Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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Proper punctuation AND capitalization. Bravo. :clap:

If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times. "I am a fraud. A self proclaimed troll. I am not who or what I appear to be. My ignorance is a farce, just to get people like you, and Uncle Buck, all in an uproar." I keep saying this and for some reason you people really want to believe I'm some stupid, fat chick. You do it simply to spew your own hatred. I am here to expose the likes of people like you. Keep it up, it's working.

You all have witnessed me lie in 20 different ways, yet you still hold me to some crazy standard of truth. All while you call ME stupid. They say the pot makes you dumb. You must be smoking the good shit.
so your contribution to any conversation is mere bullshit
Proper punctuation AND capitalization. Bravo. :clap:

If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times. "I am a fraud. A self proclaimed troll. I am not who or what I appear to be. My ignorance is a farce, just to get people like you, and Uncle Buck, all in an uproar." I keep saying this and for some reason you people really want to believe I'm some stupid, fat chick. You do it simply to spew your own hatred. I am here to expose the likes of people like you. Keep it up, it's working.

You all have witnessed me lie in 20 different ways, yet you still hold me to some crazy standard of truth. All while you call ME stupid. They say the pot makes you dumb. You must be smoking the good shit.

funny how i don't get into an uproar though, i get a laugh out of finding new ways to insinuate how monstrously obese you are.
That's what happens to an ENTIRE race of people when you don't allow them to shop at your store.

My grandfather was a Marine. He always was kind to his fellow black servicemen in arms. I'm glad his clothes found a nice home after his death with those guys.
please cite when you think this happened.

instead of me pulling out some paranoid, delusional J. Edgar Hooveresque notebook............which I, unlike certain whackadoodles I do not come you just didn't say, "hey.......I don't do that; I'm not down with that"?

cause yer a fuckin' bullshit artist sophist.
remind me how many right wingers called out the neo-nazis we had last summer and attempted to chase them away.

I didn't want to get in the way and cock block you. Much apologies. Since I'm not a right winger, I don't know how much good it would've done. They would've thought, "damn, that freak!" Right wingers don't tolerate my kind either. Or did you forget about the Eugenics program?
She used the "N" word a few times, so have you. Closet racist.
the word is "nigger." say it. it is wrong to use as a slur; yes. but, let's stop being afraid of words.
nigger, nigger, nigger..........I think its a stupid word, and I refuse to be afraid of it.
true, we kikes don't use it in general, but some mics, spics, and chinks still do :)
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