RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
i'm built like a brick shithouse and that works for me. i prefer endurance training. try swimming 8 miles in open ocean and see how good a shape you are in.
I did a 13 mile paddle from la to catalina a few years ago...does that count its kind of like swimming.

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Well-Known Member
I did a 13 mile paddle from la to catalina a few years ago...does that count its kind of like swimming.

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not even close. good exercise but not the same. swimming is the best exercise for your body.

8 miles in windy conditions with 3 foot chop, tiger sharks, bull sharks, white tip sharks, and nobody around for miles. that's balls deep.


Well-Known Member
not even close. good exercise but not the same. swimming is the best exercise for your body.

8 miles in windy conditions with 3 foot chop, tiger sharks, bull sharks, white tip sharks, and nobody around for miles. that's balls deep.
Lol i was a swimmer in high school, i figured the extra 5 miles would maybe make up for the lack of leg use.

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Well-Known Member
Lol i was a swimmer in high school, i figured the extra 5 miles would maybe make up for the lack of leg use.

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you're welcome to try it. i wouldn't recommend it though. the currents and chop between the pear islands would swallow up most frogmen. no fins, set of goggles, and that's it.


Well-Known Member
you're welcome to try it. i wouldn't recommend it though. the currents and chop between the pear islands would swallow up most frogmen.
Lol i was a swimmer in school through college, im kind of over it.

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Well-Known Member
i did it to challenge myself. longest i've ever swam. going for 10 miles in a few months. and i have most of it on GoPro.
Thats dope. We had to do one for beach lifeguarding but ive never really done more than that in the ocean. The paddle was crazy cuz you start at 8pm

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Well-Known Member
Geez! I agree. Swimming is hard. I'm in decent shape and when swimming last year in Belize it tires you out real soon. Ocean/lake swimming is quite different than pool swimming.

Funny story:

When we went snorkeling we went with another family (paid charter) that were strangers to us. The father was talking shit the whole time about how he was such a strong swimmer and eschewed the provided little floaty device (looks sort of like a water noodle) I took one just to be safe in case I got tired, Well we hear an alert signal go off and we all surface to see the guide asking if there was anyone willing to give up their floaty device b/c aqua man here couldn't make it back to the boat. LOL!

What was even more douchy was the guy asked ME and my under 18 year old SON if we'd be willing to give up ours!!! I told the guy he just tore up his man card. Seriously? If I were any kind of man I'd DROWN before I'd ask a woman or a boy for their "floaty". What a dick.


Well-Known Member
Most of us here grow weed right? we obsess over what we feed our plants. Read for hours and hours over which nutrient or supplement is better. Give exact ppm's, exact pH. Etc..
Don't you owe it to yourself to give yourself the best products out there. The ones with the most nutrition, the heathiest. We put products into our bodies filled with preservatives, sugars, artificial flavors, antibiotics, hormones, pesticides and on and on everyday and don't give it a second thought.
Growing has taught me the value of nutrition.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I tell this to my patients all the time.... How much did you weigh when you were born? And how much now? That difference is made up of the foods you've eaten, the drink you've had, and the air you've breathed.

Beware of what you eat, drink, and breathe.


Well-Known Member
I tell this to my patients all the time.... How much did you weigh when you were born? And how much now? That difference is made up of the foods you've eaten, the drink you've had, and the air you've breathed.

Beware of what you eat, drink, and breathe.
wait-what? what does their birthweight have to do w/ current weight? I'd think genetics play a huge part as well….

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
wait-what? what does their birthweight have to do w/ current weight? I'd think genetics play a huge part as well….
It is the difference of those two weights that we're looking at.

I was around 8lbs when born, now I am 210lbs. That extra 202lbs came from the food I ate, the things I drank, and what I put into my lungs.

Genetics does play a role obviously but weight doesn't come from thin air, it comes from food, drink and air. Or McDs, alcohol, and smoking. See what I'm getting at?

This is my little spiel of how you are what you eat...

Did that clear it up? I know I think funny sometimes


Well-Known Member
No. We grow regardless of WHAT we eat, cheeseburgers or salad… Sorry to sound dense but how does referencing birthweight enlighten people to eat smarter? You are what you eat regardless of what you weighed at birth no?


Active Member
Hookahbelly is right and so are you. AP class or nutrition classes teach you these things. As humans we have a predispositions in our genetic code. You'll grow no matter what. You may die if you don't eat and have stunted growth a lot of problems actually. Once you fully mature controlling your weight becomes much easier.


Active Member
That's pretty bad ass to swim that for real! I only run and lift weights. I don't have many places around me to swim without it being an Olympic size pool which is mucho boring lol