If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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WOW This is a very interesting tread.I wish I could punch the users that correct everyone's punctuation and grammar.For the love of god it is a forum for Cannabis.
^^^^^^^ doctor*
Fixed it for ya O:-)
Wow, this is a very interesting post. I wish I could punch the users that don't use a space between the period and their next sentence. For the love of God, it is a forum for cannabis in English, please use proper punctuation and the correct use of capitalized letters.
"Can't we all just get a long" !!!!!!!!!!! ??????

I want to say that the docter did it on purpose, but I don't know the guy so who can say for sure.

Regardless, a single punch to the face should teach him not to do it again.
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