GOP House Votes To Leave States Alone On Medical Marijuana


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Perhaps validating what public opinion have been showing for some time, the House voted in Friday's wee hours to prohibit the federal government from interfering with medical marijuana laws passed by 32 states and the District of Columbia.

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While I think it's a good step I had to laugh when reading the votes. I think 5 of the 9 republicans on the 10th amendment task force voted against this. I don't hide my disdain for dems but lol at anyone on the 10th amendment task force voting against states sovereignty. Our government really sucks right now.Reps. John Culberson (R-Texas), Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas), Mike Conaway (R-Texas), and Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) voted no. All are members of the committee.
I like this quote too. It sums up our government perfectly concerning social issues.
. "Congress is far from leading the country in this regard. Rather, we're catching up with where the country already is."
lol, nice misleading title.

this was passed on the strength of democratic votes, something like 170 Ds voted for it, and only 49 Rs. about 17 Ds voted against it, along with 170+ Rs who voted against it.

misleading title is obvious and desperate. like ginwilly on
LOL, yeah, sooo misleading. The Democrats actually have the majority of House seats.

Man, you'll bitch about anything, huh?
LOL, yeah, sooo misleading. The Democrats actually have the majority of House seats.

Man, you'll bitch about anything, huh?

the GOP members of the house overwhelmingly voted against this. the democrat members of the house overwhelmingly voted for this.

does it make you sad that i point out the reality of the shitty republican party?
It doesn't matter if the GOP votes didn't carry this.. it's still a GOP House. How is calling it what it is misleading?

Also, the short comings on both sides make me sad, but that's just how it works.
It doesn't matter if the GOP votes didn't carry this.. it's still a GOP House. How is calling it what it is misleading?

Also, the short comings on both sides make me sad, but that's just how it works.

I read the title and thought it meant that the GOP led this action. So it's a tad misleading, but that's on me.

I focused on the 10th committee thinking these would be the guys leading the charge, that's why I had to chuckle at the no votes.

I'm still deciding whether social conservatism or fiscal liberalism is worse for society. I think as far as today is concerned, it's the social conservatives, as far as our future and our children's future is concerned, it's not even close. They can change idiotic blue laws, but they can't undo the 20T in debt we will have in a few short years.
Yes, I did chuckle at that too. It's fun to see the breakdown in parties when things like this happen. Looks like the Bible won that little internal struggle. Again.

Oh well. I'm all for the final results. It's a good step. Maybe one day they actually will catch up after all.
Yeah, that's great buck. We know. Still doesn't mean you get to redefine what a GOP House means just so you have something to complain about.
Yeah, that's great buck. We know. Still doesn't mean you get to redefine what a GOP House means just so you have something to complain about.

if the republicans had anything to be proud about, you wouldn't have to deceive and mislead.