Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Puff Puff Pass My Friends....

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What is that?
I didn't start it.

You did, and then you backed out when you realized you were not going to be able to bring your gun.
Yea cause that is what happen.. I told you I would shoot your dumbass cause you were gonna bring someone to help your pussy ass jump me.. Now run along, you aren't welcome here.


Well-Known Member
I even offered to pay for your flight.
See and that makes you just as stupid as your butt buddy.. The difference between being here and being in politics is these good people in here can read, so they know why I wouldn't fly to your disease infested country to fight someone who started something with me. I end it, not start it..

Kinda like how you are in here starting shit again and you expect people to believe that you didn't start shit? hahaha


Well-Known Member
The random dipshit that just came in (abandonconflict) is his lackey.

The same person that wanted me to fly to his disease infested country to settle something he started, the same person who needs to bring backup to fight me, the same person that said he would fly to the southwest when I live in the southeast to come fight me..

Cock fight!!! oh wait..pussies aren't eligible are they?


Well-Known Member
No it wasn't on this thread, not sure which one honestly..and it had to do with more than just one thing. A newer member thats been following him was getting a lot of shit from some old timers who like to humiliate folks for the fun of it. I'm sending a PM about the other ;)
the guy following me is just doing it to talk shit every time too, marijuana passion going to have to check it out


Well-Known Member
I don't post in politics anymore cause it is filled with drama and that isn't why I'm here. I'm here in danksters thread with my friends and you two are harassing me for no reason.. There is no need for either of you to be in this thread.. Any person in here will back me over either of you.. Just leave and don't come back..

I'll even ask nicely. Please leave this thread, we don't want drama here.


Well-Known Member
I don't post in politics anymore cause it is filled with drama and that isn't why I'm here. I'm here in danksters thread with my friends and you two are harassing me for no reason.. There is no need for either of you to be in this thread.. Any person in here will back me over either of you.. Just leave and don't come back..

I'll even ask nicely. Please leave this thread, we don't want drama here.
I would say I love ya man but don't want to be inappropriate...what you just said? TOTALLY TRUE!!!!! thank you very much SGT!! ;) :)
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