Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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you said she can't have children..I'm saying she already has.
NO, you actually thought she was capable of getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby, then I proved you wrong, as usual, and now you are all butt hurt about it, as usual. Its like the neverending story, I make a claim, you say I am wrong, I prove I am right and that you are indeed 100% wrong and you then claim that you were making some other claim all along and I misunderstood you the whole time. You do it EVERY TIME. This has happened at least 100 times in the past, you have only been proven correct once. Once is not a record to stand on.
i agree, you're not hating someone simply based on the color of their skin, like a racist, but you're still hating on them because they may have a vagina, or you disagree with them politically, or they may weigh more than what you consider to be "normal".

i only started calling her a cunt after she went full-racist. some of the shit she has posted is racist beyond an incendiary manner.
no you are an unfit mother..we discuss this before



You are supposed to capitalize the first letter of the first word when starting a new sentence.

An ellipsis is three dots in a row.

A sentenced is typically ended with a period. Unless it is a question.

You're a forth grade English failure. Maybe you should focus on that before you start judging others.
She used the "N" word a few times, so have you. Closet racist.

I used the N word simply to get at Uncle Buck. He loves calling people a racist so I gave him what he wanted. I trolled him and he fell for it, head-over-heels. I haven't used it since I put him on ignore for degrading his own wife.
UB is not a nice person. a hurt little boy, being nasty to others. he draws racists here, if anything. bigotry dies on the vine, if not responded to in kind. force begets force. when we all can stand around and laugh at a bigot..........we have won.

remind me how many right wingers called out the neo-nazis we had last summer and attempted to chase them away.
I used the N word simply to get at Uncle Buck. He loves calling people a racist so I gave him what he wanted. I trolled him and he fell for it, head-over-heels. I haven't used it since I put him on ignore for degrading his own wife.

yeah, you were just trying to act racist to troll me. right.

can't believe it took me over a day (or even over an hour) to call sheskank a racist.
As if I tried to hide it.

record says otherwise, sheskank.
i guess you missed where she posted memes about "niglets" and much worse.
Probably, I don't read every thread, not enough time, I come spend 10 or 15 mins then go do something else for a while or a few days, I don't make this site my every moment and read every thread and take notes on all the people and then look for their screen-names at other sites like people who get hung up on those sorts of things would do. I don't save all my PM's and put them in a database and I certainly don't track what groups people belong to in an effort to try and win arguments by belittling others. That's just me though, there are some mentally ill obsessive people who do those things though.

Of course we all know she/he was just trolling you for attention though, so what does it really matter?


You are supposed to capitalize the first letter of the first word when starting a new sentence.

An ellipsis is three dots in a row.

A sentenced is typically ended with a period. Unless it is a question.

You're a forth grade English failure. Maybe you should focus on that before you start judging others.
really ???? That's all you can come up with. Nothing about the statement of you being an unfit mother who thinks child sex slavery can open doors for the child...
really ???? That's all you can come up with. Nothing about the statement of you being an unfit mother who thinks child sex slavery can open doors for the child...

I'm talking nonsense while you display ignorance. One of us is being real. We'll let the panel decide which one it is. ;)
I'm talking nonsense while you display ignorance. One of us is being real. We'll let the panel decide which one it is. ;)
You talk nonsense and display your ignorance when doing so.
The panel has decided.
Just please don't sell your child just because you are hungry. I will send you food.
You talk nonsense and display your ignorance when doing so.
The panel has decided.
Just please don't sell your child just because you are hungry. I will send you food.

Proper punctuation AND capitalization. Bravo. :clap:

If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times. "I am a fraud. A self proclaimed troll. I am not who or what I appear to be. My ignorance is a farce, just to get people like you, and Uncle Buck, all in an uproar." I keep saying this and for some reason you people really want to believe I'm some stupid, fat chick. You do it simply to spew your own hatred. I am here to expose the likes of people like you. Keep it up, it's working.

You all have witnessed me lie in 20 different ways, yet you still hold me to some crazy standard of truth. All while you call ME stupid. They say the pot makes you dumb. You must be smoking the good shit.
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