When to flower


New Member
I currently have four clones that I've been vegging for about a month and a half. Just wondering when I should switch to 1212 lighting to start flowering. They are currently under four T5 lights.



Well-Known Member
Never used t-5 lamps, don't know their intensity or what their capable of doing. Added CFL's in the 230k range would help, I'm sure.
Those look great!
As sort of a rule of thumb I go by is- they'll pretty much triple in size (or more, depending on strain characteristics) after flipped. May keep that in mind.
I use 400hps (for flower), and used to veg for 3 wks ans flipped them and they wouldn't get too big for my light to cover thru flower. But usally, if I let one go for 4 wks, then the lower buds didn't really get enough light.
Now I start clones 12/12 at transplant. They stay very compact, covered well by the light- top to bottom, and I can do 1/2 dozen, or more at a time, in the size same area .


Well-Known Member
ok if your hitting them with t5 in flower . they will only usually stretch about half there veg height . ok so if your under strong t5 bulbs then I would veg them 1 foot tall no more finish height about 1.5 foot tall . depending on the strain . and this will get you max yield for light available . thing to keep in mind in flower is when its time to add as much light as possible . this will return you greatly in smoke . trust me you cant have to much light . so don't feel bad about your electric bill going up a little because your will get it back in that baggy or glass jar at the end and much more !