Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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we're all about to die..........can't ya feel it? I'm goin' out happy :)
2016.......the dollar crashes, as a comet hits Shillary in the forehead, and North Korea accidentally sprays the atmosphere with nuclear blasts due to a hungry North Korean eating the insulation off of circuits. if only zombies were real.......they could save us.
Whereas a person with Aspergers is daily asked bullshit questions like you ask. Then when I give you a bullshit response, you say that retarded garbage right there in the above quote.

Maybe it's because I'm tired of people treating me like a freak because they're bigoted assholes

You seem to be one of a kind then. Maybe they ask YOU bullshit questions because you give them reason to.

And having read your posts on this forum, i imagine you are treated in such a manner for a good reason, and it's not your aspergers.
I have plenty of guns. What I have doesn't prohibit me from shit! :finger:
You're aware the Second Amendment isn't an unlimited right and there is a long standing prohibition on the mentally ill owning guns.

Its for the protection of us "N/T's" or "normal people" from your deluded violent rages.
You're aware the Second Amendment isn't an unlimited right and there is a long standing prohibition on the mentally ill owning guns.

Its for the protection of us "N/T's" or "normal people" from your deluded violent rages.

Says the guy who doesn't even live in the US.
Says the guy who doesn't even live in the US.
We have a long standing prohibition on the mentally ill owning guns here too, skunkcunt.

And just because I'm not a citizen means I cant learn about the US?

And I can say what I like, First Amendment, you used tampon.
We have a long standing prohibition on the mentally ill owning guns here too, skunkcunt.

And just because I'm not a citizen means I cant learn about the US?

And I can say what I like, First Amendment, you used tampon.
I banged a girl with that. she liked to claw your back, and asked to be hit. I did consider crackin' her one, a couple of times. free kick an' all.
We have a long standing prohibition on the mentally ill owning guns here too, skunkcunt.

And just because I'm not a citizen means I cant learn about the US?

And I can say what I like, First Amendment, you used tampon.

You act like a child.
Like a 12 year old boy.
Youre supposed to try make me mad.

I ain't even mad, but youre fat.

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