Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Then quit telling lies about me.
Have fun in your new thread. Sincerely hope you do enjoy it. You need some enjoyment.

I won't try to take it from you by undoing the lies you had to tell in order to get it.

Now I will leave but if you click reply, I will be quoted and get an alert and probably come back. So if you want me to leave, just tell your lies with out calling me back.
lol. who did bro?
The random dipshit that just came in (abandonconflict) is his lackey.

The same person that wanted me to fly to his disease infested country to settle something he started, the same person who needs to bring backup to fight me, the same person that said he would fly to the southwest when I live in the southeast to come fight me..

actually, you threatened to hunt me down with your big brain and computer smarts and kill me, ripping me open from one side to the other as i recall.

that's not really "no reason" as you put it.
Buck, if you were to ever be near me, everything I said will happen.. (I have no problem gutting you like a fish)
This is what happens when you insult and constantly talk about someones family.. Say the shit you do in person, otherwise stay away.. You and any of your minions are not welcome in here, plain and simple. Or are you to stupid to comprehend that?
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