2014 outdoor

Colorado Old Guy

Active Member
I like what FF has to say about "don't overcare ". Some of the things I read in these threads just dumbfounds me with regard to the type and quantity of nutrients that are stuffed into plants. I can't see how they can get their breath to grow with all that stuff coming down on them. It's my opinion that a lot of the problems described in the various threads are from too much water and too much nutrients, however, the proof is in the pudding and if it smokes good when you are all done, pour it on.


Well-Known Member
any way to tell the sex of the bigger one? someone said something about the nodes alternating and how you can sex the plant early that way.... sounds kinda kooky but whatever... what do yall think?


Well-Known Member
Sexing is a process, it requires a12/12 light (flowering cycle)..that's why plants on their own show the first month after flipping from veg to flower...you have no info about their environment so I can only assume (being in the outdoor section) these are under the sun receiving natures veg cycle, with that being said you won't know for quite some time..(months) not until nature puts them on a flowering schedule...once that happens look for theses two fine white pistils (pic1)...they identify the plant as female,..I sex my seedlings early, mine show by the third leaf set (pic2 3rd leaf set up, left side you see the 2 pistils) I like to know ASAP the sex as to not waste time, planting spot and soil on what turns out to be a male plant?.

Good luck on a girl....



Well-Known Member
Sexing is a process, it requires a12/12 light (flowering cycle)..that's why plants on their own show the first month after flipping from veg to flower...you have no info about their environment so I can only assume (being in the outdoor section) these are under the sun receiving natures veg cycle, with that being said you won't know for quite some time..(months) not until nature puts them on a flowering schedule...once that happens look for theses two fine white pistils (pic1)...they identify the plant as female,..I sex my seedlings early, mine show by the third leaf set (pic2 3rd leaf set up, left side you see the 2 pistils) I like to know ASAP the sex as to not waste time, planting spot and soil on what turns out to be a male plant?.

Good luck on a girl....
You sex at the 3rd node? Fucking sick bro. How much does this slow them down though?


Well-Known Member
any way to tell the sex of the bigger one? someone said something about the nodes alternating and how you can sex the plant early that way.... sounds kinda kooky but whatever... what do yall think?
What they mean is, you can sex before the plant has alternating nodes which means it's mature and ready for flower... like Pass does.


Well-Known Member
Sexing is a process, it requires a12/12 light (flowering cycle)..that's why plants on their own show the first month after flipping from veg to flower...you have no info about their environment so I can only assume (being in the outdoor section) these are under the sun receiving natures veg cycle, with that being said you won't know for quite some time..(months) not until nature puts them on a flowering schedule...once that happens look for theses two fine white pistils (pic1)...they identify the plant as female,..I sex my seedlings early, mine show by the third leaf set (pic2 3rd leaf set up, left side you see the 2 pistils) I like to know ASAP the sex as to not waste time, planting spot and soil on what turns out to be a male plant?.

Good luck on a girl....
In 30+ years, I've never had a flower at the third node on a normal plant. Seeing is believing! One question: Is that plant an autoflowering type? I start my plants in January in a greenhouse with extra heat to keep things above freezing. Nearly all of the starts show sex at the sixth node.


Well-Known Member
In 30+ years, I've never had a flower at the third node on a normal plant. Seeing is believing! One question: Is that plant an autoflowering type? I start my plants in January in a greenhouse with extra heat to keep things above freezing. Nearly all of the starts show sex at the sixth node.
All from seed, I like total control! Autos aren't for me...


Well-Known Member
There are atmospheric conditions a grower can provide along with the right diet to promote female birth, once these conditions are met, sex shows a lot quicker...and my female to male ratio is "unheard of" by most...


Well-Known Member
It takes a lot more time for a plant to transition from veg to flower then it does flower to veg...I'm not talking about a "reveg" (that's a plant in veg, then flowering as usual, then back to veg again) I'm saying raising from germ to the 3rd/4th leaf set on a 12/12 light cycle to sex, then going in veg mode and on their natural course from there. Flowering phase of marijuana is a "light" sensitive time for the plant...outside light sources can cause issues. Neighbors motion lights, street lights, = stagnated, airy, stretchy growth...possible hermies and or reveging. In veg, unless u have a constant of 12/12 or a constant of less then 8hrs direct sun..the cycle won't be affected...