Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If it requires force, it's not a good idea.
People have no right to initiate force, we agree on this I think.

People have a right to defend themselves and their justly acquired property. We do not have an agreement on that, because you are unwilling to commit yourself to a position of what is and what is not property.


Well-Known Member
Don't say that to him, you'll make him cry. He has "self identified" that indifference and actionable harms are the same thing. Nobody likes to see a man crying with a gerbil hanging out of his ass. Be kind to him.
you know you're responding to a fellow racist who won't even dispute that denial of service to blacks caused harm, right?

or was that lost on you?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you know you're responding to a fellow racist who won't even dispute that denial of service to blacks caused harm, right?

or was that lost on you?

I still think he should be kind to you. He just shouldn't let you use his bathroom. You have a history....remember?


Well-Known Member
Is Thomas Sowell a racist? I wonder what he says about "civil rights" . Why don't you have your team of gerbil paralegals check it out Meathead?
still waiting on you to show me a historian who says denial of service did not harm blacks.

get to it, racist.


Well-Known Member
Pretty good chance your not man enough to answer the question posed.
i already did, but good job on helping the fat racist cunt to reinforce negative racial stereotypes.

maybe for your next act, you can cry about how i chased away the white supremacists.


Well-Known Member
This was proposed last Friday by Obama where he wants separate taxes and legal system for one race and different one for others. Is this helpful?

Now can you explain why you should do more time than Buck because the victim was white?

Do you believe in separate admission standards to college based on color?

I could make a case that NY's stop and frisk laws are race based. While not specifically spelling it out, it's no secret who the law targets.
Doesn't it target criminals?


Well-Known Member
i already did, but good job on helping the fat racist cunt to reinforce negative racial stereotypes.

maybe for your next act, you can cry about how i chased away the white supremacists.
What so the black supremacists can fill the void?


Well-Known Member
i think you meant "people of color", since not all the people they target are criminals.

probably just a freudian slip on your part though.
According to the stop and frisk laws they are not targeting law abiding citizens, just criminals. It's their words not mine, take up your racist rants with them.