We Must Stop Allowing Far Right Conservative Christians to Dumb Down and Radicalize This Country

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Synonyms for deviant
adj abnormal, different
Antonyms for deviant
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

ohh snap! still wrong, onyl in the common street vernacular does "deviant' mean anything other than aberrant.

look at the antonyms.

"departs markedly from the accepted norm"

just because you happen to be a major bigot who hates gays does not mean it is deviant.

it may be less frequent, but it is not deviant.
Hey speaking of deviant. Wouldn't the southern states be deviant in their owning of slaves as the population was much less than that of the north?
anything that happens less often is deviant.

left handed people are deviant.

people with green eyes are deviant.

red haired people are deviant.

don't bother to take the definition into account and consider moral or societal acceptability. just listen to kynes.
The IPCC reports and wikipedia say the same thing, that human activity is the overwhelming cause of anthropogenic climate change, wikipedia is reporting exactly what the IPCC says

You deny it
the wikipedia page on the IPCC report says some shit, but it bears no relation to the IPCC report itself.

naturally wikipedia is the authority on the IPCC report, not the IPCC report it misreports.

perhaps next time they can just have the wikipedos write the report instead of the IPCC.
it would save you a lot of embarrassment.
"departs markedly from the accepted norm"

just because you happen to be a major bigot who hates gays does not mean it is deviant.

it may be less frequent, but it is not deviant.
6% of the population vs 94% of the population.

i'm not asian so i cant be sure, but it seems to me that 6% is markedly different from 94%

can somebody check my math for me?
6% of the population vs 94% of the population.

i'm not asian so i cant be sure, but it seems to me that 6% is markedly different from 94%

can somebody check my math for me?

6% is less frequent than 94%.

but there's that pesky bit about moral or societal acceptability that just won;t go away.
yes, it is.

moral or societal acceptability is in the very definition of deviance you stooge.
Even if it is....

The fact that there is a huge debate about giving gays the ability to marry, making them a protected class so they can't be fired for being gay, and the fact that many or most families disapprove of their sons taking cocks in the ass pretty much sums up the debate that it isn't socially normal.

It is tolerated, and gaining ground in terms of acceptance, but it isn't accepted as "normal" by a very significant portion, majority of Americans.

Globally, acceptance is even lower.

It's devient by any measure except in your mind.
They believe that “God speaks to them,” that laws should be taken from religion, that homosexuality is a sin, that women shouldn’t have control over their own bodies and that all other religions besides theirs are wrong.

Oh, I’m talking about Islamic radicals, not conservative Christians. Though I could see how someone might confuse the two. They do have striking similarities.

Kind of ironic, isn’t it?

Especially when you consider that many conservative Christians loathe Muslims – all Muslims. See, to a good deal of them, all Muslims are “Islamic radicals.” Though I’m sure many of them are unaware that there are more Muslims found in south and southeast Asia than the Middle East. But I doubt many of them are “alerted” by someone they meet from Indonesia.

And while Islamic radicals do pose a threat to the United States, mostly from afar, many conservative Christians pose a threat to this country domestically.

These people, empowered by the tea party in the last few years, are doing everything they can to dumb down this country and turn it into some kind of theocracy.

Instead of having debates on how to combat climate change, we’re stuck trying to convince tens of millions of people that God didn’t use a tornado to “punish” sinners. Instead of figuring out how to make the United States a world leader in math and science, we’re debating whether or not the story of Noah’s ark should be in the chapter following the mapping of human DNA in science books. Instead of embracing some of the most educated and intelligent among us, millions of Americans would rather listen to a bearded redneck from backwoods Louisiana tell them how the United States needs to be more “godly.” And somehow “being godly” seems to mostly revolve around a strong disdain for homosexuals.

It’s absurd.

When we have a debate about science in this country we shouldn’t have to spend time debating someone who thinks the Flintstones is a documentary, believing that humans and dinosaurs roamed the Earth together just a few thousand years ago. But that’s exactly what we’re having to do.

The vast majority of the world’s scientists agree that humans are causing climate change, a fact that’s really indisputable at this point. Well, unless you’re one of the Christian conservatives who believes that God determines the weather or ridiculously tries to claim that the world is cooling – not warming. That’s the funny thing about a lot of these climate deniers. Half of them admit that the world is warming but say that it’s “natural,” while the other half tries to claim that the world is actually getting colder.

Meanwhile nearly every climate scientist, and most people who actually believe in science, think both groups are complete idiots.

The same goes for our Constitution. These people continue to claim that this nation was founded on Christianity, yet the word “Christian” doesn’t appear even once in our entire Constitution.

And no, pointing out the reference to “the creator” in the Declaration of Independence doesn’t “prove” that this is a Christian nation. These people don’t seem to understand that the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are two completely different things.

And let’s face it, when it comes to homosexuality, if they had their way it would be illegal – just like it is in many Muslim countries.

I often get emails from conservatives telling me that I don’t “show them any respect” in my articles. And they’re right. I used to, but I can’t anymore. Not too long ago I actually engaged in far more debates with conservatives than I do now. But many of the ones I encountered had become so ridiculous that I simply couldn’t take them seriously any longer.

When I say to someone, “Well, essentially every astrophysicist agrees that (fill in the scientific fact)” and their response is, “Well, the Bible says…” I usually just toss my hands up in the air and walk away. To me, that’s like discussing something in English with someone who only speaks Chinese. We’re not going to get anywhere because we’re not speaking the same language.

But the thing that bugs me most about their ignorance isn’t that they believe in this nonsense, it’s that their stupidity is taking the United States down with them. While the rest of the world is pumping out more engineers and scientists, we have tens of millions of people who believe getting an education is tantamount to “liberal indoctrination.”

They literally believe that education has a “liberal bias” essentially because facts don’t often support their ideology. To most people, that might lead them to question whether or not what they believe is accurate. But not to conservatives. Oh, no. To them, if facts don’t corroborate their ideology, the facts are wrong or biased.

And they’re only getting worse. But miraculously they’ve managed to do one thing: They’ve added a new kink in the theory of evolution by somehow managing to get dumber over time, not smarter.


So this is likely going to rustle some conservative jimmies here at RIU

I bet none of the criticisms are about the points made and instead will focus on the author or the publication, but that's fine, that's expected

Pretty much says it all..

The First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and topetition the Government for a redress of grievances.
— The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

First Amendment Center operates several Religious Freedom Programs advancing the understanding of freedom of religion in public schools and other venues.

Free speech

The First Amendment says that people have the right to speak freely without government interference.

The Freedom Forum's First Amendment Center presents several programs addressing aspects of free speech, including Freedom Sings and First Amendment on Campus.

Free press

The First Amendment gives the press the right to publish news, information and opinions without government interference. This also means people have the right to publish their own newspapers, newsletters, magazines, etc.

The Freedom Forum's First Amendment Center provides a program for newspaper editors and other staff through a partnership with the American Press Institute.


The First Amendment says that people have the right to gather in public to march, protest, demonstrate, carry signs and otherwise express their views in a nonviolent way. It also means people can join and associate with groups and organizations without interference.


The First Amendment says that people have the right to appeal to government in favor of or against policies that affect them or that they feel strongly about. This freedom includes the right to gather signatures in support of a cause and to lobby legislative bodies for or against legislation.
it isn't accepted as "normal" by a very significant portion, majority of Americans.


I guess 42 percent is not a sizable proportion to you.

Notice the time frame where the majority went from opposed to not opposed, or what have you. ...

It coincides with a minor change in language.

The difference may seem minor, but relations (new word) contemplates gays dating, behind closed doors possibly.

Behavior, old word, out in public same sex pda. Flaming in the open, in other words.
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I guess 42 percent is not a sizable proportion to you.

Notice the time frame where the majority went from opposed to not opposed, or what have you. ...

It coincides with a minor change in language.

The difference may seem minor, but relations (new word) contemplates gays dating, behind closed doors possibly.

Behavior, old word, out in public same sex pda. Flaming in the open, in other words.

i think the difference comes from "homosexual" versus "gay and lesbian" actually, but i only base that statement on other poll wording analyses i have reviewed (unlike you, who pulls it all out of his ass whenever he's not being ashamed of taking it in his ass).

but no matter how you ask the question, the trend is the same. the bigots are losing.

it's OK that you're gay. and yes, i mean you personally.
i think the difference comes from "homosexual" versus "gay and lesbian" actually, but i only base that statement on other poll wording analyses i have reviewed (unlike you, who pulls it all out of his ass whenever he's not being ashamed of taking it in his ass).

but no matter how you ask the question, the trend is the same. the bigots are losing.

it's OK that you're gay. and yes, i mean you personally.
I would set gays on totally equal footing; socially, legally, politically, and religiously.

This isn't the point.

You like to argue that what should be IS. Your logic appears to be that if people think it already is, they'll accept it because they're afraid of change.
I would set gays on totally equal footing; socially, legally, politically, and religiously.

This isn't the point.

You like to argue that what should be IS. Your logic appears to be that if people think it already is, they'll accept it because they're afraid of change.

That hits the nail on the head.
Buck fantasizes about politics and personalities and no logic can change his mind.
i think the difference comes from "homosexual" versus "gay and lesbian" actually, but i only base that statement on other poll wording analyses i have reviewed (unlike you, who pulls it all out of his ass whenever he's not being ashamed of taking it in his ass).

but no matter how you ask the question, the trend is the same. the bigots are losing.

it's OK that you're gay. and yes, i mean you personally.
Besides, you should know I don't suck or allow the penis into my anus, that's to gay for my level of gayness.