfectly to turn out just as it has.

The universe is most definately finite. Everything finite has a beginning and and end. God on the other hand is infinite, or without beginning or end. The infinite most assuredly can produce the finite.
THIS universe is finite, there may be many in the Grand Cycle of an omniverse as current M-theory proposes. There is no empirical evidence for any deity as of yet, and as far as science can tell energy and matter is axiomatic (as it cannot be created or destroyed) and has no beginning nor end, similar to the concept of god...
Evolution was never suppose to be an arguement vs something that has yet to be proven to exist<god is an assumption made to explain why everything exists by religious people, the creationist theory is a mere jump to a conclusion actualy.
Pure speculation on your part. Unless you were alive during one of the recorded events you can't say they did not happen.

Evolution is a scientific explanation of the naturaly adjusting life forms on the planet as to how species have adapted and survive the environment they inhabit and it so happened to be in contrast of the creationists theory,thus it has turned into a vs god arguement due to the lack of understanding of those who havent studied or know what evolution is.
Yes, ignorance is everywhere.

If god has no beginning then how is it even merited infinite status?Something or someone had to create the creator if it is to exist at all.
I'm not sure if you understand what infinite means. But mathmeticians have a hard time with it so don't blame yourself. If it has a beginning (as our space-time does) then it is not infinite.
Exactly what I've been saying, evolution and the god concept are not incompatible as many christians accept both. And those christians actually UNDERSTAND evolution, unlike our whacky OP friend here...
If you want my personal opinion, the universe seems to be a factory for producing life. I don't believe life was a side affect of a random event.

The term created can be misleading as begging the question of a creator existing. All science to date works without the need for a creator, not to say that one definitely does not exist...
It seems to be a question of what if anything existed before our "Big Bang". And if anything did, where is it now?

THIS universe is finite, there may be many in the Grand Cycle of an omniverse as current M-theory proposes. There is no empirical evidence for any deity as of yet, and as far as science can tell energy and matter is axiomatic (as it cannot be created or destroyed) and has no beginning nor end, similar to the concept of god...
I believe that if God is infinite then it seems reasonable that his creations would be too.

I don't think we will find all the answers though. The complexity of the universe could be infinite.


Well-Known Member
You really want to believe the impossible, world and matter came from nothing and people evolve from germs as well as every thing.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live live "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what? wear cloths, play instruments? And became completely exposed to all elements? And elephants decided to want to be big? This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
Or a watermelon... No no no marijuana. When I smoke marijuana you think i'm smoking my relatives that decided to not become things with organs?

And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because SOME whales develop abnormalities on there pelvic bone! Not all but some!
It's a leg!!!- LOL!

You : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "
Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous. The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom. Before the beginning GOD was."- page 43 Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing.

So it's been proven your religion is impossible, but you're still right? And it has been proven that the only possibility is Creation, yet you think this is wrong? That is insanity.


Well-Known Member
And these statements that you said to me like put a "shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger" that is how mentally ill people talk. How can someone have a polite intelligent conversation when this is how you act when you realize your blasphemously terribly wrong. You just shut down and insult your way onto the next page hoping no one is talking time to read through your spam and insane blasphemous impossible madness.
I have to stop what i'm doing and address your comments over and over because once the page is new again you seem to forget.
The foolish love to use God to disprove science and science to disprove God.

God gives people as much information as thy can digest at a time. Through prophets and Jesus. And I very much doubt prophets haven't been appearing all over the world for a long time.

The bible doesn't have all the answers. It has what we need to know.

Everything else we know comes from scientific theory.


Well-Known Member
And these statements that you said to me like put a "shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger" that is how mentally ill people talk. How can someone have a polite intelligent conversation when this is how you act when you realize your blasphemously terribly wrong. You just shut down and insult your way onto the next page hoping no one is talking time to read through your spam and insane blasphemous impossible madness.
I have to stop what i'm doing and address your comments over and over because once the page is new again you seem to forget.
And if you ask me how I'm feeling, don't tell me you're too blind to see.....


Well-Known Member
I didn't ask you how you are feeling? But I do not enjoy hearing your feeling so bad, however I am telling you the only way to truly feel Good.
Also feeling upset or bad doesn't justify our actions if they are immoral.
I didn't ask you how you are feeling? But I do not enjoy hearing your feeling so bad, however I am telling you the only way to truly feel Good.
Also feeling upset or bad doesn't justify our actions if they are immoral.
Romans 3:23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Luke 6:37 - "Do not judge others or you will be judged just as harshly"

Bottom line - We are all sinners so don't tell others they are in the wrong. Because they can just as easily say you too are a sinner.

If people want to know what Jesus says is the way to eternal life than you should read this little story;

25 One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 Jesus replied, “What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?”

27 The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”[a]

28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you will live!”

In case someone doesn't understand, neighbor means each other. Not just the guy living next to you. ;)

Even an evil person can criticize others. Can judge others. But don't focus on what any man can do. Focus on doing what only a good person can do.


Well-Known Member
If you want my personal opinion, the universe seems to be a factory for producing life. I don't believe life was a side affect of a random event.
Love that idea! If we ever find any sentient creatures beside ourselves, I'll really get into that concept. I like that idea so much that I even watched Contact again the other day :)

It seems to be a question of what if anything existed before our "Big Bang". And if anything did, where is it now?
As far as science can tell, the BB came from a point of incredibly dense and ordered energy. Something took it out of that order, and it erupted into the spacetime we currently find ourselves in. M-Theory suggests this happens when two or more branes collide within the omniverse, that it is an infinite cycle of order to entropy (and perhaps back again)...

I believe that if God is infinite then it seems reasonable that his creations would be too.
Perhaps, if there is indeed a god to begin with. No evidence of that yet...

I don't think we will find all the answers though. The complexity of the universe could be infinite.
You may be very correct about that. Our universe seems so complex that each major breakthrough we achieve seems to lead to more questions. That excites me to no end, I love the journey...


Well-Known Member
Romans 3:23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Matthew 7:3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Luke 6:37 - "Do not judge others or you will be judged just as harshly"

Bottom line - We are all sinners so don't tell others they are in the wrong. Because they can just as easily say you too are a sinner.

If people want to know what Jesus says is the way to eternal life than you should read this little story;

25 One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 Jesus replied, “What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?”

27 The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”[a]

28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you will live!”

In case someone doesn't understand, neighbor means each other. Not just the guy living next to you. ;)

Even an evil person can criticize others. Can judge others. But don't focus on what any man can do. Focus on doing what only a good person can do.
I didn't Judge him, I didn't know he what he was talking about so I stated " I didn't ask how you are feeling?" as in why are you telling me that your darwin religion can be followed even though it's proven impossible without the theory of evidence to even accept? Not to mention it's impossible and I truly believe this is the first time many " darwin ocult worshipers" ever tried to look up evidence of such. Maybe because they received some propaganda from some place i'm not sure but it's such a awkward experience telling them this because they think i'm suddenly their enemy or a bad guy who needs death threats and told to kill myself because i'm the messenger.
hasn't anyone heard of don't shoot the messenger?


Well-Known Member
But I hope you stay because I love you, just hold off on the spam. Just read what I post and reply when you have a real reason.
Also I asked everyone who decides to post to please state if you smoke marijuana
Love that idea! If we ever find any sentient creatures beside ourselves, I'll really get into that concept. I like that idea so much that I even watched Contact again the other day :)
SETI believes we will make contact within 60 years or so with their new program. That is, if signals are present. They will be increasing their ability to scan the heavens for any waves created by sentients. Although if they aren't communicating the same way we do, I don't think we'll notice anything that IS out there...

As far as science can tell, the BB came from a point of incredibly dense and ordered energy. Something took it out of that order, and it erupted into the spacetime we currently find ourselves in. M-Theory suggests this happens when two or more branes collide within the omniverse, that it is an infinite cycle of order to entropy (and perhaps back again)...
I like M-theory personally. It makes sense to me that an infinite amount of realities and possibilities exist. Or at least that they could exist.

It's just hard for me to imagine what lies outside of our universe, especially since it appears that nothing exists there. No time, no space. Just mind blowing.

Perhaps, if there is indeed a god to begin with. No evidence of that yet...
Not any scientific evidence of. But the shear fact that religion has been evident throughout human history should say something.

We can't always prove things though. But before microscopes, Greek philosophers had deducted that microscopic organisms must exist. They also believed that no creation can come about without a creator. Seems logical enough.

But it's important not to say "this is impossible" or "if it hasn't been proven, it can't be true" because with that thinking we would have never discovered the earth is roundish. And we wouldn't have cars or electricity or anything really...

You may be very correct about that. Our universe seems so complex that each major breakthrough we achieve seems to lead to more questions. That excites me to no end, I love the journey...
But so intimidating at the same time! Like traveling down a road that you can't see the end of.