Commander Strax
Well-Known Member
if you could reach thru the screen and punch one person, who would you pick?
Don't fuck with GWN dude's strapped.I'd punch a mod. You know, for street cred.
I'd punch a mod. You know, for street cred.
Thank you for the hug, I know you said no homo but I am starting to chub up a bitSuch anger... maybe you should try a head shrink, instead of a head smash....
Maybe you have issues.... maybe it is not a good idea to smash peeps faces....
Maybe with all this head smashing, your hands will be tired and cut....
Don't waste your energy on wasted virtual head smashes...
I vote to give a big hug to: "Mr Commander Strax"
Hugs to you.... in a non homo loving manly kind of way...
You are a man aren't you? And not some bitch that needs to be face smashed?
Seems only a "Bitchy" person would like, and want to go around smashing faces...
And, Bitches, that condone face smashing, have a need to be smashed... like they are asking for it....
So... since you seem to be asking for it...
Fuckin guy beat me too it lolI would like to punch chuck estevez in the face, total prick!!!