Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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Well-Known Member
I think we should call this thread "Is killemsoftly hijacking the 'Do you agree with UncleBuck'?" thread.

As for UB... does he even grow weed?


Well-Known Member
used to? what happened? lol..
and yes, i understand, kind of, his reasoning for doing what he does, to a point, but if you act like you're better than by not being a racist or w/e, than turn around and use the c word or call someone a fat ass, well, it kind of takes away the very point you were trying to prove in the first place, of course, imvho.. read some of the things he calls sheskunk..
some people are fat, big deal, my mom wasn't always the skinniest of people during certain times of her life, doesn't make her any less loving or any less of a person imvho..
Or calls your recently deceased wife worm food!!!
For no reason other to be the man of the world he is.
He is just a beacon of humanity,Opps UB fell of the boat shark fishing ..Damn
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Well-Known Member
Once again you speak of what you don't know. She is very capable of having children...she just had one. You also are missing the point she is making. To sum it up in an old African proverb "It take a whole village to raise a child"
Yeah, once again and as always, you are wrong.
Her Uterus was removed in 2008, women find it very difficult to have children without that part.
Her last child? Surrogate.

How come you are wrong all the time?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, once again and as always, you are wrong.
Her Uterus was removed in 2008, women find it very difficult to have children without that part.
Her last child? Surrogate.

How come you are wrong all the time?
you do realize she already had a kid...this makes her second.
so your statement that she can't have any children is incorrect.
This dumb bitch is incapable of having Children, no wonder why she wants to take yours away.
perry family.jpg The Family Picture

The young lady on her left is her oldest daughter Parker
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Well-Known Member
you do realize she already had a kid...this makes her second.
so your statement that she can't have any children is incorrect.
View attachment 3165030 The Family Picture

The young lady on her left is her oldest daughter Parker
Oh well if she can have children why did she use a surrogate then?

Its because she can't have children, or do you really want to try and argue that point? She had a hysterectomy, trying to justify your idiotic argument that she was fully capable of having children and devolving it onto some kind of semantic argument isn't going to fly. You were wrong, like always.


Well-Known Member
Oh well if she can have children why did she use a surrogate then?

Its because she can't have children, or do you really want to try and argue that point? She had a hysterectomy, trying to justify your idiotic argument that she was fully capable of having children and devolving it onto some kind of semantic argument isn't going to fly. You were wrong, like always.
you said she can't have children..I'm saying she already has.
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