Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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i just looked up boerboels. i want one now.
Best guard dogs ever. IMO..If you have other pets make sure to get a pup first, so they can grow into your family.....very very territorial. Great with kids and loyal as fuck ( but what dog isn't ). Easy to train BUT does need to be trained ( can and will destroy shit if you let it). Needs a large space to run. Would not recommend if you don't have a nice size yard or if you don't like walking a dog.
My dogs don't messed with anyone until you mess with a family member or come on my property. Then all bets are off. When they like you ...they loves you.
That's sad.
We have them here too.
If you own a home and have a 'dangerous dog' your insurance may be dropped or skyrocket.
Though many people on welfare are 'rappers' and own 'dangerous dogs', live the thug life
with no penalties implied.
Name me a rapper on welfare.
Londonfog doesn't understand "simple" concepts like quotes around words, yet he makes fun of people with Aspergers for not understanding. Typical huh?
You just have to mention you're an ass burger in every FUCKING thread, don't you?

Noone gives a fuck about your mental problems and mentioning it constantly will lead to derision, naturally.
Londonfog doesn't understand "simple" concepts like quotes around words, yet he makes fun of people with Aspergers for not understanding. Typical huh?
no I just like bigoted comments to be addressed.
How was you Aspergers today...did you get thru yesterday without getting upset. I understand your disability...Just have a hard time understanding the ignorant comments you makes
You just have to mention you're an ass burger in every FUCKING thread, don't you?

Noone gives a fuck about your mental problems and mentioning it constantly will lead to derision, naturally.
I think he wears a shirt in public.


oh you making shit up...Never mind a just would be lowgrade

I mean some of the kids around here, dreaming of the thug life.
They have raps and think this will save them from working normal jobs or going to school.
Some people do have talent and make it big but not many with an proper education.
no I just like bigoted comments to be addressed.
How was you Aspergers today...did you get thru yesterday without getting upset. I understand your disability...Just have a hard time understanding the ignorant comments you makes

I make them for the same reason a gang banger would shoot you dead if you went up to one in a predominately black neighborhood, "Hey nigger!"

No one would wonder, "omg! How horrible. I wonder what made him do such a thing."

Whereas a person with Aspergers is daily asked bullshit questions like you ask. Then when I give you a bullshit response, you say that retarded garbage right there in the above quote.

Maybe it's because I'm tired of people treating me like a freak because they're bigoted assholes? Why must everyone get along for racial issues or you get a news story? But in order to get a news story from one of my people, it takes a mass shooting! :dunce:

Gang violence happens all the time. Some emo gang banger thinks, "the damn fucking white devil. I'm gonna go join a gang so I can murder, rape and steal from them. But it will be gang violence, so it's ok. Payback whitey!"

It's people like you being hypocrites. If it's for skin color you liberal folks start a community outreach, big brother programs, etc.

When one of, "my people," does it. You see people making fun of us and starting threads about how our guns should be taken away. Then laugh about the hilarity. When one of your people has something happen to them or they do it, then people yell racism.

You know very damn well, "did you get thru yesterday without getting upset." That's being a pretentious dickhead. When I do it back, "oh look, the ass burger is having a freak out! Watch out! He might go on a rampage serial killing" Hahahaha. Post a picture.
You just have to mention you're an ass burger in every FUCKING thread, don't you?

Noone gives a fuck about your mental problems and mentioning it constantly will lead to derision, naturally.

Only from liberal drunks like yourself. Those sentences actually make some sense. Go down a few more pints.
I make them for the same reason a gang banger would shoot you dead if you went up to one in a predominately black neighborhood, "Hey nigger!"

No one would wonder, "omg! How horrible. I wonder what made him do such a thing."

Whereas a person with Aspergers is daily asked bullshit questions like you ask. Then when I give you a bullshit response, you say that retarded garbage right there in the above quote.

Maybe it's because I'm tired of people treating me like a freak because they're bigoted assholes? Why must everyone get along for racial issues or you get a news story? But in order to get a news story from one of my people, it takes a mass shooting! :dunce:

Gang violence happens all the time. Some emo gang banger thinks, "the damn fucking white devil. I'm gonna go join a gang so I can murder, rape and steal from them. But it will be gang violence, so it's ok. Payback whitey!"

It's people like you being hypocrites. If it's for skin color you liberal folks start a community outreach, big brother programs, etc.

When one of, "my people," does it. You see people making fun of us and starting threads about how our guns should be taken away. Then laugh about the hilarity. When one of your people has something happen to them or they do it, then people yell racism.

You know very damn well, "did you get thru yesterday without getting upset." That's being a pretentious dickhead. When I do it back, "oh look, the ass burger is having a freak out! Watch out! He might go on a rampage serial killing" Hahahaha. Post a picture.
You actually mentioned my name and brought up your asperger. I just continued the convo. Why do you get so bent up so quickly..ooops never mind
Wow I never seen so many "off topic" topics in one thread. It has everything but the kitchen sink. So, now I guess the only thing to do is let Uncle Buck comment on his sink and 40 posts later we will be discussing on how horse shoes are anti-gay and racist. Shitburgers? 0.o
Is it hard for you to relate to your child ?

Not at all. I enjoyed being a substitute teacher. Who I don't relate to are liberals like you. Teachers are for the most part very liberal. I just wanted to be left alone to teach. Sometimes busy body teachers would come in to check up on me. I'd tell them to kindly get lost which they apparently didn't take too kindly. It was rude what they'd do. It was rare that another teacher from only some schools. Out of over 30 schools, only 3 teachers from 2 schools did it. All the teachers and students thought I was one of the best subs. Before I got fired, I had a two week sub lined up for one teacher. It was canceled.

Moral. Liberals are douche bag fucks and I hope they all join a mass suicide cult and drink cyanide laced Grape Flavor Aid.
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