A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911

all of it true........except we didn't need to fake it. we've pissed off the world to the point that all that is required is sitting back and waiting for blow-back. don't sell Islamo-Fascism short.
They're totally high tech...

9/11 was a false flag. To pass the patriot act to take away your freedom and cover up the trillions of dollars they stole. As well as to steal the oil from Iraq and the lithium from Afghanistan... & to keep the poppy fields open & rockin for the World Bank and the Rothschilds .

No plane hit the Pentagon! . Come on now! Yall gotta be smarter than that.

Welcome to the NWO.
the Rothschilds are just members of the board, and they had to give up matzoh balls, and funny little hats to do it. the opium is for us, don't worry. its probably in your municipal water already, for a little test run. they'll turn on the poppy water a couple of days before the banks don't open.........ever again.
Actually footage of their flight training...


I know it sounds bad in retrospect, but I actually used to try fly between the twin towers in that game in large commercial airliners...
not at all. sounds cool. I'm not butt-hurt or sensitive about 911, for sure. we ask for it. every day. for years. for decades.
You need a weapon? Take one from the enemy, Yeah, like that Malaysia Flight,
False flag to give a Rothschild sole rights to that microchip patent.

My guess? CIA operatives sent it the wrong direction using NSA satellites, then Stinger'd it and the search naturally went the wrong direction.
False flag to give a Rothschild sole rights to that microchip patent.

My guess? CIA operatives sent it the wrong direction using NSA satellites, then Stinger'd it and the search naturally went the wrong direction.
just take control remotely, including com, and who cares what the poor motherfuckers on the plane do.

"you can scream now, if you like......"
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no, people like you get confronted with the truth that they cant handle and they try to post a funny picture, good one bro i know exactly where my mind is
no, you unleashed a crazy obtuse and irrelevant deluge of random assertions, which had NO bearing on the subject at hand.

who gives a fuck if the "patriot act" had a title that some dimwitted politicians thought was clever?
the congress loves passing bills they think will bolster their chances at re-election, and the "patriot act" served that purpose nicely.

barry seotoro extended the "patriot act" because he loves to use it's powers while insisting he is opposed to it.
this is just another example of a pol using the electorate's own stupidity against them.

yes, congress passed a bill, and Booo00o000oo0oosh signed it, crating the "department of homeland security and dissident suppression"
congress loves crafting bills that will enhance their chances of getting re-elected...

why did the south tower collapse first? cuz it got hit better.
buildings being hit by planes are not a game of jenga, some buildings will stand longer, while others fall sooner because the planes did not hit in exactly the same spots.
if you shoot one guy in the gut, and then, 5 minutes later you shoot his twin brother in the chest, the guy with the chest wound will likely die long before the belly wound guy, even though he was shot later.

who cares when or where the carlyle group met, and FYI, OBL has ~22 brothers and HUNDREDS of male cousins, and all of them are incredibly wealthy, well connected, and invest in a shitload of businesses around the world.
when you get into the rarefied air of international billionaire meetings, you cant swing a cat without hitting a Bin Laden.

none of this proves that the US govt blew up the pentagon with a missile, or that 9/11 was an inside job, or that you are anything but a crazy person trying to make sense of a rational world through your irrational mind.
9/11 was a false flag. To pass the patriot act to take away your freedom and cover up the trillions of dollars they stole. As well as to steal the oil from Iraq and the lithium from Afghanistan... & to keep the poppy fields open & rockin for the World Bank and the Rothschilds .

No plane hit the Pentagon! . Come on now! Yall gotta be smarter than that.

Welcome to the NWO.
you really are cracked.

Protip: California used to be the Opium Poppy Capital Of The World.
if the Rothschilds (Dem Jews!!!) were as powerful as you believe, and they wanted opium poppies grown, california would be growing that shit again.
it is a sign of your derangement that you believe JEWS are orchestrating a scheme to put millions of dollars into the hands of moslem fundamentalists WHO HATE THEM, by tricking those moslems into growing opium for sale to heroin junkies, when east asia is easily the largest supplier of opium already, and could (with the power of Dem Jews) increase production exponentially.

why would JEWS want to finance militant moslem fundamentalists who blindly follow the dictates of an opium addicted pederast who ordered them to kill every last JEW on the planet????

further, we got NO oil from iraq. NONE. ZERO.
it all went to europe, and asia.

even FURTHER, really. lithium?
if the US was waging a war for resources to steal afghanistan's lithium, why have we not annexed it, declared it a territory and started eliminating the mud hut dwellers who live there?
the US doesnt want afghanistan.
we want to do our thing without those primitive savages fucking our shit up every time they get a bug up their asses about some bullshit that doesnt even involve their backward little country.

afghanistan has been a motherfucking WAR ZONE since the silk road first opened, you could not get from europe to asia (for silk jewels spices etc) by land without going through afghanistan, unless you want to hike 3000 miles north, past the mountains, or trudge through the desert 2000 miles south.
every petty warlord tries to shake down every caravan, warring tribal factions make building a road pipeline or railroad through afghanistan nearly impossible, and thus asia-europe trade is hindered by afghanistan's long tradition of anarchy, sectarian and tribal violence, and general backwardness.

ultimately the best thing for afghanistan would be for those clowns to knock off their stupid shit, simmer the fuck down and become wealthy through trade, mining and transportation, but they wont do that, because every crab in the bucket wants to be the top crab.

you have no fucking idea whats going on in the world, or why. you just want to make villains and applaud heroes.
thats the sign of a weak mind.
False flag to give a Rothschild sole rights to that microchip patent.

My guess? CIA operatives sent it the wrong direction using NSA satellites, then Stinger'd it and the search naturally went the wrong direction.
why would the cia spend so much effort to shoot down a passenger airliner from a country most people couldnt find on a map, never think about and dont give a squirt of piss over?

what motherfucking microchip patent are you blathering about?

a couple engineers from a semiconductor company heading to china were on the plane, but that doesnt mean the evil JEWS can seize the company's patents.

the patents belong to the company, if the evil JEWS wanted the patents why not just buy the fucking company with their Jew Golds?
then they would own the patents, and still have the engineers who know how it works and can improve it.
your crazy narrative is like killing your neighbors goose that lays golden eggs, instead of STEALING IT FOR YOURSELF and running for the hills.

i guess thats why you never hear about secret cabals of irish conspirators trying to take over the world.
you just dont think like a supervillain.

edit: also the Stinger Shoulder Fired Surface To Air Missile has a a range of 3 miles, so they would need some dipshit standing on a boat, RIGHT UNDER the path of the plane in order to hit it, and even then it would have to be flying pretty low.

seriously, a Stinger???

over the indian ocean???

against a plane flying at altitude????

you might as well throw rocks (unless your name is Doer... then you got a shot.)
you really are cracked.

Protip: California used to be the Opium Poppy Capital Of The World.
if the Rothschilds (Dem Jews!!!) were as powerful as you believe, and they wanted opium poppies grown, california would be growing that shit again.
it is a sign of your derangement that you believe JEWS are orchestrating a scheme to put millions of dollars into the hands of moslem fundamentalists WHO HATE THEM, by tricking those moslems into growing opium for sale to heroin junkies, when east asia is easily the largest supplier of opium already, and could (with the power of Dem Jews) increase production exponentially.

why would JEWS want to finance militant moslem fundamentalists who blindly follow the dictates of an opium addicted pederast who ordered them to kill every last JEW on the planet????

further, we got NO oil from iraq. NONE. ZERO.
it all went to europe, and asia.

even FURTHER, really. lithium?
if the US was waging a war for resources to steal afghanistan's lithium, why have we not annexed it, declared it a territory and started eliminating the mud hut dwellers who live there?
the US doesnt want afghanistan.
we want to do our thing without those primitive savages fucking our shit up every time they get a bug up their asses about some bullshit that doesnt even involve their backward little country.

afghanistan has been a motherfucking WAR ZONE since the silk road first opened, you could not get from europe to asia (for silk jewels spices etc) by land without going through afghanistan, unless you want to hike 3000 miles north, past the mountains, or trudge through the desert 2000 miles south.
every petty warlord tries to shake down every caravan, warring tribal factions make building a road pipeline or railroad through afghanistan nearly impossible, and thus asia-europe trade is hindered by afghanistan's long tradition of anarchy, sectarian and tribal violence, and general backwardness.

ultimately the best thing for afghanistan would be for those clowns to knock off their stupid shit, simmer the fuck down and become wealthy through trade, mining and transportation, but they wont do that, because every crab in the bucket wants to be the top crab.

you have no fucking idea whats going on in the world, or why. you just want to make villains and applaud heroes.
thats the sign of a weak mind.

I never said anything about jews and that thought never popped into my head.

You are a FOOL. You should hang w that unclebuck...a perfect example of a socially engineered sheeple.
I never said anything about jews and that thought never popped into my head.

You are a FOOL. You should hang w that unclebuck...a perfect example of a socially engineered sheeple.
so, you are unaware that the Rothschilds are jews?
you dont know that they are the favourite whipping boy for racist (actual racists...) assholes who want to blame jews for everything under the sun?
you just pulled the rothschilds out at random, instead of the Rockerfellers, or the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Chases, or even the Bin Ladens?
you just randomly pulled up the only JEWS in the bunch...

why would the cia spend so much effort to shoot down a passenger airliner from a country most people couldnt find on a map, never think about and dont give a squirt of piss over?

what motherfucking microchip patent are you blathering about?

a couple engineers from a semiconductor company heading to china were on the plane, but that doesnt mean the evil JEWS can seize the company's patents.

the patents belong to the company, if the evil JEWS wanted the patents why not just buy the fucking company with their Jew Golds?
then they would own the patents, and still have the engineers who know how it works and can improve it.
your crazy narrative is like killing your neighbors goose that lays golden eggs, instead of STEALING IT FOR YOURSELF and running for the hills.

i guess thats why you never hear about secret cabals of irish conspirators trying to take over the world.
you just dont think like a supervillain.

edit: also the Stinger Shoulder Fired Surface To Air Missile has a a range of 3 miles, so they would need some dipshit standing on a boat, RIGHT UNDER the path of the plane in order to hit it, and even then it would have to be flying pretty low.

seriously, a Stinger???

over the indian ocean???

against a plane flying at altitude????

you might as well throw rocks (unless your name is Doer... then you got a shot.)

I don't think it is a jewish thing, the average jewish person is innocent
Its the neocon zionist. maybe try some people like Richard Pearle, Paul Wolfowitz, David Frum and Dick Cheney
how big you want this list to be bro?
let's not forget the house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (the #1 wealthiest family on earth, Bar None!) after them, everybody else is just little fish.
If we were talking about wealth in Love my household would be near the top.
I don't think it is a jewish thing, the average jewish person is innocent
Its the neocon zionist. maybe try some people like Richard Pearle, Paul Wolfowitz, David Frum and Dick Cheney
so you dont hate jews, you just hate "Zionism" (which happens to be fundamental to the jewish faith...)
